(2.22) Recon 1/2

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As the days became increasingly slower, Jana Martinez had taken to dusting off some of the older things that was had been lying around the manor and to her delight, she found one of the journals that Elijah used to own in the late 1300's. She sat on the floor, knelt over the book as she read, idly thinking about what Elijah would have looked like during this time period. She would be lying if she didn't think that he was an attractive man, as all of the Mikaelsons that she had met had been, but there was something different about Elijah, and as much as she denied it, she wanted to know about him a little more.

"What are you doing?" Eden asked as she walked into the room. She had just come inside from the garden where Jupiter was spending most of her time. She claimed the garden was the best place for her as it helped her feel one with nature, the source of her power. Jana looked up from the book, snapping it shut as she stood up so that she was eye level with Eden.

"I found this book of Elijah's in the trunk. It's from the 1300's, isn't that cool?" Jana asked excitedly. Against her mood, Eden chuckled. Even if she had been in a rut lately, it did not call for her to bring her cousin down with her.

After the night that Eden left the house, she had been scolded once more by her cousin and friend on leaving the house and once they left, she lay in bed for about an hour trying her hardest not to cry, and failing miserably. Klaus and Eden were no strangers to arguments, but never had he put his hands on her and she was afraid that his anger would get the best of him once more.

She was currently wrapping her necklace around her small fingers as Jana began to excitedly explain everything that she'd read from Elijah's journal. She had never taken Jana as a historic, and so she found it adorable how her eyes lit up at thinking about a man who had lived through it all. Despite her feelings towards Elijah, when she did see him again, she would ask him if he would possibly think about showing Jana some of the things from his past himself. Elijah seemed kind enough to do so.

"Sounds exciting." Eden commented, a little curious to if Jana was about to begin jumping up and down from excitement. Jana took a breath, smiling as she realized what she was doing.

"I sound like dad." She said fondly, clutching the book to her chest. Eden smiled at the mention of her Uncle Alfonso, putting an arm around her cousin as Jana's smile faded slightly.

"He would be so proud to know that his daughter was as big of a geek as he was." Eden told her, causing Jana to elbow her playfully.

"Do they know what their doing about Elijah?" Jana asked, changing the topic. Eden shrugged, sighing.

"I have no idea, but I guess now is as good as anytime to ask." Eden beckoned her forward, and the two girls made their way into Klaus' drawing room where he and Rebekah were currently making plans.

"...They were my responsibility, they attacked a pregnant girl carrying my child." Jana glanced at Eden, watching her to see what Eden's response would be to Klaus' claim on their child, but Eden was stoic and so Jana continued to listen.

"Oh," Rebekah cooed sarcastically. "I am so moved by your newly sense of fatherly duty towards the girl carrying your baby." Eden rolled her eyes, leaning against the frame and gathering the attention of both Originals.

"Good, because seeing as Elijah was the only one who is being rational about my pregnancy, then I would like to know the plan." Klaus made a face, trying to ignore the jab.

"Well that depends on what plan you mean luv, my plan for global domination or Rebekah's plan to find love in a cruel, cruel world." Eden scowled and Rebekah gave a snort before using vampire speed to launch a paintbrush in his direction which Klaus caught easily.

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