What.... On.. Earth.

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I was in a dream. I knew this because of how happy I was. Someone's arms were around my waist and I was wearing a long dress. It seemed to be medieval times. The dress I had seemed to be beige. With a green corset. My hair was all the way up to my bum. I had no idea who was behind me, but there hands were strong. So strong and muscular. There chest was also strong. And wide. Considering that my head was on it. We were on a balcony, looking at the sky. Beneath us was a small waterfall going into a river and leading down. There was a forest and a bunch of space and rocks. There was also a bear and a wolf, fighting it seemed. Until one of them got shot with an arrow. From faraway you can see mountains. With snow on them. Birds... And..




A dragon. It roared, and I bumped into the chest. He groaned at the sight of the dragon and stepped back.

"Stay here!" He insisted. I didn't turn around to look at him. I couldn't. I felt like something bad was about to happen. There were many people on the ground outside, with arrows, and swords, and blades. Some were throwing anything they could find at the dragon. The dragon roared, ice coming out it's mouth. People covered their heads with the shields. Some used big rocks. I saw someone emerging from outside, coming from this building I was in. It was the guy who held me from behind.. I'm going to Call him M for Mystery. He had a buzz cut, and was very tall. About 6 feet 7. He bad a bunch of armor on, and had a shield. He had this sword. It was long and seemed heavy. But He was wide which indicated He was covered in muscle.

My heart was beating fast and the dragon flew. It was right in front of me. But I couldn't move.

"No!" I hear a man call. The same voice who told me to stay here. M.

"Ahh.. Lexi...." I couldn't believe it. The dragon. Was speaking. To me.

His words were hissed, You could barely hear him. So deep and growled.

"You have done... Ssso manyy sssinsss. Itssss time... For you to pay the priceee. it will be Ahzid.... Bitterrrr. You willll be lonellly. And youuu sssshall make the righht ccchhoiceee. Innn mannyyy yearrsss. When I ddiie. I will make sssuure... That I willll pick your fuuuture.. " And with that... He flew down and roared ice out again. "Its Ahzid! The dragon of Fate!" People were yelling and were doing... Magic. Ahzid, the dragon, seemed to be looking for someone. And He seemed to have found who He was looking for.

"Ahhhhhh yooouuu." Ahzid landed, flicking away people with his wings. He roared from the stabs once and awhile, but ignored it.

It wasn't until I saw who He was heading towards, that I panicked.

He was in front of M.

"Hopppefulllyyyy.. Ssshe will make the righht ccchoicceee." And with that... Ahzid took a deep breath, and roared. M was swinging his sword towards Ahzid . But once He realized what Ahzid was doing, it was too late. He tried covering himself with his shield, but the roar reached him. M screamed, yelling out in pain. I was panicking. I ran downstairs, holding onto the dress. I was going down endless of stairs, until I reached the door. When I got out, I didn't see No one... I thought it was too late.. Until I realized it was on the other side. I ran around and realized... It WAS too late. Ahzid killed M.... And I watched as someone blew fire out their hands. And Ahzid fell.. His eyes meeting mine once more... Before closing.

I ran towards M, taking off my shoes in the process. His shield was blocking his face.... And I was crying. I removed the shield and I let out the loudest sob once I saw who it was.

"Mason!!!!!" I had yelled out. A hand went on my shoulder..

"Now we can finally be together. You don't have to sneak around No more." I turned around... And saw it was Damon. I sobbed more and crawled away, going to the river.. Whoever.. I was.. I felt so much pain..

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