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Camila apologized again but she shouldn't have had to and that upsets me. She's apologizing to me so much these days but she really shouldn't have to if she's a true friend. Honestly I'm just over it. I'm just trying to salvage what it is that we have left. I don't want to lose her to some Dorito looking f-boy.
"Cami movie night?" I ask her as we walk home together.
"Well we can as long as Austin and some of his friends can come too."
"Sure I guess. We can do 8 at my house."
"Actually can we be at mine cause my parents won't be home and we may want to do some pg-13 stuff you know."
"Like what?"
"I don't know smoke or drink or something."
"Camila I'm an athlete I can't do that stuff."
"Don't be a priss Austins an athlete and he does it all the time. He says it's fun."
"It's not a good idea alright we're underage and weed is illegal it's dangerous. It's playing with fire in more ways than one."
"Fine whatever don't come."
"Camila are you kidding me? Just evecause I'm voicing my opinion now that makes me a bad guy. I want to hang with you, talk. We don't know each other that well anymore and it sucks."
"Gray I'm busy. I have a life now, a boyfriend, and cool friends and..."
"Oh so you've got cool friends now cause I'm not cool enough?"
"No you're not Grayson you're so reserved. You don't ever want to do anything crazy or fun."
"I took you on a helicopter ride, we do crazy things. I bring you around the world every summer what do you mean?"
"Yeah but when we're home you don't ever want to do normal teenager things like smoking weed or going to parties."
"I'm an athlete I can't do certain things to be able to compete internationally and be in peak physical shape."
"You're so obsessed with your swimming and being good at it and it's ridiculous. Try something else. Get interested in something else, talk about something else."
"Well I would talk to you but you're always with your boy you and his stupid metalhead friends."
"That was rude."
"Sorry." I tuck my hands in my pockets and look down now calming down.
"It's ok. I get why you're mad I guess. I've been neglecting you and it's. It's not fair. At all. I'm sorry."
"It's ok Cami. I'm fine if you want to spend some more time with your boyfriend I get it."
"Thanks Gray. You know what I'm going to call Austin in spending movie night with my best friend. Only us." I smile and wrap an arm around her shoulder pulling her into a hug. We walk back to my house and begin a long movie night talking and messing around like we used to. Everything was perfect.
"You ready mate." Alycia asks patting my back while I'm trying to warm up bouncing up and down.
"Yeah I think so." I stretch out my arm muscles and neck muscles.
"Boys and girls gather round." Vlad says beckoning us to circle around him.
"Alright you kids today is big day. Remember we swim smart. Keep a good pace, watch your form, stay warm always. Don't get cocky. Fight hard the entire time. Kick up on the final stretch. Denver your breathing. You can all do this. I believe in each one of you. If you place high enough for national points then that's good. Work hard I can't be mad at you for doing your best. Do it for me. Do it for Vlad." We all laugh then it was time to head out. We went to the pool area with the loud sound of all of the parents and swimming enthusiasts. I looked up where my mom and Sepha were sitting but I looked at the one seat and my smile disappeared. I looked at my mom and she gave me a sad smile. I try to shake it off and get rid of the idea that my best friend didn't show up to my biggest meet of the year that she knew I was nervous for.
"Grayson Dickson from the USA." They announce. My training mates all cheer for me and Vlad nods. The bell rings and I launch into the pool and begin swimming. I try to focus but Camila is the only thing in my mind. Why wouldn't she come? Before I knew it I stumbled at the turn significantly screwing up my streamline for the next lap. I bring myself back but I was so far from the pack. I reach he last lap pushing as hard as I could but I end up in fifth place. I get out of the pool throwing my goggles down by my stuff. I kneel next to the chair with my stuff running my hands over my face and through my hair. She was in my head and she cost me the win I could've won that but because of her I was off track. I hate that she affects me like this. I absolutely hate it.
"Aye. Grayson love don't get angry." I feel hands on my back but I shake them off.
"Hey stop that. Calm down." The voice soothes me.
"It's all her fault." I say simply.
"What? Who's fault?" I take a deep breath and calm down before explaining looking up into the beautiful blue eyes of Vanessa.
"My best friend, Camila she didn't come and she knew how important this was to me. She knew that I wouldn't swim as well without her here."
"Don't tie your potential and your glory to some friend who can't even bother to support you. You are a fabulous swimmer and that's all you not her. She's not your good luck charm. You're your own good luck charm don't let her affect you. Channel that anger and swim faster for the butterfly. You have got this. You will place in at least one event today. I promise you that." She was uplifting me her words were like the pep talks Camila used to give me except against Camila. I nod at her and stand up shaking it out. We walk back into the arena and get set for her next event. After cheering her in I was up again. I slipped my goggles over my eyes. The bell rang and I launched myself forward slipping into the cold chlorine filled water. I swam hard my breathing In and out. The water breaking as I pushed through the water. The cold sensation back again when I dove back under pushing the water back with force propelling me forward at an insanely fast speed. My anger was pushing but my technique stayed firm. I moved quicker and quicker pushing hard. My turns were clean and my focus was completely where it was supposed to be. I reach out and touch the wall to finish.
"And there it is folks Grayson Dickson with the win and a new world record at 1 minute and 7 seconds in the men's 400 meter butterfly. I see the placemat and I scream in happiness. A brute and aggressive man scream. I've placed for a gold medal. I get out the pool and hug the girls then chest bump the boys and hug Vlad. He was so proud and he made sure I knew. Gotta Love Vlad. I was glad that I pushed passed Camila and her hold on me and I'm proud of my performance today although it might've been better if she were here.
At school

Camila walks up to me in the hallway as I'm walking to last period. I completely ignore her.
"Gray come on I'm sorry about dinner night but Austin wanted to take me out."
"Stop being salty."
"Ugh just talk to me."
"You're being dramatic."
"Whatever you'll talk to me eventually." We walk into class and she sit down in our usual seats next to each other smiling at me but I sit behind her.
We go the entire class period with no interaction since she was trying and I was ignoring so she gave up. Then the announcement came on.
"Time for after school sports announcements. Boys baseball has Palmetto at 3 today over at Palmetto high school and girls tennis hosts Horris tech at 6 tonight here at Langley high school memorial tennis courts.
"And a special announcement. Congratulations to our own Grayson Dickson for his 5th place in the 200m backstroke and his first place gold medal world record breaking performance in the 400m butterfly at the Junior Olympics tournament this weekend. Congrats and good luck at summer nationals." Camila turns to me with a guilt filled and shocked face.
"Gray I'm so sorry. I forgot."
"Yeah I know you did that's why I got fifth in my beats event because i was so caught up that my best friend knew how important this was and still forgot to come. I was devastated Camila."
"I know I'm sorry. I'm so so so sorry. I ha Dolan ed to be there and then Austin texted me and asked me to hang out and I said yes of course. Then we got caught up and things went really late and it just slipped my mind. I'm so sorry."
"Whatever. I pick up my stuff and begin walking out as the bell rings. I catch a ride home from Alycia since she was in the area and she wanted to hang anyways. Camila really as changed but I love her anyways.

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