Living Life In The USA (2)

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Living Life In The USA

Part 2


After I packed, I walked into the room to see my mum alone and in tears, "bye mum, see you got your old life back. All ALONE!" I said bitterly and laughed while leaving her there and got in the cab I ordered.

Good-bye house!


"FLIGHT 230 PLEASE MAKE YOUR WAY TO BOARDING GATE NUMBER 5!" a loud voice boomed over the speakers. Thank god! My butt was getting numb; the seat was hard and hurt like hell! I got up but fell face first over my handbag. "CRAP!" I yelled loud enough to get the attention of two elderly people, and a couple of laughing kids, great, coz I love having loads of attention.

I got my bag and walked away with my head down. I was moving to Miami so I was in black shorts, a pink tank top that had 2 pills on it, one was angry and one was happy saying, "Take a chill pill". I also wore my black knee-high converse! MY FAVE!

After waiting another 30 minutes the plane took off and I instantly fell asleep, who knew planes could be so comfy!

I woke up about 5 hours later and watched the little TV,


I finally got off the seat, reluctantly, very reluctantly. I walked out to the luggage thing; I never knew what they were called. But I grabbed my bag; it took me like, 3 goes to get the right one.

When I got my stuff I expected to see my Auntie, Aunt Clara. Yeah I was living with my Aunt, sue me!

Instead I saw a very fancy man with a sign that had my name on it.

I walked over to him, "um, hi I'm Rebecca Mulane." I said.

"Oh, hello ma'am. Follow me, I will take you to the car." He said.

I walked out with him and to a limo! It was amazing, it was black but the inside was Black and Red!!! My 2 favourite colours in the world, thanks Auntie and Uncle.

I got in and we drove, it took about two hours. Two very long hours I will never get back.

When we got to the house it was a mansion! I grabbed my bags and ran to the front door and knocked. I was expecting a maid to come and let me in because I thought they would be busy. But instead my aunt came and opened the door with a cute little girl on her shoulders. She was probably six at the latest and was dressed in all pink with her brown hair in high pigtails. She was laughing and having fun.

Then the lady looked at me, let the little girl down and gave me a hug. I have never been hugged before! Well, not by an older lady. She wasn't old to say, probably in her early 30's.

"BECKY! Hello, I have missed you so much look how tall you are! I can't believe that your parents would do that!" she said she went from laughing to crying.

"Oh, it's ok. Don't worry, I never liked them and they never liked me!" I said and started crying.

She hugged me a little longer and then she gave me a tour.

We got to my room and it was massive!

It was black and pink. I don't like pink that much, but I don't hate it. So I didn't mind. I put all my clothes away and went downstairs to get something to eat. I was expecting to see servants and everything. But instead it was my Uncle John and he was making pasta with marinara sauce! YUM!

A.N. heyy second part in a day I know really early and I don't know if you like it but I thought that I might as well stick to it! Lol VOTE, COMMENT and BECOME A FAN!!!

Thnx for reading! XD

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