(20) In love with my geeky step brother!?

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In love with my geeky step brother!?

Chapter 20

When the bell rang announcing that it was brake I felt relieved. I usually sat in the cafeteria with Lucy but decided against it today, I didn't feel like dealing with all the rumors and stories going around. I met Daniel at my locker and to my surprise he slipped his hands around my waste and pulled me into a hug. My heart started racing and I completely forgot where we were as I pressed my lips against his and kissed him passionately.

I broke the kiss when I heard somebody clearing their throat and looked up to see two girls laughing as they walked pass us.

"Ok, so what are we doing for break?" I asked looking at Daniel.

"Well I was thinking I would introduce you to my friends"

"Your friends?" I questioned wondering who he had in mind.

"Yip, you would probably know them as the geeks or the nerd but their actually quite cool" He answered sarcastically but had a slight smile on his face.

"Great! Now my day is going to be perfect!" I joked playing along.

We headed down the hall until we got to the end and stopped in front of a door that had a sign on it indicating that it was the math club.

"What if they don't like me?" I asked feeling nervous, I don't usually care what people think of me but these were Daniels friends.

"Trust me, they will like you. They've been drooling over you since sixth grade but don't tell them I told you that"

"Are you serious?!" I exclaimed not believing what he was saying.

"Yes and I can't say that I blame them you are absolutely gorgeous" He answered and opened the door before I could say anything else.

Ok so Daniel's friends were actually quite cool just like he said. He introduced me to them and they were all very polite. I could see they were shy and didn't know what to say to me but at least they weren't throwing themselves at me like guys usually did. They asked a few questions about how we hooked up and things like that but they didn't judge us or find it weird that we are together like the rest of the school.

I could see them staring at me when they thought I wasn't looking but I didn't say anything. I doubt that they would try anything for me to be worried about so I just let it go. Daniel did say they've been drooling over me since like forever and I'm sure that Daniel could see them staring as well. He would tell them to get a life if it was getting on his nerves.

After lunch break was over we went to our next classes and met up in the parking lot when school was eventually over. Daniel dropped me off at my therapy session and picked me back up again. I don't think I need therapy but I went without complaining figuring that it wasn't a big deal.

"Were going to have to tell them" Daniel said on our way home.

"I know, I just don't know how to do it. What if they freak out?"

"I don't know either but its better if they hear it from us, the whole school knows and news spreads fast around here" Daniel answered. He didn't even look nervous, I wish I could be as calm as he is.

"Do you think we should tell them tonight?" I asked hoping I could somehow delay telling them.

"I think so"

"So do we just wait until we're all sitting around the table and then just tell them?"

"Yip, now stop worrying, they can either freak out or be happy about it but it's not going to change how I feel about you" Daniel answered smiling at me.

"Promise?" I questioned. I couldn't help but worry, what if our parents told us we couldn't be together. There was absolutely no way I was giving Daniel up not matter what they said or did, he is the best thing that's ever happened to me.

"I promise" He answered as we pulled up into out driveway.

We headed inside and Daniel locked the door behind us.

"There's something I've wanted to do all day" He said turning to look at me.

"Oh yea? What's that?" I asked playfully.

"This" he said letting his back pack fall to the ground and pressing his lips against mine as his hands slipped around my waist and under my shirt. I let my bag fall to the ground as well and threw my arms around his neck. We kissed for another minute or so before I pulled off his shirt and started working on his zipper.

He pulled off my shirt throwing it to the ground and slipped his hands down until they were under my bum. He picked me up and I hooked my legs around his waist as he carried me over to the couch. He sat down with me on top on him and was starting to unclip my bra when we heard the front door open.

Both of us froze for a second and then jumped off of the couch. We scrambled to get out clothes that was scattered all over the floor but were much too late. I looked over at Daniel who was trying to put on his shirt and then I looked over to the front door where my mom was standing with a stunned expression on her face.

In love with my geeky step brother!? and it's sequel A perfect loveWhere stories live. Discover now