Chapter Five.

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"What the fuck, Gerard?" Mikey paced back and forth on Gerard's  living room carpet, yelling at him. To say he was frustrated was an understatement. He was furious, he was terrified.

"I had do to it Mikey, for you, for the people at the church, you all would have been killed!" Gerard pleaded with his brother, begging him not to be mad. He knew the job was dangerous, he knew his life and his faith was about to be put at risk. Though, he also knew that he'd to anything to protect his baby brother and the people at his church. Mikey was his best friend and brother, the people at church had become like family to Gerard as well.

"Do you not fucking understand how dangerous that is, you fuck up one time when working with these people and your brains are being blown out," Mikey sat down on the old brown couch that was across from where Gerard sat in a matching love seat and put his head in his hands.

"I did this because you fucked up, I saved your life," Gerard let out quietly. He was never one to speak up for himself, especially not to his brother. He knew Mikey would never hurt him or do anything to hurt him. It was because of the amount of power Mikey had, being apart of the mafia and tied to Mr. Iero or Frank. Frank was the most dangerous man in probably all of New Jersey. Anyone in the right sense of mind would be scared of him.

"I trusted you Gerard, but you have such a soft heart and big mouth when it comes to those fucking assholes at the church, like dad for example. You didn't tell him, did you?" Mikey asked. If the two's dad knew, the police would have been called immediately, Mikey most likely would have gone to jail for life. Gerard wasn't certain if Mikey had been involved in any murders, the most he knew were robbery's and dealings, but he had done many of those, if not life Mikey would have at least gotten around 10 years.

He couldn't stomach the thought of his sweet baby brother actually killing someone. Though people who fucked with anyone in Frank's mafia was surely killed and half the time, Frank didn't like getting his hands dirty unless it was personal. So he got someone who worked for him to do the job.

Gerard shook his head and gulped, "I didn't tell dad, I never would," Mikey nodded and bit his lip, he felt guilty for yelling at his brother, but was still angry that he was stupid enough to actually try and rat Frank out.

A loud iPhone ringtone came from Mikey's pocket and he felt his heart drop as he read the familiar caller ID, 'Urie'.

Brendon Urie was usually the one to call on Frank's behalf, Frank didn't use his phone often as it was too risky when making deals or talking about anything related to crime.

Mikey hesitantly put the phone on speaker before looking up to Gerard and putting a finger to his mouth, signalling for him not to say a word.

"Hello?" Mikey asked into the phone, a familiar voice answered back, "Frank would like you to come over and talk with you, Mikey," Brendon said quietly, almost with a hint of sadness im his voice. Him and Mikey had grown quite close over the time they had spent working together, Frank usually put the two of them up for buying drugs and shipping them.

"Okay, what time?"

"Now," Brendon said and hung up the phone.

Mikey sent a look of slight anger towards Gerard who looked back at him with guilt scattered all over his face. "He isn't going to hurt you, Mikey," Gerard assured him although his brother likely knew Frank better than he did.

Mikey didn't say anything as he headed out the door to go meet Frank.

Gerard felt tears welling up in his eyes, he had never felt more fear in his life, it was a terrible fear, knowing he couldn't just run away from it. Knowing it would remain for a very long time.

Suddenly, his phone vibrated, the screen flashed and read a text.

Private Number: Blood is thicker than water, Gerard. But in this business, you can't trust anybody.

Gerard knew exactly who was texting him, he automatically wanted to beg for Mikey's safety, but he knew it would only pull them deeper into the mess, it'd only prove further that Frank was unable to trust Mikey. Giving him even more of a reason to kill him.

Gerard Way: who is this...?

Private Number: we both know you know who this is, Gerard.

Gerard Way: what do you want?

Private Number: just wanted to assure you that I am a man of my word, your brother will not be harmed but I still need to talk with him.

Gerard practically cried from the sense of relief he felt. He decided not to text back.


"Michael James Way," Frank leaned back in the his red velvet couch. Mikey awkwardly sat across him in a wooden chair Frank had set out.

"I'm sure you know of your brother and I's agreement, I'm sure you also know why it was made," Frank smiled innocently at Mikey who was practically shaking, he nodded, "yes I'm aware," he answered.

"Now Mikey, I want you to be reminded that if you tell anyone, you get fucking killed," Frank pulled out a tiny switchblade from his pocket and stood up. Mikey felt his blood run cold, he felt his stomach and heart drop, he felt like he was about to pass out.

"Now you just happen to be lucky because I happen to find that church boy brother of yours pretty," Frank pointed the tip of the blade into the back of Mikey's neck, just to the point where a small droplet of blood would begin to form, followed by only a few others.

"You won't make him do anything tok dangerous will you, you won't make him kill anybody, he wouldn't be able to do it," Mikey pleaded hoping Gerard wouldn't have to do anything too serious. In the back of his mind he knew that was exactly what Frank was planning to do, Frank liked to fuck with people in that sort of way, make them do sick and twisted things so they're never exactly like they used to be before Frank came across them.

"Oh Mikey, you know that would be no fun, don't you?"

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