The skin-changers had won.
But we had only won a single battle, an ever-lasting war lied ahead of us now. Maybe we could get the 30th pack and the others who support us to join. I shake my head, that was a thought for another time. I walk up to Hopsfly, well. It was clarified he was the best skin-changer here, he was a giant wolverine, Mixed with the boldness and bravery of a lion. His paws had long claws and faint tiger stripes. He morphs back into his usual mole-thing and we begin to walk to Red Oak. Hopsfly was inserting everyone into un-used dens. Sometimes people had to pair. I curl up in some moss I had gathered when I hunt. A pile of ones from the deer rabbits ect. It felt weird eating sometimes, like I was eating myself.
I can't sleep. I hear Anita turning over in her mossy bed over, and over again. I walk over to her den and I let myself in. We had became really close. She looks up at me and she flinches before fully recognizing its me. "Hi." I say, starting simple. "Hi, what are you doing up so late?" She asks licking a paw and walking over to her bones. She gnaws on one as I respond, "Same as you, not sleeping." She glances up and continues misshaping her bone. "So, you don't mind that I'm Nishuta's brother?" She glances up again. This time setting down her bone and fully standing on her fours. "Yes it bothers me," I look down, she mustn't like me then... "But not in the way your thinking." I look up confused. I cock my head and plop my haunches on the ground, dust swirling up. "It disturbs me how such a cruel person could ever be related to you." I launch myself at her for a weird embrace. I laugh and she follows up only seconds later.
I wake up the next morning with Kanutas' back on my back. I very comfortable and warm way to sleep. I get up. My back feels cold and empty now. I go over to the bone I was gnawing on yesterday. It was entertaining until Kanuta got up and we walked into the frigid night air. We had slept a day and woke up chatted and went back to sleep and we hadn't hunted since before the battle of the 49th pack. So we walk through the unusually cramped hallways and go to the surface. More animals were here than usual. All hunting. I hope they knew not to kill the prey immediately, lots of skin-changers died like that... There were to many animals so we left for the lake. Morphing ourselves into pelicans we fish. We set them down on the bank and began eating. Once we had we started playing with the bones. "Why, hello Mr.Fish!" I said getting a claw and making it wiggle about. "Hello Mrs.Bones!" He said and looked at me. "Hey follow me to a world of fun!" I say and slither closer to the water. His fish skeleton follows. "See that?" "See what?" The fish looked in closer. "This!" I get my fish and wack him into the water. "Hey!" He says and playfully tackles me. The next few days were the same till we saw a bridge being made out of trees. But they never finished it. People sat on it and swung sticks around from a distance. How odd.
Midnight Howl
AdventureSkin-Changers have been frown upon on almost every Narshlog pack. The 49th pack takes it to another level. Anita, a young silver blue-eyed wolf is discovered and goes into hiding to live a calm rest of her life like her mother. So she thought...