Chapter 11

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When morning came around, Hiko wasn’t in the room that Hiashi gave her. She looked around, she was within a bedroom in which had Neji’s scent all around. He wasn’t in bed, instead he was up in the other room. She got up, she picked up one of his shirts as she didn’t have any clothing of her own on the floor. Where was her dress? Oh yeah, she transformed within the woods near the edge of Kohona, and she didn’t bring it with her.

She went out to the front room though the hallway. Neji was in the kitchen that was attached in an open floor plan. She walked in to get herself a glass of water. “Morning Neji.”

“Morning.” He was cooking something.

She finished her water, “Is my dress in the forest still?”

Neji shook his head. “I remembered to grab it before we left. You have a bad habit of leaving them everywhere. Pretty soon any missing clothes people find randomly they will bring it here.”

“I’m not that bad…”

Neji gave a little laugh, “Yeah, you are.”

“I don’t like clothes. I just know that humans sexualize the human body and I don’t want them to sexualize me. Whatever happened to just wearing clothes because they are cold?”

“You want to go back that far in time?” He teased. “Hiko, come eat.”

She grabbed a few plates. “I should spend the night more often.”

Neji shook his head. “We are not a couple, I do not think that is wise.”

Hiko rolled her eyes, and sat down at the table after grabbing her food. “Please, you know as soon as they see me leave they will assume we spent the night doing things. We know we didn’t, but do you want to tell them that we didn’t?”

“Since when do you start using contractions?”

Hiko smiled softly, “You are changing the subject.”

Neji started eating. “Hiko, I know they will talk however…”

“That is what you are worried about, is it not?” She shook her head. “If that’s the case I guess one night stand is better than a couple?”

Neji coughed on his food. “That is not…”

She raised her eyebrow. “Then why will it not be wise for me to spend the night again?”

“We are not a couple.” He spoke simply.

Hiko took a bite. “And what if we were?”

Neji stopped eating, noticing how calm she was. “Why ask Hiko?”

She shook her head. “I… Answer my question first.”

He got up and put his plate away, and looked over at Hiko who never took her eyes off him. “Then it wouldn’t matter. However we aren’t. If you keep spending the night, things might happen and in which can be dangerous if we engage in those things.”

Hiko gave a little laugh, “You mean sex Neji?” She picked up her plate and followed him. She leaned against the counter after placing it in the sink. “You know… many would question why didn’t we last night.”

Neji rolled his eyes, “Now answer my question, why ask?”

“Because…” She looked to the side, “I wish to be…” Neji didn’t say anything. She stood up straight. “I handled rejection before on matters of the heart Neji, so if you don’t wish then just say so.”

“Hiko…” He sighed, “Wouldn’t our age process be a problem?”

“Not really, not unless you allow it.” She answered.

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