Part 4

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Oliver dressed in a black suit for the auction. Earlier, he had placed his arrow suit in a safe place inside the ballroom that was to hold the event. 

In the main part of the suite, Diggle was now in Felicity's place on her computer. He looked confused. "Having trouble?" Oliver asked.

"I'll figure it out," he growled back as he smashed his fingers on the keyboard.

Just then Felicity walked out of her room. Oliver and Diggle both turned their heads. Oliver saw her and only her. She filled the room with her beauty. He rubbed his fingers together as she approached them.

She wore a long, blue dress that shimmered in the light. One leg was cut mid-thigh. The top was low-cut and strapless. Her hair was again down in curls, but part of it was pinned back to the side of her head. No glasses, just Felicity and her green eyes. 

Felicity shot them both a look with appraised eyebrows. "What? Are we doing this or not?" 

Oliver cleared his throat and broke his gaze. "Yes, we should be going."

Digg," Felicity said, "are you ready?"

"I think I am."

"Alright. Oliver and I have earpieces just in case." She walked to the door and opened it. When she looked back, Oliver was still standing in his place. "Oliver," she got his attention.

"Coming," he stuttered then quickly followed her out the door.

In the elevator, it was silent until Oliver found his voice. "You look very. . . beautiful tonight," he said softly. Somehow, the words were difficult for him to get out. Like he was nervous. 

"Thank you," she said, sounding surprised yet humble. "You look handsome, as always." She paused. "I mean, not that I notice or anything."

"Felicity," he chuckled, "I understand."

She bowed her head. "I'm sorry I always do that. It must be embarrassing for you, especially when I do it in front of other people." 

Oliver turned to her and put his hand on her arm. "Do you really think I'm embarrassed of you?"

Looking into his eyes, she said, "You mean you're not?"

He shook his head and frowned. "I love that about you, it's what makes you Felicity."

She smiled and bit her lip. "Thanks, Oliver," she said as the elevator ding went off. 

Oliver looked away and straightened his suit jacket. "You ready?" he asked anxiosuly.

Felicity nodded and he offered his arm. She hooked hers through his as they walked through the magnificent lobby to the ballroom. There, two people holding a list were admitting people. 

"Don't worry, I changed the names so we can get in," she whispered to him as they entered the line.

"Names?" the Russian woman asked. 

"Oliver and Felicity Smith," Felicity said. Oliver gave her a look but waited to be let in.

"What are two young people like yourselves doing in Russia?" the woman asked in a friendly tone.

Oliver noticed that Felicity had froze. She couldn't think of anything to say. So he wrapped his arm around her waist and leaned into her. "Honeymoon. Moscow is just beautiful," he said with a large smile.

"Isn't that sweet," the woman said, letting them pass through. 

"Honeymoon with Oliver Queen," Felicity muttered with a smile.

"Oh shut up," he whispered back. He still had a smile dripping from his lips. 

They went to their table with their names on it and sat down. Everybody else was taking their seats, preparing for dinner. Soon, chefs came out with platters of food and placed them on their table. Then a man got up on the small stage in front of the rows of tables. 

"That's Victor Sukov, the wealthy scientist," Felicity whispered. 

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I am very happy to be here tonight," his voice rumbled throughout the large room with a Russian accent. "I'll keep this short and sweet. After this lovely meal that has been prepared by our wonderful chefs, you will be allowed to look about the next ballroom filled with art. And bid money, of course. Enjoy!" He exited with a large applause. 

Oliver watched him sit at a large, round table filled with other men. "Those must be his colleagues," he said to Felicity. 

"Yeah but his friend he is trading with isn't there. His friend was his partner when they worked in the Mirakuru lab together." 

"We have to wait, then." 

They dug into their food and kept watch on Sukov's table. But then the woman from earlier got up on stage. She began with a greeting then a few toasts to the sponsors. Then she paused and said, "We have a newlywed couple here this evening. Their sitting in the back there." She pointed to them and everyone applauded.

Oliver smiled uncomfortably and put his arm back around Felicity. She nodded her head to the side and scooted closer to him.

"Let's raise a toast to them and wish them the best of luck!" More applauding. Then it died down and grew silent. "How about a kiss?" The woman smiled widely.

They both laughed awkwardly and tried to shake off the attention, but the entire ballroom was focused on them. Oliver looked over at Felicity. She had a scared and helpless look on her face. He knew he would have to make the move. 

So he leaned in and pressed his lips against hers. He felt her relax against him as she pushed back. He put a hand in her hair and held her closer. Then he remembered they had an audience. He drew away, gasping for breath, trying to look presentable. 

"Young love!" the woman laughed and there was one more applause before she exited the stage.

Oliver sat there, trying to regain his breath. He had an odd feeling and his lips tingled. It had ended too quickly, he realized, and he wanted more. Next to him, Felicity wasn't looking at him. She was picking at her nails and biting her lip, trying to hide behind her hair. 

Once he had regained his steady heartbeat, he turned to her. "Hey," he whispered. She jumped and continued to avoid eye contact. He put his hand on hers, which was a mistake. His heart sped up again and he lost his train of thought. But when she lifted her eyes to his, he swallowed and spoke. "Are you okay? I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable." 

"It's fine," she cut in. "I'm fine. I'll be right back, I just. . . need some air." She quickly got up and walked out of the ballroom.

Oliver relaxed back in his seat and took another deep breath. He hoped he hadn't wrecked his relationship with Felicity. So far, they had avoided awkward exchanges such as this one. Their relationship was too important for him to lose, and he should have considered that before kissing her. Even if the kiss was for an undercover mission. Even if the kiss had felt amazing. 

She soon returned, with a composed look on her face. "I just saw Victor Sukov and a man go into a back room. It's time." 

Oliver was alert at once. "Tell Diggle. I'm going in." He raced out of the ballroom to retrieve his suit.

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