Party to sadness

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Camila's been significantly more distant lately but she has a weird way of dealing with her emotions so she could just need her space. My only worry is that she's always out until all hours of he night. Sometimes I won't see her light go on till 2 in the morning signifying she's getting home. Why am I up so late? Homework sometimes but mostly because I want to make sure Camila gets home safely. It's foolish and slightly obsessive but it doesn't take much for me I just have to stay up until the light goes on next door. It's not creepy, I promise. Because of swimming I'm up that late normally. I don't check every night that'd be weird. I just sort of notice sometimes.
The day went on tirelessly long, fridays are always more difficult than all other days because it's so close to the weekend but this one was especially difficult because I had nothing to look forward to. I don't practice on fridays even on JO week Friday is physical fitness day which means I go for a run or go to the gym for a bit but nothing crazy. Usually I look forward to seeing Camila or my mom but mom was on call again and Camila had cancelled on me. This was to be a lonely night. Hopefully Persephone is home and we can hang together, a brother sister night. When I got home my mom was rushing to get her stuff and head out.
"Oh thank goodness you're home Grayson look I have to go to work like right now so I need you to watch your sister."
"Of course mom no sweat."
"Do you have training today?"
"No not today?"
"I have an overnight shift so what time is your practice tomorrow?"
"Uh he wanted the session at 6:00 tomorrow morning and then I have workouts for summer team."
"So from 6 to what?"
"6 to 9 with Vlad then workout with the boys 10 to 2 and then I was hoping to go out with the boys afterwards."
"Yeah ok that's fine but bring your sister to practice and I'll pick her up when I get out at 8 ok?" I nod and she kisses my cheek running out of the house. I walk my way up the new marble stairs. My mothers only goal was to make enough to get a marble staircase. Don't ask me why but that's the first thing she did before slowly modernizing our house. She gets paid well and she more than supports us financially but she's always working I feel bad sometimes.
I throw my bag down in my room and take a short jog to Persephone's room.
"Sepha looks like it's just me and you tonight. Mom had to run out. Wanna do movie night?" She cheers and runs to me leaving her homework behind. I pick her up into my arms and hold her safely, walking down the stairs.
"Well what movie should we watch?"
"I want to watch power rangers."
"Well your wish is my command princess." I place her on the couch then grab my old power rangers DVD and plug it into the DVD player. I pop some popcorn then return to sit beside Sepha as her head rested on my chest.
"Who's your favorite Sepha?"
"The black ranger."
"He's brace enough to to do anything even if the red ranger tells him not too. He fears nothing."
"That can be reckless too Sepha. If by being fearless he causes more problems then shouldn't he listen and not do the thing."
"But if it could also get rid of the original problem it doesn't matter. Do it." She's so smart at such a young age. I was so dumb at such a young age. She's truly an old soul. Wise.
"You know you should ask Camila out?"
"What?" I ask shocked at her words.
"Well you like her and she's pretty you should do it, take a risk, be the black ranger." I chuckle slightly.
"I like Camila as a friend Sepha."
"So you still like her."
"It's different baby it's like how I love you. You're my sister. I don't see a romantic relationship with Camila because I love her how I love you."
"That's a lie. You look at her like red ranger looks at pink ranger."
"I do not."
"Defensive." How is this child so sassy. This is ridiculous.
"Whatever Sepha watch your movie."

Saturday was a rough practice, it was really difficult I'm glad I didn't miss it but I'm tired too.
"Lads let's go out and do something." Nile, a swimmer from Britain training with us in the states for JOs. He comes every fall and spring before each of our main seasons. He's a nice guy.
"We can grab a pint at a bar." Danny, Irish Olympian training at our swim club as well offers.
"No were underage here lad. That'll get us all in trouble like Lochte. We don't want that trouble." Nile explains.
"Alright. Let's go to a party then. One of your high school parties yeah. Those can get crazy." Nile offers.
"Yeah a guy from our school named Austin is having a party tonight we should all go." Harry suggests.
"Yah let's go right now." They jump out of the pool and we all head to the shower to wash off the chlorine then get dressed. There's not much we can do since we showed up in pretty basic clothing either way. I slip into my jeans and t shirt then wear some hi tops I had left here. The boys got ready quick as well and we headed out to my impending boredom. I told my mom I'd be with the guys pretty late and I know she likes her time with Sepha alone so I'm going to just make that happen for her and suck it up for this party. When we get there the music was loud and people were flooding out of the house.
"We're here lads let's get to partying!" Nile says loudly pumping his fists. I roll my eyes and exit the car. We all head up to the house and just walk right into the open door. The minute I entered my senses overloaded. The music bounced against my eardrum like a drum vibrating, the base so deep it sent vibrations in brain, the treble so fluctuating it would peak in my ears like it all was in a mic and the speaker was my ear. The strong scent of alcohol invaded my nose and stung my eyeballs. Not to mention the lights and sweaty bodies all around. The boys instantly all get drinks so I decided to search for Camila since she said she'd be coming. All I could see was drunk underage kids spanning On as far as my eye could see. I spotted a girl from our science class and she looked pretty sober so no doubt she'd seen Camila at least once. I make my way over to her position standing beside the staircase a red solo cup in her hand.
"Anna hey!"
"Oh hi Grayson." She says happily with a kind smile. She seemed as happy as one could be completely sober in a room that was scorching with body heat and dripping with aromatic sweat particles.
"Have you seen Camila? She invited me so I thought I'd at least say hi offer her a ride home later or something."
"Yeah I think she went upstairs earlier. You should check."
"Thanks." I make my way around the corner of the banister and up the staircase lined with red solo cups and drenched in alcohol spills probably from drunk teens climbing their way up with shaky hands.
I reach he top seeing a few couples making out along the long hallway but no Camila. Maybe she went into one of the rooms she doesn't like parties this loud and rowdy. I began opening doors until I found her but I soon regretted it. She was making out with Austin on what I assumed was his bed her hand in his hair and his on her petit waist. She noticed me and instantly pulled away.
"Gray! What're you doing here?"
"You're screwing him?"
"No we're dating I was going to tell you but everything was going so quick and I was afraid you wouldn't like him."
"How long?"
"A month."
"I'm sorry."
"Honestly Camila do whatever the hell you want because it's your life and obviously I'm not in it anymore."
"Grayson what the hell are you talking about. Are jealous that I'm in a relationship?"
"Seriously Mila. You know me or I thought you did. I'm not jealous and you know that. If you don't know why I'm mad then it's whatever. Have fun. Austin take care of her please she's a walking caution sign." He chuckles.
"I got her man." He assures me. I nod before leaving the room and walking downstairs. I find in the kitchen.
"This party's wank bro. Let's get out of here." Danny says. Nile follows us and Harry stays behind to dance with his buds.
"That was horrible. There was no good alcohol in there. Do they not know the prospect in a good pint of beer and not that corona shite they had in there. There's like plenty of better brands. And the wine and coolers. What the hell? Have they never heard of whiskey or vodka or a bit of rum even something better than that rubbish. And those people dancing couldn't be that drunk because they're drinking the rubbish in the kitchen." Danny complains. Him and Nile go on and on about the rubbish drinks in the party and the stupid music. He compared it to that of a kids bop tape. All I could here was the crashing of my entire life. Just Camila's in a relationship and I have to live with that.

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