Chapter 8

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Ch. 8

Harry's POV:

I saw Niall coming through the front door again. Everybody was gone, there was red cups and a couple of bras everywhere, I'm pretty sure Liam and everybody had a hell of a night but me. They were all asleep I guess, Louis was way too drunk to leave, Zayn was probably in one of the guest rooms, and Liam, well this is his house so he probably is in his room with Emma. After Camila left and cursed me out, I went back to the room where Lindsay was, still half naked and waiting for me. I didn't fuck her of course, I wouldn't do that. I was just hurt and heartbroken because I thought I had a chance with Camila and I thought she would listen to me, but she didn't, in fact I think I even pushed her away and lost all her trust. I really wish she could see what the reality is, Louis is only playing her and I'm the one who cares about her.

Is not like she cares anyway she hates you.

My stupid subconscious reminds me. And he's right, I shouldn't be caring about her anymore, not in that way at least. I guess all she can give me is her friendship, even if I want more than that, she already fell for Louis, and she's going to fall even more.

No. I can't let that happen. I can't let Louis win this time. I'm going to fight for her, I'm going to gain her trust again and make her see the reality, Louis blindfolded her.

"Where is she?" I approached Niall, furious and broken.

"Who Camila? She seemed pretty upset so I took her home mate why?" He said while pouring some milk into his cereal bowl.

"Why would you do that?! She couldn't just leave like that! I had to talk to her you dumbass!" I said while slamming my hands against the table.

"Hey chill out curly, if you were the reason she was upset I don't think she would've talked to you" he said while pointing at me. What does he know?

"You don't know shit!"

"But that is the reason, right?" He said while raising one eyebrow.

"She saw me with Lindsay making out" I lowered my voice, disgusted. I can't believe i did it, she's a whore and I was drunk and still hurt. Wow I'm a little bitch

"No way dude! Wait.. Then were you just messing with Lindsay? Or are you guys back together? Are you talking to Camila? Dude if you are you're so fucked you know Louis and Cam are talking right? How could you do this to him! You guys are like broth-"

"Shut the fuck up Niall!" I cut him off, I literally screamed so hard Europe probably heard me, then I sighed, "I was just messing with Lindsay I wouldn't get back with that slut, no I'm not talking to Camila, and yes I know they're talking, and you know damn well he has done way worse to me, I don't give two shits about him anymore, he has been losing my respect day by day" I paused and then continued, "you also know Louis is only messing with her, he doesn't deserve her" I shacked my head.

"Are you saying you have feelings for Cam?"

"Yeah" I sat down next to him.

"Then why would you have sex with Lindsay?" He said while throwing his hands in the air.

"First of all, we didn't fuck, she just blowed me but Camila doesn't know" his eyes were wide open, he couldn't believe me and I didn't believe myself either, "and she doesn't need to know so I'd appreciate if you could keep your mouth shut"

"Wow, so, is old Harry back?"

"Fuck no, I hate him" you could tell the disappointment in my voice.

"Im sorry, for like Louis and Camila, I know Louis has never been a good guy and I doubt he ever will." He said while patting my back.

"I know mate, that's why I need to separate them"

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