Chapter 5: Rivalry

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Naruto peeked inside the room where Sasuke and Sakura are noticing the problem between them is beginning to occur. He squinted his eyes and saw the most terrifying glare coming from the dark-haired ninja. "Wha-what?! Why are you staring at me like that?"

"Hey," he said, ignoring his question.


"Fight me... Now!" Sasuke demanded calmly at the tone of his voice.

Sakura can only guess why now that she is starting to realize what he meant.

"Huh? What are you babbling about? You're still recovering," Naruto pointed out.

"Just shut up and fight me!!" The dark-haired ninja said sternly as he activated his Sharingan, much to their astonishment. He continued on while he was slowly getting out of bed, saying. "You thought you helped me? That foolish fifth Hokage or whoever... Butting into other people's business."

"What?!" Naruto took this as a personal matter as they both stood in front of each other, face-to-face ready to fight. Sakura, on the other hand, can feel the tension rising among them as they head off to the roof outside. It was the time of their rivalry and the only thing she can do right now is watch them.


"Sasuke!!" They both charged towards one another at the same time. They tried to hit and kick, but they stepped back.

"Multi-Shadow Clone jutsu!!!" The blonde-haired made a hand sign to appear a bunch of them, circling around Sasuke.

He quickly dismissed every single one with each blow he threw and hovered up in the air to find a clone attempting to attack him with a tiger seal. But he used a fireball jutsu to burn them all. Though, Naruto and his clone were creating a form of technique, just as Sasuke was releasing his energy to focus on his chakra. Both of them attempt to end their fight with their final attacks, using Rasengan and Chidori, much to Sakura's fear.

"Stop... You two, stop!" Sakura pleaded desperately with them. However, they weren't able to hear her when they were about to clash in an unprecedented way. She was running towards them and yelled out to stand down.

A pair of two hands grabbed their wrists, which sent them flying off across the tank area. Kakashi arrived at the scene, just in time, to delay their attacks. The water spilled out after Sasuke recklessly punched a hole in it. The copy ninja sat on top of the tank and questioned the dark-haired ninja as to why he is so obsessed with his superiority complex.

"That level of Chidori, just now, isn't an appropriate technique to be used here against your own comrade. Were you trying to kill Naruto?" He asked rhetorically and went on further. "Where did such immature behavior come from...?" He told himself what the point of his answer was. "This boy must have encountered Itachi."

"Hmph," Sasuke backflipped out from the roof fence as he jumped down onto the wooden plank. He took a look up at the gigantic hole of the other tank and had no idea what happened. He narrowed his eyes at it and smacked the wall with his fist in irritation. "Naruto... How strong are you really...?" He then left as soon as possible.

Kakashi looked over his shoulder at Naruto and Sakura sighing in disappointment. "What happened to the teamwork?" He placed his hands on the surface of the tank while sitting and asked. "Were you the one that taught him that technique? I feel that Naruto is still too young to be able to control that level of technique. In the worst-case scenario, it could have killed Sasuke. Even if it was for his own protection against the Akatsuki, teaching that technique to Naruto was still..." He trailed off of his words and waited for the response.

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