Chapter Three

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The sunday dinner came almost too soon. Frank hadn't prepared enough. He hadn't been thinking of what was at stake if they were unable to find out who spoke. All he had on his name was the last name 'Way' and the two people he associated the name with. One of which he didn't know the name of. Only a face came up. A face he had not seen many times.

"I want you all, to find out who the fuck in this bullshit mafia goes by the last name Way. I want you to bring them to me, so I can put a bullet in their fucking head for being a god damned rat, do you understand me?" Frank yelled at the four passengers in his car. The jumped as he slammed his foot on the break. The all lurched forward as thr car came to a stop.

"Get the fuck in there and find them, and tell me who they are," Frank ordered and put on his pitch black sunglasses. "If I find out any of you know who this Way person is and are keeping it from me, I'll do the same thing to you as I do to who ever said shit to pretty boy," He said, referring to Gerard. They all nodded, Dallon, Pete, Bob, and Brendon, then stepped out of the car and walked to the church. Frank decided to stay in the car and have a smoke for a few minutes before following the four of them into the dinner.

"Do you think he's talking about Mikey," Pete whispered to Brendon, who looked up at Pete like a light bulb went off in his head, "dude! Probably, we have to tell him before we get our brains blown out," Brendon whispered back as they entered the church, ignoring the eyes on them.

The group had already started eating and conversing, most of them staring weirdly at the group, the other half to involved in their conversations to care.

"Are you fucking crazy? He'll kill Mikey!" Pete grabbed Brendon's arm and pulled him roughly to the side. Dallon and Bob turned to see what had happened but Brendon motioned for them to continue going.

"Well, Pete, your fuck buddy ratted on us, it's either he dies or we all fucking get the death sentence now isn't it?" Brendon said through gritted teeth, not knowing that Frank was close enough to hear them.

"Mikey Way, huh?" Pete and Brendon turned to Frank, who was walking up to them, a smirk planted on his face. Pete looked like he was about to cry.

Frank had known about Pete's involvement with Mikey. Mikey was kicked out of his house after being caught dealing and doing multiple drugs, then stealing cars and getting into fist fights during his last year of highschool. His father decided it was the last straw when he caught Mikey kissing Pete and kicked him out of the house. Pete invited Mikey to live with him in his apartment and they began dating shortly after Mikey joined the mafia.

"Pete," Frank looked at Pete and his pleading eyes, silently begging him not to hurt Mikey, that he would never forgive him, and it hurt Frank. No matter how people thought Frank out to be, a monster, a criminal, a murderer, he still couldn't look his best friend in the eyes and tell him to bring Mikey to him. Only so he could shoot him. Instead he instructed otherwise.

"Bring Gerard Way to my house by 7 P.M tomorrow, I want to have a chat with him before I make the decision to kill your boyfriend," Pete nodded and thanked Frank. Frank turned to Brendon, "go make friends," Brendon nodded and walked off to converse with Gerard. He knew fully well what Frank meant. Frank doesn't make friends with anyone outside the mafia and never would. He wanted Brendon to get Gerard to meet with them, he wanted Brendon to scare him a little. He should be scared, his life was on the line.

"Hello, I'm Brendon," Brendon smiled extending his hand out to Gerard. Gerard smiled and shook it, introducing himself as well. Brendon understood what Frank meant by pretty boy, especially after being close up to Gerard rather than watching him from rows away. Gerard had snow white skin paired with rosy, pink, lips, and dark eyelashes. His eyes were hazel with flecks of green and gold.

"I'm new to this church, just moved in this area, it's easier to get here than the other one," Gerard nodded, the area was quite nice and small. Nothing terrible happened around here in comparison to other places in Belleville.

"Did you come with family?" Gerard asked, Brendon shook his head and pointed to where Frank was eyeing them from under his sunglasses beside Bob and Dallon. Pete had went off to call Mikey.

"No," he shook his head turning back to Gerard who had a look of fear in his pretty eyes, "friends," he smirked. He knew what Gerard was thinking, he knew that Gerard knew and that Brendon could literally make this boy do anything, he loved the feeling of power it gave him. Gerard swallowed hard. He wanted to leave, he wanted to go find Mikey, wherever he was and tell him he was in danger. They knew he knew and they would hurt Mikey for telling him.

Gerard and Mikey were brothers, they always had each others back. Even when Donald, their father kicked Mikey out Gerard stood by him and defending him, gay was not a sin in Gerard's eyes. Right now, his brother could be dead, and he could follow not too soon after.

"You should come meet them," Brendon gave Gerard a threatening smile, signaling that he should agree if he valued his life, Gerard nodded, "when?" he let out in a high pitched voice.

"Tomorrow, at five," Brendon quickly took out a slip of paper and wrote his address on it, he slipped into Gerard's hand and walked back to Frank.

"You busy at five?" he asked, sitting down next to Frank on the church pew, Frank shook his head, "he coming?" Brendon nodded and Frank smiled.

"He looks hot in the priest get up," he commented looking over to Gerard who was still getting over how afraid he was. He was trying to converse with other members of the church but every once in a while he's glance over to the group and turn away quickly when he spotted one of them looking back.

"We killing him?" Bob asked in a gruff voice, "no," Frank answered, "I want to have a little fun with this one, play with his emotions. That's torture enough," Dallon laughed, "that's not like you, Iero," the group agreed with Dallon.

Usually Frank would shoot who ever knew of them and leave it, either that or beat them until they couldn't stand at least. This time all Frank was going to do was fuck with the guys heart.

"Look at him, I can't kill him," Frank sighed.

"I just want to hurt him in the best ways possible."

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