You wake up and rub your eyes. You get up and walk into the kitchen to pour yourself some coffee/hot Chocolate-(preferable). You looked over the couch to see Lane sitting with CORL! ... yep, Corl. He smiled and said "Hey Y/N.". "Hey." You say, still stretching. "Good Morning!" Lane says smiling too. You smile back. "What are you guys doing?" You ask them. "Watching this funny show." Lane says. "Yea, I dunno what it is." Corl says. "Oh, okay." You say. You head over to the kitchen but pause. "Wait, um Corl?" You ask. "Yes?" He says back. "Um I was wondering if Denis was around." You say. "Yea, he's coming at 1:00!" Corl says. "Oh yea, I heard that last night!" You say happily. You walk back into your room and shower after you put on this.
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And put your hair in two French braids. When you came out of your room it was eleven o'clock. "Y/N, where should we eat with our friends?" Lane asks closing a drawer. "Hmm." You say. "Hey!" Alexis says opening the door. She's with Jenny and Celine. "Hey guys!" Lane says. "We're trying to decide where to eat." You say. "Hmm, Shake Shack?" Jenny says. "I ate there with Alissa yesterday." Lane says. "Alissa Violet?" Corl says. "Yep." Lane says smiling. "You know her?!" Corl says smiling. He obviously likes Alissa. (she's a YouTuber if u didn't know.) "yea, we've been friends for a while." Lane says. "Ok, ok guys." Alexis says breaking up the conversation. She knows Lane likes him. "Alright, I'm hungry and I thought we were talking about food." Jenny says laughing. "How about Chipotle?" Celine says. "Okay!!" Lane and Y/N say at the same time. "This is why we're roommates." Lane says laughing. Everyone else agrees to go to Chipotle. -At Chipotle- Cecilia, Kaitlyn and Ana arrived. Corl texted Denis and the rest of the Pals to come to Chipotle. The Pals all arrived and Peyton came too. Everyone sat down. "Did everyone order?" Denis asked. "Yes!" Everyone said. "Okay good!" Denis said. Corl looked around and back down to the empty seat next to him. "Where's Tori?" He said. "Oh, she's gonna be late." Lane said. "Why. I mean ok." Corl said. "It's fine she's just with a few of her friends helping them film something." Lane said. "You don't need to be worried," lane said laughing quietly. "Unless your jealous." Lane said still laughing. "No, I'm not." Corl said smiling slightly. "Okay." Lane said. She could tell Corl wasn't really the fighting type. "Guys, I almost forgot!" Y/N said. "What?" Alex and Sketch said. "We're going to YouTube awards soon!" Y/N said. "Soon, you mean a month?" Alex says. "Yea yea, whatever." Y/N says rolling her eyes and smiling. "Hey guys!" Tori says walking over to the table. "Oh, hey Tori!" Peyton says. "Sit sit! We don't want you to miss anymore." Celine says. "Wait, I need to order." Tori says pointing to the back of the place. "We already ordered for you!" Peyton said. "We wanna hear about your day!" Cecilia says. "Okay, but was it salad?" Tori says. "YES!" Everyone shouts. People from all around the restaurant look at the large group of friends. Sub and Jenny break down in laughter soon joined by everyone else. "So Tori, what were you doing today?" Alexis asked. "Ohh creepy!" Tori joked. "Seriously. We want to know." Alexis said laughing. "Okay, I was filming with some friends."They're visiting Canada." Tori said. "So who are they?" Kaitlyn asked laughing. "Oh, Jake, Logan, Tessa, and Amanda." Tori said smiling. "Jake and Logan?" Denis asked. "Yep." Tori said. "The Paul brothers?" Denis asked. "Yep." Tori said. "Those guys are so famous!" Sketch said. "Oh lord." Cecilia said. "Wait so you filmed a video with Jake, Logan, Amanda, and Tessa?" Corl said. "Yea, it was so much fun!" Tori said. "No Alissa I'm guessing." Lane said. "Yea, no Alissa. Ever since she and Jake had a fight Alissa isn't talking to him." Tori said. "She's in town, I had lunch with her yesterday." Lane said. "I know, and you guys are friends and stuff." Tori said rolling her eyes and laughing. Celine, Kaitlyn and Jenny were laughing at Tori making fun of Lane. "Anyway.." Y/N said. At that moment the food arrived. Everyone ate their meal and went back into the cars. They took a couple because there were so many people. They all went back to Lane and Y/N's apartment. "So guys." Lane said. Corl, Tori, Alexis, and Sketch were all on one white couch. Ana, Alex, Jenny, and Sub were on another. Lane, and Peyton were in one big sofa chair. At the table was Cecilia, Kaitlyn, and Celine and two empty chairs. On the other sofa chair was Y/N and Denis. "Wanna watch a movie?" Celine said. "Sure." Denis said. Everyone agreed and Lane turned on Netflix. "Ooooh, I've been wanting to watch this show called The Deleted!" Tori said. (A/N I actually want to watch this sooooo bad! Idk why I haven't I've just been busy with Vlogging.)
"Same!" Kaitlyn said. "We should watch a movie though." Tori said. "Okay, I'll do whatever." Celine said. "Lane went through the movie list until they all agreed on one. Y/N grabbed a bunch of blankets and Lane started the movie. Twenty minutes into the movie Lane paused it to make popcorn. "POPCORN!" Sketch said as he scooped up a handful and ate it. Sub fell asleep in hour into the movie next to Jenny. His hand was still in the popcorn so Jenny moved it out. Sub woke up after that and they both started laughing. After a while almost everyone had fallen asleep. Celine, Kaitlyn, and Cecilia had made comfy pillow beds on the floor and had fallen asleep. Corl and Tori were asleep. And Jenny, Lane, Sub, Ana, Alexis, Peyton, Sketch, and Alex were all asleep. Y/N and Denis were still awake. "Y/N," Denis said. "Yes?" Y/N said. "Are we the only ones awake?" Denis said. "I think so." Y/N said laughing in a whisper voice. The movie got to the near end. "The movie is going to end, should I wake someone up?" Y/N said. "No. It's fine. We can just turn it off." Denis said.
(Denis POV) Why does she look like someone I know. Why am I even thinking about this. Whatever. Maybe it's just a random thought. I don't know, at this point I feel like I'm making up excuses.
They both knew this was the end of the movie. "Don't ever forget me." Someone in the movie said. "I won't because I'll never meet anyone like you again." Someone else in the movie said. Denis reached over and grabbed Y/N and kissed her. "I'm sorry, you just look like someone I know and I couldn't help it. I don't know what I did." Denis said worried that she would freak out. Y/N just sat there with her eyes wide open not knowing what to think.
I know I've been gone for awhile. It's really long and you guys deserve it. So here it is I hope you like it! Please tell me what you think in the comments and I will get back to you. I know I left you on a cliffhanger but you'll have to wait 😈 MWAHAHA...jk it won't be to long. Love you guys ❤️❤️❤️~ Tori 💚💜💛1268m💛💜💚 words btw this is the first thing I did when I got a reception. 😂😂 (I read this over again and now I want a Chipotle burrito. 😂)