(2.24) Witch Business

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"Are you out of your mind?" Sophie asked the Original family as they sat across from her on the couch later that day. Jupiter sat on the opposite end whilst Eden stood between Klaus and Rebekah. Rebekah had waltzed in with Sophie Deveruax in tow only a few minutes prior and while Eden and Jupiter were curious as to what they were up to, Jana hadn't come as she wanted to take a shower to clear her mind. Eden paced quietly back and forth, watching the young witch with predatory eyes as she did not trust her to do something that would make her suffer.

"No way." Sophie shook her head and Eden narrowed her eyes in agitation. The plan was quite simple and despite the fact that there was the rule for magic, Eden didn't quite care that one of the witches would get hurt.

"It's very simple. We need you to preform a teeny tiny locater spell to help us find Elijah." She summed up.

"Witches who practice magic in this town get caught, and killed." Sophie stated, as if it were the most obvious thing in the world.

"That didn't stop your sister." Eden reminded her bitterly. Sophie's eyes landed on Eden as they hardened.

"What my sister did was sacrifice her life to save my coven." Sophie argued. Eden scoffed.

"No the bit-" Klaus placed a hand on her shoulder and Eden cut herself off, shrugging Klaus' hand off in the process.

"Yes well about that, it seems you left out a crucial detail when we made our deal. Marcel's secret weapon, the way he knows when a witch is using magic." He said, taking a seat in one of the arm chairs. Eden crossed her arms together, coming to stand behind Klaus' chair as she watched Sophie's face change.

"Girl about yay high, cute as a button, anger issues." Rebekah said, placing her hand high in the air as if measuring out the teenager's height.

"Davina?" Sophie breathed out. "W-Where have you seen her?" She stuttered out, causing Eden to raise an eyebrow in curiosity. Rebekah shrugged.

"I don't know. The little brat erased my memory after she threw me out the window with her bloody mind!" Jupiter made a small noise, and Rebekah's head snapped in that direction.

"Something funny?" She asked, but Jupiter shook her head.

"Just a thought." She said quietly.

"Let me cut to the chase," Klaus said, sitting forward in his seat. "Davina has Elijah. You witches, I assume, want to get Davina away from Marcel. We don't know where she is, ergo we need magic." Sophie jerked her thumb in Jupiter's direction.

"Is she not a witch, why don't you use her?" Jupiter narrowed her eyes at the brunette.

"This isn't my business to get into. I didn't make the stupid deal keeping my friend here and my coven isn't the one in danger." Klaus smirked at the younger witch.

"Yes well Jupiter has made it quite clear that she will not intervene unless she deems it truly necessary and while I don't agree with her about that, I can certainly agree that it is your doing that is keeping her here." The last part was meant for Jupiter, but the redhead ignored it all the same.

"Davina would sense my magic." Sophie reasoned. Rebekah perked up, scooting forward in her seat.

"Unless of course another witch, say, a traitor to the cause, Katie for example was to perform much more powerful magic at the same time. That would create a smokescreen concealing your very small spell from Davina." Sophie shook her head.

"Katie doesn't deserve to die." She said in a small voice. Klaus smacked the table, startling every woman in the room with the exception of Rebekah.

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