Chapter 6: Operation Leaf Squad

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The night they separated turns into morning, Sakura awakens and a new journey begins!

"Damn. It's already 4:00 am," the 1st jounin grumbled inwardly.

"The fifth Hokage is pretty harsh to use on people... The documents she forgot. She could have at least done it herself," the 2nd jounin said as they were carrying the heavy papers together that were piled onto their hands. They were walking until he saw a person lying on the bench, asleep.

"Hm. What's wrong?" The 1st jounin asked him in puzzlement.

"Hey. Wake up! If you sleep at a place like this, you'll catch a cold," the 2nd jounin called out to her.

Sakura flutters her eyes open in a blurry vision and the last thing she remembers is her fellow companion parting his last words. She bolted upright from her sleeping position, crying out in exclamation. "Sasuke!!"

The two jounins were stunned to hear her say his name. This leads them to investigate what happened last night as they head to the Hokage tower. They knocked on her door and they cracked the door slightly opened, only to see her waking up from her sleep.

"Thanks for the hard work!" Tsunade said, smiling with a gentle wave.

"Ahh! The fifth! You were just sleeping right now, weren't you?! You made us get those documents while you sleep?!" The 2nd jounin said vehemently in irritation.

"Anyway, Hokage... There is news we'd like to report," the 1st jounin muttered out quietly.

"What is it?" She asked blankly as she wiped out her drool from her mouth.

After they told her some information about Sasuke's whereabouts, the fifth Hokage was in shock and disbelief and pinpoint why he suddenly decided to go to Orochimaru.

"He wants the Uchiha ability. That twisted bastard," Tsunade cracked her knuckles and informed them. "Izumo, Koteshi, there is someone I would like for you two to bring to me."

Elsewhere in the Nara home, Shikamaru and his family were on a breakfast table, preparing themselves to eat.

"As of today, your dad has a mission too!" His mother lectured.

"There's not much time this morning for training, you know!!" His father retorted back defensively.

"Yeah, yeah! One 'yeah' is enough!!" His mother narrowed her eyes as she popped out a vein in her forehead.

"What a pain. She's been nagging me all morning..." Shikamaru thought tiredly until they heard a doorbell ring.

"I wonder who it is this early morning," his mother glanced at the other side of the room as she went to go check out.

"Hey, dad," Shikamaru whispered with his hand.

"Yes?" His father continues to keep chewing on his food with his eyes closed.

"Why did you ever marry such a strict woman?" Shikamaru questioned with an annoyed look.

"Well, your mom has the time's when she's happy and cheerful too. That's probably why," he answered simply.

"That's it?" Shikamaru expected more, just when his mother called him lightly.

"Some messengers from the fifth Hokage want to speak with you," she said casually, much to his surprise.

On that day back in the Hokage Tower...

"Late last night, Sasuke left our village. There's no doubt in my mind, he's headed for the sound village," Tsunade stated firmly.

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