~+Chapter Three~+Old Faces From The Past

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Lina had left the village of Bree and has been traveling on the road for three days now. She decided to travel on foot rather then horse back to give her more time to think about everything. Thorin was going to be there. She didn't even know what she should say to him. The half-breed had a satchel over her shoulder as she strolled down the road. Lina loved being out in the wild, seeing the different scenery's along the way. One thing that still had her wondering was why the wizard insisted on meeting everyone in the Shire? Hobbit's didn't oppose when strangers came to their peaceful village but they weren't exactly overly friendly either. They kept their doors shut and their conversations short with visitors. And was Gandalf seriously thinking that a hobbit was going to be joining them, he had to be out of his mind. No hobbit would leave the comforts of his home to go on a dangerous quest that could end in lives lost.

The exiled princess set up camp for the night. It would be her last night alone before she would be from now on spending ever night with others until this quest was fulfilled. Lina wasn't to happy to be returning. Dale was ruined, that tragic day she could still hear her peoples screams in her mind, even in her dreams it still tortured her. She was selfish that day. Instead of giving her father's people - her people a leader that they could follow in these hard times, she left and abandon them. Lina tried to get some much need rest. She would be in the Shire tomorrow to see these 'others'. Lina already knew for certain who the leader was but everyone else, she could only guess. Growing up in Dale she only met a few dwarves of Erebor when she would accompany her father to the mountain. She met the King: Thror and his son Thrain - Thorin's father. Lina also had met Thorin's younger brother and sister. The half-breed rested her head against her satchel and slowly closed her eyes.

Morning came quicker then Lina had expected it too. She gathered up her things and was back on the road. She estimated she would be in the Shire by the late afternoon. As she walked, one thing suddenly occurred to her. The deranged wizard hadn't told her where she was to meet him to discuss this quest. Lina groaned at the fact she didn't noticed that sooner. The woman didn't even have anyway of contacting him to even find out this information. " Bloody wizard." Lina hissed under her breath. The half-breed would deal with this when she was in the Shire; until then she was going to enjoy the hike across the plain, listening to the sounds of different birds singing their melodies.

The sun was at it's highest peak, not a cloud to be seen in the sky. Lina was just coming over the ridge when she saw, just down the hill a charming little village. The woman's smile slowly faded; this was not her first time visiting the village of the little folk, who were commonly known as hobbits. The Shire reminded the young princess a lot of her home that she once lost. Her people at peace with each other, children who didn't have a care in the world, the laughs and happiness that filled the city and then it all turned to screams and death. Lina shook the image from her mind and let a sigh as she trudged down the path that led into Hobbiton. The woman kept her hood over her head, the hobbit's would stare at her as she passed by them. Although it didn't appear the woman was dangerous in any way but they kept their eyes peeled, wondering who this stranger was.

Lina had been wandering in the Shire for a couple of hours now. She was trying to think if the others had been told which home they were meeting in but then it struck her. If she were a wizard she would come up with some kind of mark for only those who needed to see it and it would be somewhere that wasn't to close to neighbors. Glancing at the hill side were only a few homes were to be seen she decided she would start their. She climbed up the dirt path, looking at each round door as she walked by; looking for something that wouldn't look like you'd see on a door. The young princess was coming up to another home, but this one was under a hill; at first it seemed like every other she had come across but then she had to back up a few paces to see on the door their was a glowing odd rune at the bottom. The woman opened the little gate, and slowly walked up the steps that was overgrown with grass and gave three distinct knocks on the green door. The half-breed could hear someone shuffling on the other side of door.

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