(2.29) Appointments

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Jupiter was no means some errand girl to help Klaus do his bidding. In truth it was no secret that the witch despised the original hybrid almost as much as she despised his child. She didn't mean the child any harm of course, but the fact that it was a by product of something so wicked made her detest the helpless creature. Jupiter of course would still do everything in her power to make sure that the child was safe, lest it come out even half as decent as its mother; but she still didn't very much like it.

Eden was leaving to go to some weird baby doctor out in the bayou and while every bone in Jupiter's body screamed that she should be going as well, she was getting ready to go out to this stupid street festival with Klaus and Jana while Rebekah continued to roam the city looking for some attic to find the sibling that Jupiter detested the least.

"Are you done brooding luv, we have a party to get to." Klaus spoke, breaking Jupiter from her inner monologue as her dark eyes snapped to him. She scowled, flipping her long hair over her shoulders as she brushed past him in an emerald green sundress with a pair of white flats. She paired the outfit with red lipstick and a small white clutch while her hair was half up/half down. She hadn't worn her hair like this since she was seventeen but since the witch was only sixteen, she figured that it wouldn't hurt to add a bit of a younger touch. Jana stood at the doorway in a pair of black jeans and a pale pink tank top paired with a set of black shoes.

"Do you know how long its been since you wore your hair like this?" Jana teased as she tugged on a small piece of Jupiter's hair. The witch scowled, smacking her hand away impatiently as she walked out the door with both Klaus and Jana on her heels.

* * *

"What does this girl even look like?" Jupiter asked impatiently, cranning her neck around for some sign of the bartender that she saw at Marcel's party. Klaus told the two that the young witch and Cami would be together, but so far, Jupiter had not seen either of them. Jana shrugged, looking around as well.

"Maybe she's still with Marcel?!" Jana yelled over the loud music. Jupiter groaned in irritation. If she were anywhere else, then she would have muted the music so she could think clearly, but she was in the dreaded Quarter of all places.

"I have no idea-" She stopped suddenly, catching sight of the bartender who was standing a mere few feet in front of her with Davina walking a few paces behind her. Jupiter tugged on Jana's shoulder, pointing out in front of them as the two women disappeared into a small bar.

"That was them, wasn't it?" Jana asked, squinting her eyes as she read the name of the bar. Jupiter nodded, pulling her best friend in the same direction of the bar.

"You remember what the plan was right?" Jana asked the witch.

"Pretend to bump into her, snag a strand of her hair while you're apologizing and then go straight back to the plantation." She recited as though the instructions had been branded into her brain.

Jupiter was the first inside the tattered little bar. It was too small to support the amount of people that had overflown inside of the place. Bodies were jammed into each other, all cheering on the jazz band that was playing away on the small makeshift stage. A boy, no older than seventeen, was playing the violin in the front and even Jupiter had to admit that he was good. As her eyes continued to scan the crowd, she spotted Davina and Cami sitting at the bar watching the same boy that Jupiter had spotted earlier. Davina had a look of absolute adoration in her eyes, and putting the two together, Jupiter leaned over to speak with Jana.

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