Chapter 6

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Ch. 6

Liam's birthday party is today, I have no idea of what to get him, I barely know him but it would be rude if I don't even go with a present. He did mention a couple days ago that he likes batman and he has cooking classes as an elective in school, so I can probably get him a batman apron? Yes, that'd be perfect. I hope so. I get up from bed and put on some sweat pants and a hoodie since it's kind of windy outside. I head downstairs to ask my mom for a ride to Walmart since I don't have a car, I really need a job to start saving money for one before college. My mom is already up, doing some gardening outside, she loves doing it, it's like her favorite thing in the world and I never understood why. She sees me in the living room and gives me a warm smile before walking towards me.

"Good morning sweet heart." she gives me a kiss on my forehead.

"Morning" I half smile.

"So, why are you up this early? You normally wake up until 11 am" It's true. I don't like waking up early, if I could, I would stay in bed all day long.

"I was wondering if you could give me a ride to Walmart, I need to buy a gift" I tell my mom while pouring some orange juice to a plastic cup.

"And who is that gift for?" she says while she's cooking something, I think they're pancakes. Ew. Don't get me wrong I like them they're just not my favorite.

"My friend Liam, today's his birthday party remember?" I raise one of my eyebrows, hoping she didn't forget.

"Oh yeah yeah, sure honey lets just eat breakfast and then I'll take you" she places the pancakes in two plates and passes me the honey.

"Thanks for the..pancakes" I slowly chew.

"I know they're not your favorite but I haven't gone grocery shopping" she half smiles.

We finish breakfast and I put the dirty dishes in the dishwasher machine, I'm not touching the dirty dishes I find it so gross and I hate it. We get in the car and head to Walmart. We park a little bit far, the parking lot today is full, I guess it is because it's Saturday. The automatic doors open and I automatically go to the kitchen area.

"Why are we in the the kitchen area?" she raises one eyebrow making her face look confused.

"He has cooking classes in school so I decided to get him a batman apron..." Not the best idea I think?

"Oh..okay" I find the apron and make sure it's a one-size apron, otherwise it would've been a problem. He's going to like it, it's going to fit him perfectly. I pay for the apron and walk to the car with my mom. The ride is quiet, not awkward just quiet.

"So.. Is someone picking you up or am I taking you?" she asks. I know she's asking just to see if I got a date.

"My friend Louis is picking me up" I keep looking outside of my window avoiding to look at her.

"Aw is he like your date? Ahh are you dating him? How long have you guys been together? Why didn't you tell me? Is he handsome? Does he have any sib-"

"Stop mom! You could say he's my date but no we're just friends, yeah I guess he's cute and no he doesn't have any siblings." I said to her a little annoyed.

"Oh I see.." she half smiled. I guess she was waiting for me to say I was dating him or something. I've never had a boyfriend before. I mean when I was middle school in 6th grade but we broke up like 2 days later so I haven't had something serious. I wonder how it's like to have someone who truly cares about you and your feelings. Someone to bring home to meet your parents, in this case only my mom and my brother. She have always had hope that one day I'll come home and say "Hey mom, this is my boyfriend, the one I talked to you about", I hope that day comes hopefully soon. The rest of the ride was quiet, I turned on the radio to make the mood a little less awkward. My mom parked in front of the garage and I thanked her for taking me to Walmart. I headed upstairs and started to get ready, the party starts at 8 but Louis told me he was going to pick me up at 7. I took a shower, I shaved my legs and armpits, I don't want to look disgusting today, it's my first party since freshman year.. Wow, I just realized that, that was ages ago. I have to admit I'm a little nervous, it's going to be the first time I drink and party like an "adult" I guess. I got out of the shower and blow-dried my hair, I curled the ends of it just to make it look natural. I grabbed my make up kit that my mom gave me last year, I really don't use it that much just for special occasions like this one. I put on some foundation and concealer to cover my imperfections, then I grabbed my dark brown eyeliner and put it as close as possible to my lashes. To finish my make up, I curled my upper eyelashes and put mascara on them. I want to kind of look natural but older you know what I mean? Now my outfit. Shit I really don't know what to wear. Should i wear jeans and a tank top? Or a dress or a skirt? I'm going to go with skinny jeans and a black tank top that says "2 sassy for u", I also grabbed my black high heels. I looked at the mirror one last time. "I'm probably getting home at 12 so I shouldn't bring my charger."I said to myself. If only I knew..

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