(1) Living life in the USA

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Living life in the USA

Part 1

My name is Rebbeca, becky, for short. I am not a really tall person, about 5"3, I have long-ish blonde hair, natural of course. And I am 16 years old. I have no brothers and sisters and live in Australia with my mum and dad.

I was wearing a tank top and shorts, with black knee high converse.


"would you like anything?" the air hostess asked me, for like the 100th time in this 20 something hour flight. "no thank you" I said putting on a smile.

Why am I fliying?

Why wont I eat?

Why am I asking questions?

Because! First off my parents decide to ship me over to my auntie and uncle in Miami. My parents say that I'm not doing good enough at, well, anything!


"sweetie thank goodness you're home!" my dad greeted me at the front door, why? He hates me! "um, hi dad? Whats up?" I said.

"we have some great news for you!" my mum said running round the corner on the verge of tears.

"mum, what is it?" I asked getting slightly scared." You are going away for a few years to live in miami with your Auntie Clara and Uncle john!" my dad said, beaming, beaming very, very happily!

"I'm WHAT!?!" I screamed.

"honey? Are you.....alright?" my mum asked hiding behind my dad.

"yeah mum, actually? I AM PERFECT!" I said, I was extremely happy, yet terribly sad. Complex I know.

I ignored them for them rest of the evening and decided to go upstairs.


I got to the airport at about 4 o'clock the next morning and I was tired! I couldn't get one bit of sleep, even if I tried. As soon as I got my luggage I looked around and couldn't see my name anywhere. So I grabbed my I-pod and decided to listen to music while waiting out front.

I get to the front and see a guy in a suite holding my name up on a sign. I walked over to him and told him that was me. We walked out and outside was a Limo. Black and the interior was blood red! awwww how sweet, they new my favourite colours!

After about an hour in the car we finally pulled up to a house, and it was like, WOW!

HYPERLINK "http://realestate.halogenguides.com/image/show/montanahouse.png" http://realestate.halogenguides.com/image/show/montanahouse.png

I walked out and ran to the house, I knocked on the door, expecting a maid to answer, because it was very posh, it was aunt Clara.

"BECKY GIRL! Oh how you've grown! I have missed you so much!" she was obviously so happy to see me. "I missed you too auntie" I said giving her a hug.

"oh please, mum!" she said "seeing as your real mum abandoned you" she said slightly frowning.

"oh ok, then" I said slightly unsure.

"oh let me give you a tour." She said.

After about an hour of walking, we finally came to my room and it was AH-MAZING!

It wasn't my fave colours, it was a really pink and girly. But I still loved it!

HYPERLINK "http://www.aboutbar.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Pink-furniture-and-decoraton-girls-bedroom.jpg" http://www.aboutbar.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/Pink-furniture-and-decoraton-girls-bedroom.jpg

I turned around and instead of seeing my Auntie I saw, a girl? She was cute, not in the hott I would hook up with her. But as in little girl cute, she was probably about 6 years old. "hwi! Are woo my nwew big swissy?" she asked hugging a teddy, awwwww CUTE!!

"um, I guess? Im becky?" I said going up to her.

She ran straight up and gave me a big hug! And I hugged back.

A.N. Hey this is a new story, I hope you like it. XD thnx for reading!!! COMMENT, VOTE its only one click away! I wanna know what ya think! XD

Living Life in the USAWhere stories live. Discover now