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My eyes opened and were met with big beautiful brown eyes beside me. I groaned and wiped my eyes.
"Hi." She says showing her pearly whites.
"What're you doing Camila?"
"I'm sorry about last night. Family thing, really last minute."
"It's cool Mila but why didn't you just text me?"
"You know how my family gets sometimes about me using my phone during family outings." I nod and roll over wrapping my arms around her and she snuggled her head into my shoulder her hand playing with the necklace around my neck.
"How'd you get into my house Mila?"
"I broke in of course." She says with sarcasm but it's not a joke cause she's done it before.
"What did my mother tell you about that."
"Hey look your door was unlocked this time."
"Ok fine well come on lovely we have to get ready for school." She nods against my chest then we i the stand up and I throw on a white t shirt over my sweatpants. I brush my teeth and wash my face then grab my bag and grab Camila's hand before going downstairs.
My mother stands in the kitchen in front of a pan she hears our feet and turns to us with a smile.
"Hey you two. Camila honey did you eat yet?"
"I did thanks though."
"Of course."
"I'm going to get an apple." I say grabbing one off the table.
"Really Grayson? I made breakfast."
"Thank you mom but you know me I don't eat in the mornings."
"Mhm. It's not good for your developing brain especially with the summer swim season coming up."
"I know mom. I know but I'm a man I can handle the lack of nutrients for a couple hours and apples are healthy."
"Mhm. Camila make sure he eats a lot of protein for lunch."
"I will, I promise Ms. Dickson."
"Good now you two better get on to school then."
"Bye mom." I kiss her cheek.
"Were you going to leave without saying bye?" My little sister Persephone says rocking back and forth in the doorway.
"Course not munchkin." I lift her over my shoulder tickling her as she giggles. I kiss her cheek before placing her back down allowing her to hug Camila.
"Bye munchkin have a good day at school." I hug her one more time before following Camila out of the door as we start walking the twenty minute walk to school.
Once we get to school I immediately walk her to her locker to get her stuff. I hold her backpack as she exchanges what she needs and doesn't need into and out of her locker.
"So what do you want to do for dinner on Friday, Indian?" I ask her.
"Uhm I'm meeting up with another friend for dinner."
"I promise to make it up to you next week alright. It'll just be postponed."
"Don't sweat it Mila it's absolutely no problem. I get it. Be with your other friends that's healthy."
"Why don't you hang out with some of the guys on the swim team?"
"I think I might. Most of us have workout for summer season on Sunday to get in shape so it could workout well."
"Are you going to training today with your coach? I might drop by you know I love to see your team in your element."
"You just fancy the idea of a bunch of guys wet and shirtless."
"Well yeah cause some of the swimmer are also super muscular and hot."
"And I'm not?"
"No sorry hun. It's why you make such a great friend there's no chance of me being attracted to you sexually." My smile drops from my face.
"You realize that was mean right?"
"What do you mean?"
"You just said I'm not sexually attractive."
"Did I? You know what I mean. I have a very specific taste that's all. You're lean like a swimmer but you're not muscular like some of the older guys training for the olympics."
"I'm training for Junior Olympics Camila."
"Gray don't get all sensitive, be a man you know how I meant it."
"Yeah." I sigh slightly. She fixes her hair and replies her lipstick in her mirror pursing her lips slightly before returning to her bubbly attitude. She's been different lately. She's obsessed with her looks and her clothing and being this perfect cookie cutter like he popular girls. She's been slightly inconsiderate of me and my feelings. She's flaked a lot in the last month on things we had together always blaming it on family events. She does not have enough family to be taking up her time all of the time. I don't know she's just different.
"Let's go." She cheers leaving me to carry her backpack to her first period. Mines on the other side of the school but I've got to make sure Camila gets there. It just gives me solace that she's safe and in class and it also gives us more time together. Our schedules make it so that we only have one class together and lunch as well. It was disappointing when we saw our schedules but we're tied at the hip all other times of the day so we sort of just got over it.

We walked as she somehow guided the conversation to that of a certain football player, Austin Mahone. I don't like that guy. Not because Camila likes him but because he's cocky and he treats girls horribly. I don't want Camila to be his next subject. I don't want that fate for her. He was an ugly addition to this otherwise beautiful conversation.
"Hey Camilla." Speak of the devil.
"Austin. Hi!" She says excitedly because her crush was talking to her.
"So uh I'm having this party Saturday night want to come?"
"Of course I would. Can Grayson come?"
"Uh I guess so yeah whatever." He says reluctantly. "As long as you're there beautiful." Camila blushed immensely lowering her head slightly.
"No don't worry about it Mila have fun at the party man working in the pool with the trainer all week after school and into the night. Saturday is leg day so I can't miss it but thanks for the invite."
"Oh come on Gray you've gotta come. Camila begs.
"Leave the guy alone. If he doesn't want to come don't make him. It'll just be you and me then gorgeous."
"Yeah." Camila says biting her lip slightly.
"Well ok then."
"Mila I gotta get to class but I'll text you." I say and she nods. I kiss her forehead and direct my oath towards my classroom sulking in the sadness of my heart watching my love flirt with some douchebag. It's going to be a long next couple of days I can just feel it.

After school I head to dinner with my little sister since my mum is on call at the hospital. We went out for Italian then got ice cream. We ate pretty early since I had to go to practice. I went home and got my swim bag with all of my necessities then changed into some shorts and a t shirt and drove her to the pool arena I practice at. She sat in the bleachers like usual while I trained hard in the pool with my private coach Vladimir. He's a wild Russian dude but he's a great coach.
"So Grayson what is going on with you and that Spanish girl you always bring around." Vlad asks in a heavy accent as I do bicep dips on the wall.
"Nothing she's crushing on this guy named Austin and we haven't seen each other much since she's always busy."
"You love her no?"
"What? No! She's my best friend. She's like a sister."
"A sister huh? So you can't keep your hands off your sister and look at her as if you want to rip off her clothes and tackle her into pool." His Russian accent made everything sound so aggressive.
"No Vlad. And I don't look at Camila like that either."
"Ah Camila is her name. Whenever she's here you work harder so maybe your mind doesn't know but you're body does. You want to impress her. You should bring her everyday till JOs then maybe you lose baby fat and gain muscle to be real Olympic swimmer."
"Haha funny Vlad." I say sarcastically.
"Or maybe you stop eating Italian food and ice cream before practice and doughnuts after."
"What're you talking about."
"Your little sister is observant and talkative." I roll my eyes and continue to dip.
"So this Austin boy is he good boyfriend to her."
"He's not her boyfriend." I say matter of faculty and I realize it was slightly aggressive.
"No? But he flirts with her like one?"
"Yeah can we not talk about him please."
"Why not? He makes you do more push-ups faster? Best way to work out is angry and he makes you angry because you love Spanish girl Camila."
"No I don't." I keep doing the dips.
"Ok let's see then go for 200 dash. I bet he's muscular right? That's why Camila likes him no?" I start to get angry at Vlads pushing. I put my goggles on to cover my eyes and fix my cap. I push off the wall and swim across he pool to the other side my arms stretching with anger and thrust pushing me further and furth, faster and faster. The father rushed past me a simply rushing sound brushing past my ears. I kick my legs with fervor and don't let up doing an effortless flip and swimming to the other side coming down to home stretch before touching the wall. I pull off my goggles and pull myself up onto the side of the pool. Vlad looks at his stopwatch the bends down next to me showing it to me.
"That is your fastest time today. You love Spanish girl and that's how I know it." I groan not admitting it and stand up walking to the locker room.
"Where are you going?" He yells at me.
"Sessions not done!"
"Sessions over Vlad I've got homework!" I shower in the locker room letting the water wash away the annoyance with today. Camila, Austin, and Vlad. I need a break.

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