Chapter 15

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The village was starting to get rebuilt, it was nothing Hiko hasn’t seen before. She had her star jewel around her neck once more, as she was away from the Hyuga compound. She was in a rundown area, which no one bothered to touch. Sasuke was with her, along with Jugo, Karin, and Suigetsu. She looked around, not knowing why this wasn’t fixed like the rest of the village.

“This is the Uchiha…” Sasuke started.

“The oppression against your clan is great.” Hiko spoke looking around. “I see that Kohona does not enter here, otherwise they would have fixed it. What purpose did you call me here Sasuke?”

“Are you sure that this path is best for me?”

Hiko looked at Sasuke. “I cannot tell you. Only you can answer that yourself.” She looked around once more. “What we talked about was a path you can do to end the oppression once and for all. However, I too am second guessing now, I failed to think if they would even accept you. Though there is away against this young one. If you cannot be Hokage, then get Naruto to be. Use him, and I am sure the government will change. Now this, though, the changes you seek, they cannot be changed overnight. This is something you have to put your time and energy into. The Uchiha clan subject is carefully guarded, so I doubt the common people even know of the betrayal the Senju clan have done. Though with you and Naruto it shall be fixed, and your oppression and revenge against a government will all be over.”

“I have to take out Douzo, he leaves for the summit.” Sasuke looked at his team, “Taka, we have a mission, we have to kill Douzo. We will head to the five kage summit as well. We may have to be undercover however we must go.”

Hiko nodded her head. “I heard no rumors about him, one of the few ninja who actually sneaky in their movements. Ironic no?”

“We ninja are taught…”

“Yes,” Hiko laughed lightly. “However, male ninja are easy to open up more so with females. You are naïve in someways little one. So quick are humans to sexualize everything, and so quick do they spell secrets after, even to whores they just met. They forget of gossip. How many rumors I heard and traced came from a whore? No... Douzo is smarter than all the other ninja. If he paid for whores he knew not to talk. Be careful, he is one not to underestimate.” She turned to walk away from the Uchiha compound. “Good luck.”

“Will you tell?”

“Only if I am asked directly, but I doubt anyone would.”

“Because you are so close to the Hyuga clan? You have changed when we first met you know.”

“So have you. I am half human you know, we all grow, and we will continue to grow.” She looked to the sky, “I do wish you luck Sasuke. Your clan will better than what it was.”

Hiko was once again with Neji, he was with Lee, TenTen, Kiba and Akamaru, Hinata, Shino, Sakura, Shikamaru, Sai, Ino, and Chouji. Her tail was going back and forth and Sakura shook her head. “Only Kakashi and Naruto were supposed to go. However I think Sasuke and the team he was with went after them. I don’t get why though.”

“Maybe he isn’t done with his revenge.” Neji folded his arms. He looked over at Hiko, “You have talked to him before. What did he tell you?”

“He is going after Douzo.” Hiko spoke simply. “He is the one of the people who ordered Itachi to kill his clan for the good of the village.”

“What?” Shikamaru asked.

“That’s pretty much it really. Douzo and a few others ordered Itachi to kill his clan. And Itachi did so to prevent war. He left Sasuke so that way when Sasuke gos older he could kill Itachi for doing what he did. Sasuke learned this, and now he wants revenge on the real reason why his clan is gone.”

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