Living Life In The USA (4 i think??)

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Living Life In The USA

Part 4

a.n/ heyyy how have you guys been?? I am sorry tht this is fair late but just a heads up I won't be able to post very often! School sucks at the moment I get heaps of homework! ARGH! Oh well read!


"YAY!!! I'm here!!" I yelled and ran out of the cab throwing notes at the driver and running to the door, before I got there I tripped and a pair of muscular arms wrapped round me.

Stranger Person POV::

I was on my way back to my house to properly meet my cousin/sister; I have never met her before, or even seen pictures so I really don't have a clue who or what she looks like.... This was gonna be fun, I was walking back, hands in pockets and listening to some music when I heard someone "YAY!!! I'm here!!" it was a chick, must be my cousin. I ran up to meet her when she fell, normally I would let someone fall and laugh but I couldn't. I grabbed her and lifted her to her feet. "Are you ok?" no answer....."hellooooo, Becca?? Are you ok?"I asked. She stared at me blankly and her face fell a little bit.

Chantell POV::

OH MY GOSH! He was cute! He had messy blonde hair and piercing blue eyes, they were hypnotizing! The only thing that brought me out of staring was the fact that he called me Becca. That must means he thought I was Rebecca. Shame.

"um....I'm not Becca. I'm Chantell, or chandy!"" I said.

"oh, sorry, I thought you were my cousin. Oh well" he had a nice voice, fairly soothing.

"oh yeah, I'm Shane. Nice to meet you. Oh if you're not my cuzz then why are you here??" he said.

Oh right this must be weird, having some stranger fall and land on him. He is soooo cute!

"Um, thanks?"he said, "OMG I did not just say that out loud! ARGH!" I picked up my stuff and ran inside.

As soon as I got inside I leaned against the wall breathing heavily and blushing a serious shade of red! I bet any money that if I stood still against a table people would think that I was a tomato and try to cut me!

"CHANDY!!!' that was the first thing I heard and then "OUFF" I was on my back laughing "Beccaaaaaa! Please get off me!" I said still laughing.

"oopsie, sorry" she said and got up taking me with her. "I missed you soooo much! I cannot believe it's been like," she mentally counted on her hands " days!" she screamed and we busted up laughing.

I hugged her and right then Shane decided to walk in, he looked at me and smirked, I blushed that tomato red again and Becca gave me look and mouthed 'what the hell?' Shane kept walking up to Becca, oh yeah they are now brothers and sisters!

Becca's POV:

Ooooh! Chandy got a crush! Hehe... I looked up at the guy that made her blush, he was cute! Not my type but still. He walked straight up to me and hugged me, um.... Ok! I hugged back and he let me go, damn that boy sure as hell works out heaps!

"hello?" I asked

"Hey sis! Hows it going?" he said back, wait what!? Sis, I am no sister except to my aunties daughter and, ohhh her son!

"YAY!" I screamed.

Everyone looked at me weird. I don't blame them I just wish they wouldn't make it so obvious.

"sorry, I just always wanted a brother" I said and they both laughed.

"ok Chandy, I am going to show you your room now."

A.N/ helloooooo I hope you liked, btw I can't get pics of the ppl so I was goin to describe them!


5"8 with short red hair (unnatural red) she is of medium build and a real skater chick. Curvy enough.


5"5 with long brown hair, down to hips, skinny but with curves, less then Chandy, more of an alternative chick

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 10, 2010 ⏰

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