(10) In love with my geeky step brother!?

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In love with my geeky step brother!?

Chapter 10

I got back home before my mom or Robert was there so I headed upstairs and knocked on Daniels's door. He opened it looking quite shocked to see me standing there.

"Hi" I said feeling awkward but wanting to talk to him.

"Hi" he answered back and I could see he wasn't sure what to do.

"Can I come in? I'd like to talk to you" I asked before I lost my nerve.

"Sure" Daniel replied moving aside so that I could enter.

It was the first time I've ever been in his room and it didn't look anything like I imagined it would. Yes there was a chess board on his desk and bookracks full of books but that's not what caught my attention. His walls were full off beautiful sketches and drawings of monsters, aliens and creatures I couldn't even name.

'Wow, did you draw these?" I asked walking closer to his wall and taking a better look.

"Yea, it's just a hobby, I don't think I'm any good but I enjoy it"

"You've got to be kidding me, these are amazing!" I said turning around and I could see that he was blushing at my compliment.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Daniel asked changing the subject.

I sat down at his desk feeling a bit nervous, I wasn't use to asking people for help.

"I was just wondering if there was a chance that you would tutor me again." I asked looking up at him.

"I don't know Chloe, you are an awful student" Daniel said trying to keep a straight face but I could see the corner of his mount turning up into a smile.

"Oh come on, please! I'm begging you, I don't want to fail!"

"Ok but you better keep up" Daniel replied as he started laughing.

"What's so funny?" I asked but couldn't help smiling.

"You are, I've never seen you begging somebody before, especially not to help you study, I should have recorded it"

Usually I would have snapped at him but I kept my cool reminding myself that he's just agreed to help me.

"So when do we start?" I asked knowing that I had some serious catching up to do if I wanted to pass.

"Whenever you're ready" Daniel replied.

"How about now?"

"You're in a hurry to be tortured" Daniel joked as he started getting out the books we needed.

"Yea, bring on the pain" I replied starting to feel more comfortable.

We sat at his desk studying until my mom and Robert got home and called us for dinner. We all ate and talked but tonight there was no fights.

"How did it go with Dr. Smith?" My mom asked looking hopeful.

"It was ok, she seems nice" I answered honestly.

"That's good to hear, what else have you been up to?" my mom asked obviously trying to figure out if I was obeying her grounding rules.

"Nothing much, I just hung around the house and then when I came back from Dr. Smith Daniel and I studied"

"It was kind of strange she actually looked like she wanted to study" Daniel joked breaking the bit of tension that was starting to form. We all joked and talked after that and when we were done eating me and Daniel headed upstairs to continue studying.

We sat down at his desk and started studying again. Daniel was very patient with me explaining everything in detail so that I could understand. It was difficult but I started understanding and was feeling hopeful that I could actually do it.

"My backs hurting" I complained, I wasn't used to sitting still for so long.

"We can sit on my bed, you can sit against the pillows or we can stop for the night and go on tomorrow" Daniel said.

"No, I don't want to stop, I'm actually starting to understand what you're talking about" I said getting up from the chair and walking over to sit on his bed. He had a double bed so there was enough space for the both of us to sit comfortably. I sat at the top of the bed leaning against the wall and he sat at the bottom with the books between us.

At first it felt a bit uncomfortable being in his room and sitting on his bed with him but Daniel was so calm and easy going that I started to relax quickly. We studied for another hour or so before both of us started battling to concentrate. We didn't get much sleep the previous night and it was getting late so we decided to go to bed. I helped Daniel pack up the books and pack them away.

"Thanks for helping me" I said before I left his room.

"No problem, your actually pretty smart if you want to be" Daniel said and I felt kind of flattered by his compliment. It wasn't like he told me I was pretty or anything but coming from Daniel it meant a lot

"Goodnight" I said leaving room with a feeling I've never felt before.

I took a shower, changed into a pajama short and tank top and got into bed. I wasn't quite sure what this feeling was that was bugging me but I was sure it had something to do with Daniel.

In love with my geeky step brother!? and it's sequel A perfect loveWhere stories live. Discover now