(2.36) Old Friends

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Eden awoke with a start, her head had bumped against something hard and startled her awake. She looked around in alarm, taking in the sound of her being driven somewhere as well as seeing that she was in the back of a car, the trunk presumably. She went to pull her hands up and saw that they were tied together in a bid to bind her. Eden began panicking. Whoever had taken her obviously had nothing good planned and if she wasn't quick about it, then she knew nothing good would come from it. She looked around haphazardly and came up with an idea.

She pulled her foot in towards her and kicked at the back of the trunk, grimacing as her foot connected to the glass and the pain shot up her leg. Nevertheless she pulled her foot back again and kicked it forward, smiling in satisfaction as she saw it crack. Although with her progress, she had alerted her captor as well and the truck came to a screeching halt. Eden winced as she heard him walking around to the back of the car and heard the trunk being opened.

"Tyler?" She questioned, surprised to see the hybrid staring back at her in frustration.

"Seriously Eden?" He growled, grabbing her right foot and pulling it towards him. Eden squirmed and saw him pull out the same material that he had used to wrap her hands in. Knowing what he planned, she used her left foot to pull back and threw it forward, kicking him right in the groin. He doubled over and Eden kicked her right foot out as it connected to his face. Tyler grabbed his face in pain and Eden took it as her chance to run. She scooted out of the truck and took off towards the direction that she had come in. She was able to run for about ten seconds before Tyler appeared in front of her, a cut slowly closing by his temple where Eden had kicked him.

"You don't want to fight me Eden, you won't win." But the Latina didn't listen, survival mode had kicked in and she was not only fighting for her but for her daughter as well.

"I will if I have to." She muttered; Tyler groaned and used his vamp speed to get behind her and sweep her from her feet. Eden fell backwards and right into Tyler's arms before she was being thrown over Tyler's shoulder.

"What are you doing?!" Eden screamed out. Tyler said nothing in response and so miserably she figured that it was no use to try and fight back.

She wasn't sure how long Tyler carried her but at some point she did sheepishly fall asleep against him. She couldn't help it if she were being honest, she hadn't slept since the previous night and all the running and fighting she did had her drained. Also she would be lying if she said the soft rocking of Tyler helped put her to sleep.

When she awoke, she was in a cabin, chained up to an old water heater while Tyler stood adjacent from her with his arms crossed. He gave her a cold look and she reciprocated it as she tugged at the bindings holding her in place.

"You want to tell me what the hell has gotten into you?" Eden demanded when she saw that she wasn't getting away. Tyler chuckled, a cold humorless one as he stepped forward and crouched down so that he was eye-level with Eden.

"I'd ask you the same thing but judging by the fat belly and the heartbeat I have a good guess." He sneered and Eden rolled her eyes.

"Great, so you kidnapped me because I got pregnant? Is that a new pastime for you Lockwood? Kidnapping pregnant women?" Tyler snorted, standing back up.

"Well seeing as you're the only girl that has ever gotten pregnant by Klaus then I would like to think that this was a first." He remarked coolly. Eden hesitated, if Tyler knew that she was pregnant with him being all the way in Mystic Falls, then maybe the others knew she was as well.

"This is a new low Tyler, even for you. Klaus knows I'm missing and he's going to tear this city apart to search for me and our daughter." Eden replied smugly.

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