(2.14) First Sight

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This chapter is long as shit so get ready.

It was as though all of the warm air had been sucked out of the room, an ominous chill settling over the room as the hybrid and his ex lover stared at each other from across the small stone crypt. Both Elijah and Sophie watched the couple, wondering idly what they were thinking. It seemed as though the silence was forever when in reality, it was only seconds.

"What is the meaning of this?" Klaus asked in a low voice. He took in the girl in front of him with a dubious expression. Eden looked so different and yet just the same all at once and it made Klaus remember just how much he had missed the girl in front of him. He'd been so stupid to leave her alone for even a moment and if he had done what he should have then he and Eden would still be in Mystic Falls and he would have her by his side while he ruled the entire supernatural world.

Eden on the other hand was taking in Klaus' physical appearance. It was like she hadn't seen him in decades and her memories did him no justice. Klaus had, if possible, gotten even more beautiful in his absence than Eden last remembered him. He stood there, in all his glory and as much as Eden wanted to run into his arms and tell him everything that she had endured in his absence, she stayed still. Klaus had left the girl to her defenses and as a result she had been held captive and was now pregnant with his child.

"Niklaus," Elijah said softly, and the younger brother whipped around to face him. "Remember what we talked about." Eden looked from Elijah back to Klaus and raised a curious eyebrow as Klaus took a single step forward, until Sophie blocked his path.

"Has your brother already informed you of our terms?" She asked, which prompted Elijah to step forward.

"Niklaus is well aware of the terms, though as predicted, he does not agree to them." Sophie gave Elijah a dubious look before looking back to Klaus.

"That isn't an option. You either agree to the deal or the girl dies." Eden grimaced and Klaus growled, grabbing Sophie by the throat and clenching his fist. Immediately, Eden began clawing at her throat in a desperate attempt to get air inside of her lungs. She dropped to her feet and Elijah yanked Klaus' hand from the witch's throat.

"Niklaus!" He scolded as the witch dropped to her feet and started coughing. Eden gasped out, and someone pulled her up roughly as she glared daggers at the Originals standing across from her.

"As Ms. Deveraux has kindly informed me, her older sister linked her and Eden together before she died." Klaus' blue eyes shot up to Eden who was now sporting a pink print on her neck. She rubbed it gently but avoided his eye contact. When he saw that she was not going to look at him, his eyes turned to the witch who had regained her balance and was now watching the two men with guarded eyes.

"I will bleed this entire coven dry." He threatened, but Sophie stood her ground.

"Do that, and both Eden and the baby will die before you make it to the the second witch." As much as Eden disliked Sophie, she could not help but admire how protective of her coven she was. Klaus hesitated slightly before Elijah put a hand on his shoulder and pulled his brother back.

"I will not sit back and be bullied into doing your dirty work." Klaus bit out angrily. Sophie shrugged, carelessly.

"Fine, then I'll hand her over to Marcel and we can let him decide what to do with her and the baby." At this Eden stepped forward.

"You'll do no such thing, my life is not a bargaining chip." Sophie did not so much as turn to the girl and this time it was Elijah who spoke.

"Would you also be willing to tell Marcel that it was you who not only dragged one, but two originals into town as a way to defeat him? Or did you plan to keep that a secret? Because I certainly don't think Eden would be so inclined to keep her mouth shut about it as your coven have held her captive for the past three days." Sophie glanced back at Eden who was giving her a triumphant look and Sophie turned back around before shrugging. She picked up the abandoned knife that laid on the ground.

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