Part 3

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Oliver tossed in his bed that night. His dreams plagued him endlessly.

Felicity was on the island with him. He was with Sara and her, and Dr. Anthony Ivo. He was holding a gun between the two girls. "You have to chose, Oliver."

Oliver couldn't move. He was helpless, as helpless as he was the first time this had happened on the island, but instead with Shado. Felicity or Sara. That's what he had to choose.

Subconciously, he knew his choice. But his legs disobeyed him and lept in front of Sara. "NO!" he screamed as Ivo pointed his gun at Felicity. She closed her eyes as a single tear slid down her cheek. Then a bang and a flash happened and she fell to the ground.

Oliver tried to reach her, tried to hold her body as she died, but he was paralized. Then it felt as if he was falling into a hole. An endless, black pit. Felicity had been shot because of him. Shado had been shot because of him. Everything was his fault.

Oliver awoke in a cold, damp sweat. He was panting uncontrollably. Soon, he realized he was okay. He was in Moscow, with Digg and Felicity. They were alive and safe.

He rolled out of his bed and hopped into the shower, trying to get his mind off his nightmare. When he came out into the living room area of the suite, Digg wasn't anywhere to be seen. Felicity was sitting at the desk again with ehr computers. There was room serivice on the dining table.

"Good morning," she said to him.

He stopped and looked at her for a moment. He frowned as flashes of the dream appeared in his mind again. Blinking, he shook his head. "Good morning."

"Digg hasn't woken up yet. I think he's still sick."

Oliver looked at the food on the table and picked up an appple. "That's not good. We need him for tonight."

"I'm working out a new plan. I think it will be okay if he can't. I will just have to come with and he can man the computers. We only need them to access the cameras, which I can do before we leave."

He looked over at her. "Really?"

She nodded and got up from her chair. "Yes, everything will be fine. We will be able to question Victor Sukov and get the cure for the Mirakuru and save Roy."

"You're remarkable," he stated as she walked over to the table and picked up a banana.

She shrugged but smiled. "Thank you."

Just then Diggle's door opened and he came out into the living room. Felicity rushed over to him and put her hands on his forehead. "You're still warm," she muttered.

Digg plopped down in a chair. "I still feel like it, too." He rubbed his temples then looked up at both of them. "What are we doing about tonight?"

Oliver sat down at the table, across from Digg. "Felicty came up with a solution." He smiled at he with pride as he waited for her to explain.

She joined them at the table. "If you are well enough, you will man the computers. Meanwhile, Oliver and I will be down at the fundraiser. I can set up everything you need so that it will not be hard to navigate."

Digg nodded. "Sounds like a plan," he said in his deep voice. "I'm going back to bed. Whatever this is, it makes me very tired." When he arose, he swayed a little before finding his footing. "And dizzy." He made his way back to his room.

Oliver and Felicity continued their breakfasts. Then his phone rang. "Hello?" he answered.

"Hey, Oliver." It was Thea. She sounded stressed.

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