Do Me A Favour

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There in the doorway was the one and only Alex Turner, yup I now know his last name thanks to countless hours of research. And there next to him was my best friend, who looked like she was having a fit, she had now stopped panicking, and was speechless.

Which is quite an amazing thing to see, Scarlett Harrison quiet around a guy she likes, that is something to be speechless over.

"What are you doing here?" I say towards Alex, but Scarlett's brain has melted that much she's gone clueless.

"This is my apartment, and Alex Turner is standing outside my apartment, J do me a favour"


"Pinch me"

"Oh for fuck sake Scarlett move out the way" I walk towards them, standing in between Scarlett and Alex, Scarlett still with her mouth hanging open and Alex just looking a tad smug with himself.

"Alex what are you doing here?" I say reverting my attention back to him.

"I came to hand you your phone back"  he shoves his hand in his pocket to pull out my Disney cased phone, gotta love them tinker bell cases.

"You came all this wa.."

"YOU'RE ROGER?!" well if Scarlett didn't look mad before, she's now 100% looking like a nutter.

This would be great timing for the world to just swallow me.

"Hmm no love I'm Alex but you already knew that" he says smugly and gives her a cheeky wink. I could literally hear Scarlett faint behind me.

For the love of Christ.

I grab my phone from him and carry on, "As I was saying, you came all the way here to give me my phone back"

"Well I assumed you probably wouldn't be able to get in touch with us for it back, so I thought I'd bring it to you myself, but I wasn't expecting such an overwhelming welcome" Alex had a full on Cheshire Cat smile on his face now, and I've never wanted to punch someone so bad.

"And how do you know where I live?"

"You told me the other night in the car love... remember?"

I did as well.

"Well anyway thanks for the phone... I guess. You really should be on your way, don't want anymore crazy fans spotting you" I say turning to Scarlett who was just staring at him, like he'd just found the cure for world peace.

"Nah it's fine the crazy ones are always more fun" and there he goes again, well I'm just going to leave these two to it.

"Okay that's great, anyway thanks again, I've got to get going" I started to walk away when someone grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"That's no way to treat a guest J, invite him in for a drink" Scarlett says giving me her 'don't screw this up for me eyes.'

"Nah I'm alright I'm going back to the bedroom, you invite him in if you want him here so bad" I turn towards Alex and give him my best fake smile.

I pull hard away from her, and walk straight to the bedroom, making sure to shut the door loud enough for them to hear.

A couple minutes go past, and I have this weird tingling feeling in my stomach, like I shouldn't have left them alone. They are probably ripping each other's clothes off right now, ugh. Not like I care anyway, they are both single they can do what they please.
There is goes again like a butterfly feeling...

I'm not jealous.
I'm not jealous.

Why would I even be jealous it's not like I like Alex, I actually find him really annoying and rude. He's just a dick really, but a good looking dick, with nice eyes, and a killer smile.

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