Chapter 18 I love you

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Day two of the war, Hiko got Neji up on his feet. She knew his chakra didn’t replenish as much as it should have. She smelled blood coming from him, she knew he was stubborn in going to the medics the night before. “Neji…”

“Hiko don’t.” He started.

She rolled her eyes. “My star jewel you have it yes? The one that I left behind?”

Neji nodded his head.

“The chakra within it, the chakra you can feel, take it. I put it in there for you to use in cause you had to.”

“I can’t.”

“Neji please.” She went infront of him. “Trust me, it will help you.”

“Save it for Hinata.”

Hiko’s ears fell. “Hinata... she knows when to go to the medics, and she knows to carry medication. You however…”

“Save it for her. She is the main branch and I am the side branch remember?”

“And I am the guardian of the clan, and as you are a member, do as I say!” She snapped, with a growl. “I love you Neji. I need you to be healthy enough to fight, so that way I will not have to pull you out of the front lines myself.”

Neji nodded his head as she never said those words to him before, “I will take it when I need it then.”

Hiko nodded her head. More white Zetsu’s showed up. Hiko had to wonder how many Zetsu’s are there. She was getting tired of this and fast. She always had an eye on the three Hyuyas. There were so many she couldn’t keep track of how many she had killed. She had the taste of blood within her mouth that she gave up on getting out.

A White Zetsu grabbed Hiko into one of his fly traps. She growled feeling it dig into her back. She sent fire out of her tails to attack back. He fell off her, and she jumped away sending more fire at him. She then started to smell Naruto, coming from different directions. His shadow clones are out and about. See she knew he would show up and that Obito grabbing her was unneeded.

Neji looked noticing that Hiko had looked off, her mind didn’t seem like it was on the fight. “Hiko.”

“Naruto is coming.” She spoke simply. She jumped over Neji attacking a Zetsu that was behind him with her claws. “Are you letting me distract you?”

“You need to pay attention…”

“Funny wasn’t I starting that talk with you?” She laughed off. Soon enough the Naruto clones showed up. There was quite a few. Soon enough the zestus in their area was gone.

“Hiko!” A Naruto went to her. “You made it! You gotta help the real Naruto okay?”

“Naruto?” She looked at him. He had chakra around him that is shaped around him.

“Kuruma is disappointed, he doesn’t want you here.” He rubbed his head, “But since you are here, you might as well help believe it!”

“I see you two have been getting along well.”

“I got to meet my mom and dad too.” He grinned. “They met you once I think they said…”

Hiko blinked, “I think I met your mom, but this isn’t the time nor place to speak on such matters. We can talk later. I need you to show me where you are at,” She looked at Neji and Hinata. They were coming too, “I would smell you out, but having your clones all around with the chakra around you as well, I can’t tell where you are.”

Hiko stopped in her tracks, she saw infront of her a demon she never met before. Neji, Hinata, and Hiashi looked at it as well. Kakashi was nearby as was his team. Sasuke seemed to understand right away when the others didn’t. “You can feel its power huh?” He asked.

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