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"Suprise!!" Aunt Bells, Uncle Nick, and Caydee, Damon's mom yelled and dropped something over me... I got up immidatley and ran to the bathroom. I just back, afraid of my reflection..

"You threw CAKE all over me!!?" I shouted. They evilly smirked and I started counting...

5, 4 ,3 ,2, 1. I looked in the room and found nothing... I went downstairs..

"Where are you going?" Caydee asked.

"Take a picture." I lied once again.. I found some cake and pit it on the plate...

"You guys, come down here!" I yelled. I hid behind the door frame next to the stairs. I got ready to throw it and Aunt Bells came first so I slammed the cake in her face and ran. I ran outside and just in my luck, mostly everyone in school-that hates me-was walking infront of my house... I froze on the stairs. Damon was gonna say something... Bet you anything... But he didn't. Instead he just had a hoodie on with some shorts and earphones plugged in... He was looking down and He looked like a mess but still managed to look more handsome than ever.

"Haha! Finally showed your real self huh?" A girl from the pack yelled. I shuffled on my feet..

"Hey you should wear that look more often, you look better in it than how you really look..." A guy replied... That was Seth...

"Haha, hell she still doesn't look cute... More like a disformed creature to me..." Tyler said that....

"Leave her alone guys... Its not her fault her parents made her so hideous..." Kyle said that one amd they took it too far, I don't mind if they talk about me but when it comes to my parents across the line... Aunt Bells came out laughing and got me a towel. She went back in but not before saying hi to the ones infront of us.. I wiped the cake off my face with the wet towel.

"Awwhh whats wrong, you don't like your face?" A girl said. I was mad but I wasn't going to turn.. They never saw me in wolf form...

When my face was finally clear Kyle spoke up.

"Eww.. Now I really do feel bad for your parents, no wonder their dead..." Kyle said which cause me to cry... I shuffled on my feet and whiped the tears away.... Damon finally looked up and I thought I saw pain cross his eyes as he saw the tears, but I knew it was just my imagination...

"Aw shes crying.." A girl said...

Caydee came out...

"Oh Damon, what are you guys doing?" Then she gasped when she saw me... "Why, Lexi why are you crying? What happen, dear?" She asked.. I looked at the group and then I turned to her..

"I got cake in my eye, I should probably go and clean up...." I replied going inside and took a shower... I got dressed into some black skinnies and a white t-shirt. I went outside and started walking... This was where I used to live with my parents and now aunt Bells and uncle Nick live there along do I but they travel a lot.... The pack house is next door...

I kept my mind off what Kyle, Tyler, and Seth said... I felt the tears coming back and as I arrived to the school, I knew I didn't want to stay... I went in the forest next to the school and hid behind a bush... I took off my clothes and put them in a neat pile. I shifted and ran with my wolf... I went on a cliff and howled loud.

I went back to the school and noticed everyone was in the parking lot.. School was done and thank god it was Friday... As I was trying to get through I felt the tingles reach up to my shoulder and sparks flew. I slowly turned around and saw Damon turning to look at me with wide eyes. I had the same reflection.. Too shocked.. Damon wad my mate.... I really was living hell...

Damon's P.O.V*

I couldn't go to sleep at all yesterday... Knowing Lexi is gonna get a clue... We were walking and I plugged in my earphones and my pack stopped infront of her house... Lexi's... I looked at the floor for awhile...

Look at her my wolf whimpered.

No. I replied.

Why not? He asked.

I don't want a weak mate. I reject her..


I'm okay with just half of me. I replied. Before he can say anything, I shut him off. I finally looked at her and my heart broke. She was.... Crying. I just wanted to grab her and hold her and tell her everything was gonna be okay. No.. I told myself. Pain shot up to my chest and it hurted... Badly... I went to school and heard the most saddest howl I have ever heard. I had no idea who it came from but it sounded beautiful.... Like a wolf angel... Lexi wasn't at school and it felt so wierd not to make fun of her or pick on her...

On my 16th birthday, I found out about Lexi and I.... Mates... I couldn't tell her... I knew she couldn't feel anything because she was only 15, but now shes 16... And she knows. I dragged her to the woods and she was as frozen as a rock.. She finally snapped out of it...

"You.....Knew..?" She asked quietly. I nodded.

"And... You didn't.. Tell me?" He voice cracked and she took a shaky breathe...

"I don't want..... You as my mate...... I actually don't want anything to do with you... I can't have a weak mate." I said. Tears piled up in her eyes and a few rolled down. I looked at the leaves.

Are you insane!!! What is wrong with you? You don't see that she still wants you after all these years even though you treated her like crap!? My wolf yelled.

I don't want her... She anyways a little ugly... I shut him off. That was a lie. Shes beautiful... But weak and a loser...

"W-why?" She asked.

"I don't want a weak mate or a loser. And I want my kids to have grandparents you know.." I quickly regretted what I said as it slipped off my tongue.. She cried even more and fell to her knees... My wolf whimpered and whined for her but I wouldn't let him make the wrong choice.

No I am not, but you are. My wolf told me.

Maybe I am. But its out now.. I replied.

You don't mean it.. You want to hold her in your arms, pick up her chin tell her i'm sorry and gently kiss her and make pups. My wolf said.

No thats what you want to do. I replied.

us. My wolf argued. Lexi got up and nodded walking away.

Grab her! My wolf yelled. I ignored him and let her walk away.

Lexi's P.O.V*

The words replayed in my mind like the lyrics to a sad song.


Happy 16th birthday! Tell me when you find him!

He texted me. I called him and whiped away the tears.

"Hey! Happy birthday. Did you find him?" He asked.

"Uhm yeah... But can ask you something?" I asked.

"Sure and whats wrong?"

"Is it okay if I accept the offer? To come join your pack? And live with you guys?"

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