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I walked to school alone that Monday. Camila texted me early saying she was bumming a ride from her boy toy. I walked in the silence no drive to get there early because I didn't have anyone to walk to class cuss eAustun does that now. When I eventually arrived st school I dragged myself through the rest of the day. I ate alone because Camila went off campus to a diner spot with Austin for lunch. I don't have any other friends except Camila. I've never needed anyone else but Camila. I have the boys at the club to balance out between friends but at school it was me and Camila everywhere that mattered but I don't think I'm going to be seeing much of her soon.
Wednesday rolled around and of course I was dreading the day ahead. I woke up dreading except there was a visitor in my bed again.
"Camila what are you doing here?"
"I'm sorry." She says in a baby voice.
"You don't know what you're apologizing for."
"Can you please just tell me I miss my best friend."
"Fine. You've been different lately. Not the sweet and caring girl I knew and you've been distant. You don't tell me anything anymore. It's been going on for a month I guess since you found another person to all to but you just pushed me out like you have no time to maintain this friendship. Like you could throw away seven years of friendship so easily."
"I'm sorry Gray I didn't mean to. I just had someone new in my life and it was exciting but I never should've pushed you away. That wasn't fair. I love you Gray you know that. You're my best friend and you'll always be my main priority. Bros before hoes." She jokes with a goofy smile holding her pinky out.
"G and C forever." She says. I lock my pinky in hers.
"G and C forever." I wrap my arms around her in a hug and then we both get up so I can get dressed. The walk to school was pleasant like our walks. It was my favorite part of he day again.
"Hey are you coming to my tournament?"
"Of course the big Junior Olympic tournament. You know I'll be there. And I'll be at the Olympic trials next year when you make it and at the olympics of course because you'll make it."
"I don't know Mila."
"Don't be ridiculous, you're the greatest swimmer in this state."
"That's not true but thanks." She stops me and turns me to look at her.
"Hey stop being like that you're an incredible athlete. You're going to make it and you're going to make the national team this summer. You have a raw talent and your hard work will payoff. I promise you."
"Thanks Mils."
"Anytime Gray."
We continue walking until we get to school but she doesn't grab my hand to calm her down like usual. She doesn't wrap an arm around me she instead walks up to Austin giving him a kiss and he wraps his arm around her shoulder.
"Grayson what's up man!" Austin greets me with a bro hug.
"Nothing much. You two have a good day alright."
"Yeah of course man. You too." He had his smirk as he kissed Camila again.
"See you." He stares right at me with a glare and a smirk. There's something wrong with this dude. I head off and make my way to class sitting alone as usual.
The day went no faster than the others before. I waited for Camila outside of her last class to walk home but she never came out. I head out of the school and see her with Austin in his car. They drive off almost instantly. I roll my eyes. She's being irresponsible now. I begin my walk home slower than usual not eager to be anywhere. I stop at the store to get Sepha her favorite cookies. It takes me hours to get there but when I do I see Camila getting out of Austins car before he drives off. Camila sees me and smiles waving.
"Hey Gray!"
"So you're skipping school now huh?"
"What do you mean?"
"I waited for you at your last class you never came out."
"I went to the nurse and I was there until school ended."
"No you weren't. You were in Austins car making out. I saw you."
"Ok whatever."
"You're being irresponsible Cami."
"So you're my mom now?"
"No just an observation."
"I skipped once alright? It's no big deal I just wanted to spend time with my boyfriend."
"Ok Camila but I don't want this becoming a habit you want to go to college. Losing credit for skipping too much is not the way to go."
"Oh my god Grayson you act like you control me. I'm not a child. Don't tell me what to do."
"Camila I'm just looking out for you. Austin is a bad influence don't pick up his habits."
"My god you're annoying why are we even friends." She groans.
"We don't have to be if that's really what you want." I walk into my house no further words. This is ridiculous. She's been with him a month and she's already a completely different person. Is it bad that I want to save her. I know this isn't her. I want my Camila back. Maybe she's going through something. She'll realize who she is soon. Pushing her best friend that's bound to be lonely for her. Neither of us can handle a day without the other. You think I'm joking? Our families go on vacation together every summer. Sofi and Sepha are best friends just like us. That's how close we are. We depend on each other and that can't ever change. We'd both go through inner combustion.
Nonetheless time for practice. I've gotta get my stuff and head straight to the pool. I don't know why I walked home so slowly I could've had homework time.
I make it to the pool with Nile and Harry already in doing laps. Me and Danny were left to warm up ourselves. It's going to be a hard day in never my best when I'm not on good terms with Camila which is rare. If we're ever mad at each other my swimming suffers and I know it.
"Boys let's talk." Vlad yells from the other side of the bleachers waving us over to where he was sat with three girls. We all jump out of the pool still messing around as we usually do and make our way to Vlad.
"Boys these are my female swimmers. Selena, Alycia, and Vanessa."
I greet them with a polite wave.
"They'll be training with you boys from now on."
"Yes I have much work to do outside of here I need more time. I'm combining my classes to make time for this."
"Vlad you're a full time coach." Harry points out. .
"This is true but I'm still old man and I need more time."
"Vlad you're 55." Harry points out causing all here girls to giggle.
"I'm old enough. Don't question it just do it. Introduce yourself to ladies." His accent I swear man it's the funniest thing you'll ever hear because he still is bad at speaking properly. He knows how grammar works but he just chooses not to do it. He's the most ridiculous man I've ever met.
"Hi ladies I'm Harry, I'm a junior in high school and I'm a part time swimmer full time lover. And the very best in both my fields." He winks.
"Oi that was painful to watch." Nile says his accent shining through. The girls swoon at his accent.
"That's so attractive." Selena says not meaning to I can tell cause her face went read.
"I'm Nile I'm from South Shields and I'm a sophomore in high school well the equivalent in Britain."
"I'm Danny in from a small town in Ireland. I'm the equivalent of a junior in high school."
"Nice." Alycia comments.
"How about you cutie?" She says looking at me.
"Oh my names Grayson, I'm a junior in high school and I'm from right here in Miami."
"Interesting. I think he's cute. What do you girls think?"
"He shouldn't skip core day but he's a cutie and he's got a nice face. He can grow into it." Vanessa says and I hold my face trying to feel what's wrong with it. Stupid I know.
"Vanessa you bitch don't say that. Grayson don't listen to her you have a great face and a strong core." Alycia assures me.
"I'm so sorry I thought I was in my head."
"It's fine.
"Guys look at the size of his hands." Selena says tapping them.
"Damn that's big.
"You guys know we can hear you right?"
"Yeah and we don't care." Alycia says.
"Well can you tell us where you're all from cause you're not all from Miami." I say nudging at The fact that Alycia had an accent.
"Right In Alycia-Debnam Carey from Australia and I'm about what would be a junior in high school and your high school."
"I'm Selena I'm from Texas I'm a junior in high school."
"I'm Vanessa Merrel and I'm from New Jersey the non racist part." Wait did she say that because me and Nile are black.
"Vanessa!" Selena scolds.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I'm nervous cause he's so cute. And my sisters not here to speak for me or tell me to shut up." She keeps rambling.
"It's ok beautiful I'm not upset."
"Sorry for rambling."
"Don't worry it's cute on you."
"Damn he's smooth." Selena says crossing her arms. Alycia nods her head as well.
"What about me ladies I'm cute." Harry says.
"Cocky isn't attractive." Selena says looking right at him.
"Oh yeah then why are you so attracted to me."
"You are literally delusional. Anyways boys why don't you show us around first time working in a fully stocked gym and pool arena for solely swimming."
"You ladies trying for nationals?" Nile asks very confused.
"Not all of us. But we want the very best training and that is Vlad. We flew out for different reasons for Vanessa it's a nationals thing. For me it's an Olympic thing. And for Sel it's a she's rich and can follow her friends everywhere type thing but still has a passion for swimming and competing she doesn't want it to go anywhere though." Alycia explains to us as we all stand up to go forward. I offer my hand to Vanessa to help her up and walk her down the bleachers. She blushes and thanks me taking my hand.
"Wow he's an absolute gentleman too." Selena points out looking at me.
"I'm going to say it right now. Dibs." Alycia says.
"Not fair I want him." Vanessa blurts then gets super embarrassed turning bright red.
"Whoops. I meant like we all have an equal chance..."I look at her amused as she start rambling to save the situation.
"Don't worry about it sweetheart I appreciate the attention." She was still bright red.
"So where do you girls go to school?" Harry asks.
"I go to be starting at Langley in the fall. There's just not enough time for me to get acclimated and catch the Teacher's up on my conditions." Vanessa explains before shutting up realizing she's said too much.
"I just finished schooling for homeschool for my grade so I'll be at Langley in the fall too heard the swim teams ass, hope we can fix that." Alycia explains.
"I'm at Palmetto Acadmey in about a month." Selena says rolling her eyes.
"Parents want her in private school." Vanessa explains for her.
"That's cool I go to Langley and Harry goes to Palmetto. These two are home schooled." I explain referring to Nile and Danny.
"Yeah cause we leave after he spring. Summer we travel for swim, here for fall and home for winter and come back for spring again."
"That's stupid just stay here the whole year what's wrong with Miami schooling."
Legates wrong with American schooling? That's a stupid question because the answer is everything." Nile says.
"Well so Langleys a top ranked school nationally. It's charter so it's on its own curriculum. Their academics are great and their sports pretty good as well except swimming and basketball." Vanessa says causing all of us to look at her.
"I did my research." She says looking down embarrassed.
"Pick your head up princess your tiara is falling." I say guingin her head up by her chin. She blushes red and I wink at her. I'm pretty good at this flirting thing. I like it.
"Wow he's so smooth. Like he keeps impressing me." Alycia says looking at me. We continue walking and showing them around getting a good feel for the building and then they got change dand we went for some laps. JOs are in two weeks and I am so exited now. Training will be so much better with these girls.

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