Chapter 13, Pein

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Hiko looked up into the sky while talking to Hinata and Hiashi at breakfast. Her ears picked up. “Hiko?” Hiashi asked, not used to Hiko taking focus on something that is far away.

“I’ll be back.” Hiko took off as soon as she could. It was faster to travel in her fox form so she transformed. As long as she has been at the village so far the village was used to her. She looked confused, smelling the same scent from all around. That didn’t make much since. How was that even possible? She went to the Hokage’s office, by jumping from the ground to the balcony.

“Hiko!” Tsunade yelled, “You can’t just appear out of now where and in that form…”

Hiko twitched, “What difference does that make? I am still me no matter my form. Prejudice against this one?”

Tsunade sighed, “That isn’t what I meant, and you could have just gone right through the door like everyone else.”

“I did not have time for that… I smell scents… well one scent but I cannot tell its true location. I believe that It is time.”

Tsunade stood up, “Are you sure Hiko?”

Hiko nodded her head. “I am positive. I know I pick up on visitors but the come from the direction of the gate. This is different, this is the same scent in six different locations. Why would anyone want to mask their true location?”

“Go tell the Hyuga clan, those who are fighting need to report here. Am I clear?”

Hiko left.

“Very well.” Hiashi looked over Hinata, “I want you to take the children and the non ninja Hguya over to the hideout, I am sure you know where it is located?”

Hiko nodded her head, “I think so, underground just near the gardens.”

“That’s correct.”

“Then once they are safe I will fight too.”

“You cannot.” Hiashi spoke.

“Excuse you?” Hiko blinked. “I can fight.”

“I know you can Hiko, though aren’t you worried about being the Hyuga guardian? If that is really your goal, you would want to protect the children in times like this. They will be the future of the clan, and as such we have to protect them. We have to watch and protect the next generation.”

“But Papa…”

“You do know that Naruto is not in the village as of yet.” Hiashi spoke, “Therefore you have no business in the fight.” Hiashi placed his hand on her shoulder. “You have much to learn still Hiko, however I am trusting you to protect the heritage of the Hyuga clan, that is what you wanted to do from the start when you came to me requesting to be guardian.”

“Are you naming me your guardian?”

“Yes,” Hiashi spoke, “Now, go, they need to be safe before the enemy gets here.”

Hiko nodded her head. She got the children and the non ninja out, they knew something was going on. She took them inside, and she closed the door behind them. They were scared, she couldn’t blame them. “I’m here,” She spoke, “I will protect you.”

It claimed them down somewhat. She then heard explosions in which were off in the distance, she knew that they couldn’t hear it. She didn’t have enough room to transform, so this form will have to do. She grabbed the star ball when the clan started to talk among themselves, and where the kids were able to play inside to kept them from getting scared.

Hiko concentrated her chakra, please let them be traveling or resting. Soon she felt Neji’s chakra. “Hiko?” He had asked.

“They are here.” She spoke softly, the battle noises are getting closer to the village.

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