Part 2

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Oliver had told the driver to take them by the best parts of the city. He and Felicity sat in the back of the car, side by side. She looked out her window. He looked at her. She had a large smile across her face. It made him smile that special smile he only had when she was around. 

"Do you like it?" he asked her.

She glanced back at him. "The city?" Her eyes were drawn back to the window. "Of course I do; its beautiful." Felcity sat back against her seat and faced him. "You don't look impressed?"

He shook his head, still smiling. "I've been here a few times before."

"Of course, you're Oliver Queen."

"Well, that doesn't mean I get everything I want," he pointed out. He spotted a lit up building they were passing by. "Hey, look there." He scooted closer to her and pointed with his finger.

She turned with him and watched it go by. "Wow, this city is amazing."

Oliver could smell Felicity's perfume. It was sweet, like some sort of flower. He realized how close he was to her, so he returned to his side of the car. The driver took a left and Oliver knew they were heading towards the outskirts of the city.

Speaking to the driver in Russian, he said, "Take us to the best restaurant you know." 

"Will we still see more of the city?" Felicity asked.

"Yes, the city is very large, but I noticed we were leaving the main part. And the middle is the best part." He smiled subtly.

She was looking at him, with a smile on her face as well. Something caught her eye behind him, out his window. "What is that?" She crawled over to look out the window.

He didn't look with her, not at first. He was distracted by her body leaning over him, her legs touching his. And her hair was brushing against his shoulder. Only when she peeked back at him, did he look out the window to see what was passing by.

They were driving by Red Square, which held a cathedral and other buildings, all lit up in a spectacular night. The lights reflected off the damp pavement and gave a glowing sensation. People walked about the sqaure, some stopping to marvel at the sight. 

"Wow," Felicity breathed. 

"This is my favorite part of Moscow," Oliver admitted. 

They stared together for a few moments until they passed it, moving back deeper into the city. With the enchanting sight gone, Felicity began to lean back, but she stopped when she noticed how close they were. Her eyes looked at Oliver's then wandered down to his lips. He watched her, not moving a muscle. 

The driver announced that they were pulling into the restaurant. Felicity immediately leaned back and ducked her head. Oliver cleared his throat and got out of the car. He took a deep breath then waited for her to join his side.

She walked around the car and made eye contact with him. He smiled, letting her know there was no need for awkwardness. She smiled back and together they walked into the restaurant.

It was busy, but a quick conversation with the hostess in Russian and a little bit of money gave them the best seat in the house. It was upstairs and overlooked the city. They could even see a part of Red Square. 

When their food came, Oliver said, "I take it you like Russia."

Felicty again dragged her eyes away from the window. "What? Oh yeah, I love it. Everything is so large and beautiful. We should take trips here more often." Pausing, she crinkled her forehead. "I mean, next time Queen Consalidated needs to check on its Russian partners, count me in. Not like... You and I take a trip...together." 

Oliver chuckled, releasing the tension. He knew Felicity felt embarassed when she said things like that, but he didn't mind. In fact, he loved when she said things a funny way, no matter the circumstances. The way she stumbled for words, they way she had to pause to realize what she had just said. It amused him greatly. At times when she was not around, he would find himself missing her little babbles. 

"Oliver?" Her voice brought him out of his reverie. "You look worried."

He shook his head. "No, I'm not worried. Are you?" 

Her eyes flickered to the side. "I don't think so. Should I be?" His head shook again. "What were you thinking about?"

"Nothing," he dismissed. 

"Is it the Mirakuru? I know you're worried about Roy and what he might do. But don't give up, we'll find a way to fix this."

Nodding, he said, "I'm not giving up, I just keep thinking about the last time someone was injected, and how bad it ended." 

Felicity sighed and looked into his eyes, hers filled with sympathy. "I get that you don't like to talk about the island, but maybe talking about this will help. Ever since we found out about the Mirakuru, you've been on edge. Talking could help."

Oliver leaned forward. "Felicity, I don't like to talk about those things because it brings up bad memories. The things I did, the choices I made, haunt me. And I don't want to focus on the past."

She nodded. "I understand." She looked away, back out at the city.

He took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He had heard the distance in her tone. She understood, but she had just tried to connect with him and he had rejected it. That was who Oliver was and he feared he would be that way for the rest of his life. If that was so, it would be a lonely, cold life.

They paid and went back out to the car in silence. Oliver could tell he had hurt Felicity's feelings. They had been having such a great night, and he had ruined it. The ride back to the hotel was tense and quiet. 

When they had entered their suite, Digg was no where to be seen. Oliver stopped Felicity as she began to go to her room. He grasped her elbow. 

She turned and faced him. Her expression was still distant. "What, Oliver?" 

"Hey," he said softly, making her look up at him. "I'm sorry about earlier. I keep things from you because I'm afraid you'll see me differently."

She stopped him. "You don't need to explain things to me, I understand, okay?"

Shaking his head, he said, "No, I want to. On the island, Slade was injected with the Mirakuru and he got out of control. He got so dangerous I had to... Put an arrow in him. I killed my friend who had helped me survive on that god forsaken island."

Felicity was silent. She swallowed hard. "I'm sorry." She put a hand on his arm.

His eyes looked into hers. "I regret it, I wish I would have found a way to save him. Now with Roy, I have a chance to make up for it. Not completely, because it won't bring him back, but at least I can help someone else."

She smiled with sad eyes. "That's heroic, Oliver. You regret so much and you think you're still a vigilante, but you're not." He glanced to the side but she turned his face back towards her. "You are a hero, don't forget that."

He smiled and looked down. "Thank you, Felicity."

"Thank you for telling me." The stood in silence for a few moments until she began to turn away. "Goodnight, Oliver."

"Goodnight, Felicity," he replied. 

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