(10) A perfect love

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A perfect love

Chapter 10

Daniel drove me to the hospital all the while trying to cheer me up by joking and playing my favorite songs on the stereo. It almost helped but I couldn't shake the awful feeling that something was terribly wrong. We arrived at the hospital ten minutes later but I couldn't get myself to move so I just sat there. Daniel got out of the car, walked around it and opened my door for me.

"Come on. Lets go here what Dr. Cage has to say" Daniel said jokingly still trying to make me feel better.

"What if it's bad news?" I questioned looking up at him.

"Then we will face it together" Daniel replied more serious this time as he held his hand out to me. I took it and followed him inside.

The receptionist let Dr. Cage know that we were there and sent us in to see her immediately. Dr. Cage greeted us with a friendly smile and told us to take a seat. We did as we were told never letting go of each others hands.

"I've got the results of your tests Chloe and I'm afraid it isn't good news" She said with a sympathetic look on her face. I felt my heart speed up in my chest as she confirmed my suspicions. Daniel must have sensed my reaction because I felt his hand tighten around mine.

"What does it say?" I questioned terrified to hear the answer but knowing I didn't have a choice.

"Unfortunately you aren't able to have kids" She replied. I looked down at my and Daniels intertwined hands and felt a tear escape my eye.

"Isn't there any procedures that we can do, money isn't a problem" Daniel asked trying to sound calm and in control.

"No, I've checked for any options that will be available for you but none of them will work. I am really sorry to have to give you such bad news" Dr. Cage said.

"Thank you Dr. Cage but I think we better leave now. I have to get Chloe home" Daniel said and I felt his body moving next to mine. I was still staring at our hands not wanting to believe what I've just been told.

"Come on Chloe, lets go home" Daniel said pulling lightly on my arm. It took me a few seconds to respond but eventually I got up and followed him to our car. We drove home in silence not knowing what to say to each other. I could see Daniel opening his mouth to start talking a few times but then changing his mind and focusing on the road ahead of him.

When we arrived home I got out of the car and race to the elevator before Daniel could catch up with me. I made it to our floor without breaking down but I could feel the tears stinging at my eyes. I ran to our apartment door and unlocked it throwing it open and dashed to the bathroom. I slammed the door shut behind me and fell to the floor sobbing.

I heard the bathroom door creak open but didn't bother looking up at Daniel. I am a complete failure, I can't even give him kids.

"Chloe" Daniel whispered softly as he moved closer to me. I didn't answer him. What was I supposed to say? I felt movement next to me and looked up to see Daniel sitting next to me. He looked sad and disappointed but mostly he looked worried.

"I'm sorry" I whispered through my sobs.

"You don't have to be sorry, this isn't your fault" Daniel replied taking my hands into his.

"Of course it is my fault, I'm being punished for all the bad things I've done" I sobbed feeling guilty for ruining everything once again.

"Don't you dare think like that! You've done nothing wrong and your not being punished" Daniel said sternly trying to convince me.

"Why then? Why can't I have babies?" I asked finding my voice. I felt angry at the world for doing this to me.

"I don't know Chloe but maybe this is the way it is supposed to be, maybe this happened for a reason"

"And what would that reason be? So that you can finally realize what a disappointment I am and leave me" I questioned as more tears escaped my eyes.

"I love you Chloe and the fact that you can't have kids doesn't change that at all. I know we both wanted kids but we don't have to let this ruin anything. I want to be with you forever no matter what happens in our lives along the way" Daniel said pulling me closer to him and wiping away my tears.

"Are you sure?" I questioned still amazed at how much he loves me.

"Yes I'm sure and if you don't want to spend the rest of your life alone with me we could get a puppy or a bird or maybe we could adopt a little baby that really needs a home" Daniel said jokingly but I could tell that he was serious by the look in his eyes.

In love with my geeky step brother!? and it's sequel A perfect loveWhere stories live. Discover now