Part 1

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Hello this is my second Olicity fic! Thank you so much for reading, and leave feedback if you can! 

"Do you have to go?" Thea asked Oliver as he carried his suitcase down the staircase of their house.

"Yes, Thea. I'm sorry but it's business." 

Diggle, Felicity, and him were going to Russia...Again. But this time it was to track down a lead they had on the creator of the Mirakuru serum. If they could find who created it, they might be able to find a way to reverse it. To help Roy. But Oliver wasn't going to tell Thea this.

"It's only for a few days, anyway," he explained, setting his suitcase down by the front door. 

Just then Diggle opened the door. "Time to go Oliver," he announced. 

Oliver nodded and looked back to Thea. "I'll be back soon. Keep an eye on Roy." 

This trip was extremely necessary, Oliver had decided. Roy had come to him a few nights ago explaining how he had almost hurt Thea. He couldn't control his anger, and Oliver didn't know how to help him. Their only hope was to reverse the serum, or cure him. 

He hugged his sister then went out the door with Diggle. "The jet is ready. We'll be in Moscow in no time," Diggle said.

Oliver looked out the window as they drove to the airport. He hoped this trip wouldn't have many problems. But did the Arrow ever do things easily?

When they arrived at the airport where Queen Consalidated's private jet was, they found Felicity arguing with the security guard who was holding one of her luggage trunks. 

"What's the problem?" Oliver asked. 

"There is something in here that alerted the scanner," the gaurd said. "I can't let it go on the plane." 

Oliver took a twenty dollar bill out and slid it in the man's hand. "I'm sure it won't be a problem." 

The guard nodded and walked away. "What's in there anyway," Diggle wondered.

"A certain hero's special software that may or may not cause malfunctions in security when necessary," Felicity muttereed as she lugged it up the ramp of the jet. 

Oliver chuckled to himself and followed her up. Once the jet was in the air, they began to discuss the plan for Moscow. 

"There is an auction tomorrow night at the hotel we are booked at, thanks to Felicity," Diggle explained. "There, Victor Sukov, who is a wealthy scientist, will be trading art with one of his colleagues. Felicity dug up some dirt on him and found that he has been involved with terrorist groups and the Russian mob."

"Right," Felicity nodded, "so tomorrow, we have to catch him while he is trading the art with his colleague. They both worked together seven years ago in a lab that was," she put up qoutations with her fingers, "qoute: Shut down for health purposes. But what actually happened was too many people who owed the Russian mob were disappearing into the facility. I did some research and found that months after the lab was shut down, the bodies of the disappeared were found off the coast of Japan. Their blood work was abnormal and after more digging, I discovered that they had Mirakuru in their system."

"There is one small problem though," Digg cut in. "We can't have people knowing Oliver Queen is in Russia at the same time as the arrow, just in case you are spotted. So Felicity made fake I.D.s for us."

Oliver leaned forward. They were sitting across from eachother in large, luxurious chairs. "Ok, so the plan is that we attend the auction, the Arrow interrogates the scientists, and hopefully they will have a way to cure the Mirakuru." He looked at Felicity and Diggle for confirmation.

They both nodded. Felicity held up her finger. "If they don't have it, how long do we have to stay in Russia? Because I didn't pack that many outfits."

Oliver leaned back and smiled. Then the stewardess came out to offer them drinks. "I'll have a scotch," he said.

Digg asked for one too. Felicity smiled and asked for red wine. When they both looked at her, she shrugged. "What, I love red wine."

Oliver remembered when Felicity didn't know about him and he had given her a hard drive to decipher. He had given her the lame excuse that his friend had made a scavenger hunt and the prize was a nice bottle of red wine. She had muttered that she loved red wine. 

He looked out the window of the jet when his scotch came and also remembered what had happened on their last trip to Russia. Felicity had seen him and Isabelle together. He hoped she would never have to see that again. Oliver remembered the hurt look on her face. 

"Oliver?" Diggle shook him awake. "We're here."

Oliver arose from the chair, still groggy. He walked off the jet with Diggle behind him and Felicity ahead. There was a black car waiting for them. As they climbed in the back seat with Oliver in the middle, Diggle muttered, "For once I don't have to drive."

The hotel they were staying at was extravagant. The lobby had reflective marble floors and golden pillars. There was a large, crystal chandelier that hung in the entrance of the building. As they passed under it, Oliver looked up at the twinkling mass of glass. 

After they checked in, they went up to one of the suites. But not the master suite, since Victor Sukov had that room booked. This room was enormous though, and just for three people.

There were two master bedrooms on opposite sides of the room and one smaller bedroom down a hallway. Past the doorway, there was a step down into a living room filled with lavish loveseats and chairs. To the right of that was a bar with a glass case behind it filled with alcohol. On the other side of the living room there was a wooden desk and sitting area, like an office.

"I'll take the smaller bedroom," Felicity offered when Diggle shut the door behind them.

"No," Diggle countered, "I will."

Before anyone could argue, he went to the back bedroom. Oliver looked at Felicity. "I guess that settles it."

She smiled and rolled her shoulders. "I am going to unpack then set up my software to get ready for tomorrow night."

He nodded and walked to his room on the opposite side of the suite. There, he didn't unpack any of his clothes. Instead, he went to doing pushups on the floor. He had built up stress about being in Russia again and all the things that could go wrong the next night. Soon though, a knock came on his door.

Wearing no shirt, he opened his door and saw Felicity standing there. She paused for a moment then shook her head.  "Uhh... Digg suggested we go for a drive to see the sights. And go for dinner after. We don't have enough time to see everything, but we thought it was a good idea to drive around." 

Oliver smiled slightly. "That sounds nice. It's not everyday you get to go to Russia." Felicity stood there for a moment, smiling, then nodded and walked away.

He went into his bathroom and took a quick shower. He put on a black suit and tie and went out to the living room. Felicity was at the desk with her computers set up. She was wearing a simple red dress that cut off inches above her knees. Her hair was down in curls.

"You look nice," Oliver said, drawing her out of whatever she was doing on the computer. 

"Thank you," she smiled. 

Then Digg came out of his room, looking uneasy. He wasn't wearing a suit either. "I'm afraid I'm not feeling well."

Felicity got up and walked over to him. She felt his forehead. "Digg, you're burning up." He blinked slowly then stumbled a step back. "You need to lay down," she insisted.

Oliver said, "We can stay with you, if you want."

Digg shook his head. "No, you two should go. I hear Moscow is amazing at night." He then coughed and rubbed his head. "I'm going to bed. You two have fun." He staggered back to his room.

"I hope he feels better," Felicity said with a worried look on her face.

She turned to Oliver. "I geuss it's just us for tonight." He smiled and put a hand on her arm. "Shall we?"

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