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It's been weeks and I'm back in school keeping a low profile. I see her everyday I ignore her or stare her down. I wear hoodies everyday to hide th scars and a shirt shirt at practice. Vlad hates it. This vicious cycle goes on for weeks and no one really notices. The team notices my disinterest in everything but nothing else changes. The year begins coming to a close and the last day comes. I couldn't be happier. At least now I can travel. Now I can do something instead of cutting and drinking wishing to die.
I see a girl standing in the lobby of my school looking around as I'm grabbing my swim stuff from the gym locker room. All of the stuff I have here for the team. I cleaned out my locker so I was one of the few stragglers. She stood there with her back facing me. She had her black hair and a full figure. A skinny yet full physique. A woman's body. She wore fitted black jeans and heeled boots. Her top half was a crop top and a kimono as far as I could tell.
"Hey do you go here? Securities kicking us all out so you should hurry and get your stuff out your locker." She turns to me and my breathe catches innthe back of my throat. Those eyes. Those emerald green eyes that always sent fierce chills through ones soul.
"Lauren?" Her full lips covered in matte lipstick curved into a smile.
"Hey Wolfie." She didn't look the same st all, she looked different but those eyes I always knew. I couldn't possibly forget who owned eyes like those. She was taller obviously l, she's grown into her body very nicely might I add. Her jaw line chisels out slightly and her features lifted. She looked all grown up not like a little kid anymore. But one thing should never change was that her wavy brown hair and her gorgeous green eyes and I knew back then that if I never saw her again for years that her eyes and her facial frame that was her hair was how I would recognize her. I was right.
"Heat the hell are you doing here?"
"Looking for you."
"It's been what like six years how have you been?"
"I'm great. Boarding school was ass but I'm here now."
"You mean?"
"Yes Wolf I convinced my parents to let me spend senior year here at Langley."
"I know crazy right? So what's been going on with you besides absolute domination my world record breaker."
"How did you.."
"Something new about me Wolfie, I know things. I find out things and I know people I'm like the mafia without the murder and stealing." I chuckle.
"Well lots have been happening but I won't delve into that." She doesn't reply she just looks into my eyes and she reads me. She stares at me tilting her head. Her focus stared deep into me and made me feel slightly jittery. We stand in silence and her gaze makes me uncomfortable so I start shifting slightly to force break of her gaze. Doesn't work she just scans me quickly her eyes darting down then back up.
"Alright baby boy let's talk something's wrong you look off and I know I haven't seen you in well years but I just know. There's bandages on your wrists and I don't like that. Take me to your house we can talk about it."
I nod shocked at her all knowingness. She's always been like this so able to read people and tell their emotions or intentions. Even back in fourth grade. She has always been that good. We head out and begin walking to my house talking about life not really getting to the juicy part yet. She was so calm and relaxed with me, there was no awkwardness at all, no tension. It was like she never left and we'd just been friends this entire time, best friends. We reached my house and surprisingly both my mom and sister were home.
"Hey Mom is it ok I brought a friend over?"
"Yeah no problem." She says helping Sepha with her homework then she looked up and she furrowed her eyebrows at Lauren then her eyes widened and she gasped.
"Hey Mama Dickson."
"Sweetie look at you you're so grown up."
"Yeah it's been awhile hasn't it?"
"Wow sweetie it's so great to see you again what brings you back to town?"
"Well boarding school is overrated and my parents although still slight psychopasths are being reasonable since I don't like it up there they are letting me do senior year at Langley so my summer is here and I start school in the fall."
"Wow that's amazing Grayson has been missing you. Camila too why don't you go say hi. I haven't seen her over in a while."
"Yeah we don't talk anymore:" I insert. My mom gets a confused and slightly concerned face.
"What do you mean you don't talk anymore she used to come over every morning and afternoon you'd hang out every day." I see Lauren giving me a weird face from my peripheral vision.
"Yeah well we don't anymore it's complicated it's fine though. Im fine."
"Ok then honey I trust you but remember you have to go to practice tonight at Vlads." She says still slightly concerned.
"No worries mom I won't forget see you later."
"Later Sepha!" I wave to her but when she's I. The homework zone she is in the homework zone. I lead Lauren up the chestnut staircase and head to the attic where my room is. I throw my bag down and pull my hoodie off. Lauren makes herself comfortable on my bed.
"So Wolfie you and Camz aren't close anymore?"
"Yeah we had a little falling out four months ago and I haven't really been talking to her since. We were super close before that though." I lay across the bottom of my bed Lauren's legs picking my direction.
"What happened?"
"Well I feel in love with her in seventh grade."
"So you guys have been dating ever since?"
"No not at all. I never told her I just existed with this huge crush on her. Then she got interested in this football player, Austin. He's an asshole for starters and a player. I would tell her this she'd try to convince me to like him but I couldn't. Then at his party I went to, I caught them hooking up in his room. She started changing she was neglecting me as a friend and flaking and blowing me off without telling me which made it worse. And she would say these potentially hurtful comments. And she started smoking,drinking, partying, and skipping class. And all of that is fine in moderation but she wants to go to an Ivy League college. I just told her to chill out with all of that and she got mad. And then she forgot to come to he junior olympic tournament to cheer me on. I got upset and I went to air my problems out like I do every night on my roof to the moon and whatever it's healthy I think. She heard me and she told me to get over it and got almost disgusted. We still were friends though but then she invited me over with audtin and stuff and she'd locked her sister in the bedroom so she could smoke weed and drink. I told her that was messed up and left then I think it was a few days later her boy toy and his meathead friends were messing with me in the halls and they called me fat told me to find someone else's girlfriend to be in love with and made fun of me for my abusive dad. So Camila told them everything, all of my secrets. And I think that hurt more than the fact that they knew and were teasing me. It hurt that she told them, that she breached my trust so I cut her off and I didn't go to school for a few days then she came and apologized. She admitted what she did but tried to make it seem ok. I slammed the door in her face and went to my bathroom. I needed something. I needed a release from the hell I was in. I knew Tumblr girls cut to make themselves feel better I never understood that but I thought I'd try it. Anything to stop this pain. So I started cutting and hiding it. And that's pretty much it."
"Well damn Gray firstly..." she slaps me not too hard but pretty hard.
"Don't do stupid shit like that over some girl. I get it you were close and stuff but why are you taking that out on yourself. I know you're not stupid so why are you hurting yourself to punish ourself for getting hurt. That's idiotic. Never do that again do you hear me?"
"Yeah." I play with my fingers.
"Good. Have you talked to her since the incident?"
"Not once."
"Is she still with meathead?"
"Ahh Austin stop!" A cherry, giggly voice comes from across in Camila's window. We both look towards the window seeing it wide open as Austin and Camila were messing around by the window.
"I'd say yeah."
"She's stupid cause you're an amazing guy. I wouldn't give up a friendship with you over some stupid guy. I mean you don't betray friends like that either. It doesn't matter where you are with that person you don't expose their secrets that's just absolutely horrible. She should actually be ashsamed of herself. And she's with him still as if that's not hurtful. She actually doesn't care now I'm pissed. I'm about to go over there and give her a swift punch in the face." She starts to get up but I pull her back down.
"Stop she's going through something we can't blame that on her."
"Oh my god you're protecting her. That's noble. That's even more of a reason she should feel so much worse."
"But she doesn't."
"Whatever I'm here now so you don't have to depend on her for your happiness nor do you have to depend on blades. That being said..." she hops of my bed and heads into my bathroom immediately hidnijg my stash spot and taking both blades and flushing them down the toilet."
"How'd you do that?" I ask her looking at her in the mirror in front of my sink.
"Do what?"
"Find them so quickly."
"I...uh...I sadly have too much experience with that. I had an eating disorder for three years from eight grade to tenth grade and it lead to me cutting." She says nervously seeming to trust me but only so much. I want her to trust me completely but then again this is the first time we are seeing each other in years. I don't give her pity, I just give her a sad smile and look right at her.
"but I got over that and I'm healthy now and it's your turn as well to start getting some healthy habits." She nods now looking away as she checks for anymore blades anywhere.
"Ok you're clean now lets plan the rest of our incredible summer together."
"Well I leave for Olympic squad training camp in Italy in two days and then training in Romania. Tournaments in Prague, London, and Australia. And of course vacation with my club friends in Cancun."
"I'll come with you obviously."
"How? Your have to pay your own way and find places to stay."
"Perks of being a rich architects daughter. Unlimited credit card and the in with numerous top hotels. The literal only benefit of being a rich kid, the money and the connections. Everything else is hell."
"Well I mean if you've got it planned out then we can do it."
"Great now don't you have a practice to go to?"
"I don't have to go. I could spend time with you."
"Nuh-uh no days off baby boy. Work hard to be hard. You're going to practice now get your bag." She says before exiting the bathroom leaving me slightly confused.

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