Chapter 4

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~Hey, an Echo reference! Just in case any of you guys wanted to see an official design of him~

Also, I'm back. Finally :')


White paws skidded through black mud as Echo sprinted through the darkness. His eyes were bulging with fear. Something huge was behind him, invisible in the black atmosphere. He could feel tremors shaking the ground every time it stepped. Sliding, he grabbed ahold of a bare tree, and tried to haul himself up the white trunk. As soon as he reached the lowest branch, he sat, panting. The air was cold and tasted like the stench that came from a raw infected wound. The ground shook again, and the boom of footsteps got louder. Echo was shivering where he sat, his back to the noise. He pressed himself to the ice-cold tree, hoping his white pelt would blend to the bark-stripped wood and hide him from whatever was behind him. No more noise came. He gathered the courage to claw his way up even more. The tree was smooth and slippery, but it unnaturally allowed Echo's claws to slide into it, making high-pitched squeaks. He climbed and climbed until he passed a branch that must've been as high as the redwoods that guarded the village. The steps sounded again, louder than ever, shaking the tree branches. He stopped dead and pressed himself to the branch. Anxiety rose up in his stomach, tightening his chest and sending adrenaline into his frozen limbs. The steps neared him, shaking Echo so much he had to outstretch his claws into the branch and cling, terrified of the endless drop below him. He shut his eyes, trying to slow his breathing and calm down. When they opened, he gasped as a huge white bone foot that resembled a bird's plummeted onto the black ground. Its talons squished into the mud, sharper than the teeth of a viper. Flooded with fear, Echo had no control anymore. He raised his head to the purple-stained black sky and let out a panicked screech, piercing his own ears. His paws felt numb, with cold or fear, it could have been either.
"Help me!" He tried to yowl, but no sound came out. He looked down to see low grey clouds spread across and cover the far-away ground like fog, sparking with what seemed to be small lightning bolts. A loud crack sounded behind him. Legs frozen, Echo turned his head to look behind him, behind the tree, into the darkness. Whatever was following had found him. It was the owner of those lethal talons. Its head was lizard-like and only bone, disturbing and gleaming strangely. It had two huge curved horns on either side of its head, a third horn sticking out the middle of its forehead. Its eyeless socket opened and a huge, pupil-less red iris gazed into his. Echo's legs wouldn't bend. He could barely breathe. He stood, unmoving as the reptile-like skeleton creature raised its foot and batted through the tree's hard trunk like it was nothing more than water. Screeching, head unclear, Echo plummeted down, into the thick grey clouds.
Somebody save me!
He closed his eyes and braced himself to hit the muddy black soil.
•  •  •
A small paw prodded Echo's side. His eyes flashed open with a gasp, looking up at the shadow looming over him, silhouetted against the darkness of his den. It took him a moment to recognize Icarus, her eyes bright and sparkling. Thank goodness.. He thought. If you had arrived only a few moments later.. Echo hook his head to clear his thoughts. He had strength flowing through his body again. Heaving himself to his paws, he took a long blink, and smiled at Icarus.
"You have no idea how glad I am that you woke me up." Echo meowed, nuzzling her cheek.
"What on earth is that supposed to mean?" Icarus laughed. He noticed her pull away a little.
"Never mind," Echo stood up and shook his fur out. His pelt was ruffled and on-end after the unsettling dream. As he tried to settle the fur, he decided to tell Icarus about the strange nightmare.
"That place sounds almost exactly like the world you found in the tunnels.." Icarus commented after Echo finished the story. She tilted her head to one side. "What do you think it means?"
"I'm not sure. Nothing good.." Echo commented. "We can't let anybody go near there. Ever." He looked down. Icarus gazed at him.
"Nobody will ever know.. We'll make sure of it." She promised. Echo nodded to her.
"Does this mean.." He made a sly face to her. "..Stealth mission?" Icarus stared at him.
"Hey, as soon as we get our marks, we can go wherever we want on the territory without being questioned about it!" She meowed. "Which means, technically, it isn't rule-breaking, or a stealth mission." She padded out of Echo's den. "Come on, the sun should be making its way up soon. I heard that Icicle is going to be getting her marks today too!" Echo followed her out into the cool mist of dawn. He looked up to see the early-morning dark blue sky, which was brightening as the sun rose. He stretched his legs and padded towards the wolves' den.
"I'm going to see if Mercury's up yet," Echo meowed behind him.
"Alright. I'll see about Blossom!" Icarus called back as she bounced off to the young badger's den. Echo padded over to the wolves' den and bent over to look inside. Mercury wasn't in her nest. Feeling slightly confused, he turned around and headed towards Blossom's den, which was almost right next to Raven's. On his way he passed Copper, who was guarding the Emperor's den. Echo could hear Mercury and Raven speaking softly inside. Copper's ear twitched as he noticed Echo's presence. He fixed Echo an unfriendly glance, annoyance flickering in his sun-coloured eyes.
"Have you anything better to do than eavesdrop? Move along and let them speak!" He growled, waving his tail in dismissal. "You aren't allowed in."
"Sorry.." Echo mumbled before turning his back on the eye-rolling brownish-red wolf, and stalked off towards Blossom's den. Icarus bounced out, followed by the rose-tinted badger. "Good morning!" Echo mewed.
Blossom gave him a soft nod in return and strolled towards Raven's den. She entered, signalling the other two to stay put at the entrance. Copper leered at Echo through the tunnel. Clearly, he hadn't let go of his irritation. Whatever.. Echo shrugged. Icarus lowered her head towards him.
"So, have you thought about what your special magic skill might be yet?" She asked. Echo's neck fur stood up and his paws froze to the ground.
"I completely forgot about that!" He gasped. He hadn't thought about it for months. At the end of a member's training, it is given one specific magic they request, more powerful than the others. By the time they had earned their final marks, members would be granted this magic. Anxiety sparked in his stomach for a moment. "Oh no, what am I going to do when Raven starts performing the spell for our final marks?! Am I not going to have a special power? Will I even be allowed to earn my final marks? Am I going to be incomplete foreve—" Icarus lifted her front paw and pushed it directly in front of his snout.
"Echo.." She spoke softly, "You're over-stressing it." There was meaningfulness and amusement in her golden eyes. "And... talking too much. You'll do fine, just choose what seems to speak to you most." Echo wasn't fully convinced. At that moment, Blossom emerged from the den.
"You may come in now. Raven is ready to see you." She told them, turning around and reentering the den. Echo and Icarus followed her in, Echo shooting one last smug look to Copper as they entered. Can't go in? He mouthed. He heard a frustrated snort from just outside the ivy wall and couldn't help but purr in amusement. Icarus glared at him.
"Smarten up, Echo," She whispered sternly. "You can't act like a kitten forever!" She paused. "Come on.." With a flick of her tail, she bounded over to the three older members sitting near the den wall.
Raven looked up, his dark beady eyes leering at the two smaller cats.
"Where's the third one..?" He growled. Just then, another young cat flew through the entrance, skidding to a halt beside Echo and kicking up a cloud of dust. Echo tried his best to hold in a cough.
"I'm here!" Icicle panted. Behind her, a well-muscled dark brownish-burgundy lynx with pale yellow marks jogged in at a more controlled pace. He must be Icicle's teacher, Echo remarked thoughtfully. The powerful lynx's grey eyes flashed and he lightly batted Icicle on the ear with a huge front paw, claws sheathed.
"Don't you know a thing about respect?" He scolded. "Next time, don't launch yourself into your Emperor's den like some sort of crazy bird!" He advised. Icicle lowered her eyes to her paws and drove her claws into the ground awkwardly.
"Sorry, Red." She murmured. Raven stood up stiffly and strolled towards the three young cats.
"Well, time waits for nobody," He rasped. "Let's get this over with." Echo's paws were shaking. He didn't expect to feel so nervous. "Red," Raven began, turning to the huge feline. "You have taught Icicle well. Her.." —Raven searched for a word— "Distracted personality must have been a bit irritating to work with at times.." Red let out a short amused purr.
"Not as much as you think!" He chuckled.
Icicle's shoulders shot up in embarrassment and she kept her gaze fixed on the ground. Echo recalled playing with her and Icarus as kittens. It was true that Icicle was always distracted; she was constantly being excited by something new. Raven continued on.
"But it has all paid off well. I can't wait any longer to accept her as a full member of the colony." With that, Raven lowered his head to Icicle. She looked up at him, sensation flowing through her bright blue eyes and sparkled like morning frost. "Have you chosen a skill?" He asked. Icicle nodded in return. Raven touched his nose to her forehead, and all four of her paws were absorbed in light. Echo had to squint his eyes against the brightness until it faded, revealing golden ring-shaped marks around Icicle's paws. Icicle gazed at her new marks, mesmerized. Raven lifted his head back up and nodded to Icicle and her teacher. "Red, you may now show Icicle the new duties she'll need to handle as a full member." He concluded. The brownish lynx nodded, his eyes full of pride in his student as he turned towards the den exit. Icicle dipped her head shakily to Raven before stepping as quietly as she could out of the den. Echo was beginning to wonder how on earth she managed to keep herself from jumping through the thin roof. Icarus shuffled her paws beside him. Anticipation flickered across her yellow eyes as Raven turned his old striped head back to the two remaining cats.
"Icarus, Echo. You've both shown great progress over the course of your training. It is time that you've been given the marks you deserve." Raven turned his gaze to Icarus. "Blossom has already reported your skills, Icarus." He paused to nod at the younger Badger. "It is with great honour that I–" The emperor's words were cut off by Cooper's urgent bark at the entrance. The burgundy wolf's head appeared in the hole, his neck fur on-end. Raven raised his head quickly and stared at Cooper.
"Raven, the shadow creatures are back! By the lake– Some of our members went after them, but Frost's been attacked!" He blurted. Icarus and Echo gasped. Blossom flattened her ears as horror and shock flooded her eyes. Raven continued to stare, his gaze revealing nothing as Blossom stomped towards Copper.
"Where is he now?" She demanded, beaming at the wolf.
"He's being brought through the gate right now." Copper replied. He ducked as Blossom stormed out of the den. Raven stood up shakily and looked at Echo and Icarus.
"The ceremony will have to wait." His tone seemed almost annoyed, but he didn't seem to be in a hurry to help the injured medic. He turned his back coldly and made his way to the exit of the den. Disappointment lingered in Icarus's eyes, but it was soon replaced with determination.
"We have to help the other members fight! Please, Emperor Raven, let us fight alongside them?" She pleaded. Raven stood still for a moment before turning his head back to her with a sigh.
"Very well," he grumbled. "Mercury, go with these two. You too, Copper." He ordered with an ear flap of dismissal. Mercury nodded and padded over to Echo and Icarus.
"Come on, we've got no time to lose." She barked. Her eyes had lost their friendly glow, a bitter savageness capturing her gaze. It discomforted Echo, but he shook it off, nodding and turning to the exit after Raven had gone. Mercury bounded out with the cats on her tail, Copper leaping after them.
• • •

Woohoo, the long hiatus has finally ended! [And no, I'm not talking about Steven Universe ;)]
I almost decided to stop writing this story, but changed my mind, wHoopsies. Anyhoo, enjoy this way too long chapter!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 21, 2017 ⏰

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