In your arms is where I belong

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Lexi's P.O.V*

"Lets go on the farris wheel." I said as we saw the veiw of the carnival. The song by Taylor Swift came on.

"Drop everything now, meet me in the pouring rain, kiss me on the sidewalk, take away the pain, 'cause I see... sparks fly, everytime,. you smile." And as if on cue, it started raining. We walked to the ticket booth and got our bands. Then we headed to the farris wheel and to my suprise we were the only couple as in everyone was with their friends.

We stayed on the ferris wheel while talking.

"Whats your favorite colour?" Mason asked playing with my hand.

"Mmm... Lime green." I said smiling.

"How about you?" I asked laying my head on his shoulder.

"Hot pink." He said with a wink. I laughed.

After the ferris wheel we went and got cotton candy.

"Lexi, I'm going to the bathroom, stay here and don't move, please." He said. I nodded.

"No biggy."

"Good now don't talk to strangers." He said. I rolled my eyes.

I got bored of my cotton candy so I threw it away. I went up in line to go and get a caramel apple.

"What can I get you?" A guy asked. He wasn't so ugly.. Black hair that looks like Justin Biebers old hair.. Blue eyes and muscular. Wait, i'm on a date and i'm checking out a guy? How screwed up was I?

"Yeah a caramel apple." I said. He nodded.

"Lexi?" I heard Damon ask. Wait, What. Damon? Okay now i'm starting to think that hes stalking me.

"Hi." I said and waved.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"I'm with Mason. You?" I asked.

"Here alone. Just wanted to walk around and get some fresh air you know.." He said. I nodded.

"That'll be 2 dollars please." The guy asked. I took out two dollars and payed him. I took a bite and it was like heaven.

"Mmmmm." I said closing my eyes. I heard a chuckle erupt from Damon. I glared at him.

My phone vibrated and I picked up.

"Hello?" I asked chewing my apple.

"Uhm... Lexi. Look i'm really sorry but I can't stay. But you will okay?" He asked.

"Uhm thats okay and why?" I replied.

"Go to where you were before." And with that he hung up.

I wemt to the table and saw a guilty looking Mason with a sorry expression.

"Whats wrong?" I asked.

"I......" He took a deep breathe.

"Met my mate." He said closing his eyes.

"Thats Great!" I yelled and hugged him. But really, I wanted to go over to his little mate of his and slap her across the face. Urg. What am I saying...

"Really?" He asked opening one eye.

"Yeah! Now go and claim herbas yours.." I said with a wink. He laughed and blushed.

"Thanks Lex." He said. After he came out of sight I sighed and sat on the table. Just great.

"Hey, everything okay?" Damon asked. I looked at him and groaned.

"Just leave me alone for 5 minutes." I said and layed on the table. Keywords table, not bench or table bence.

"I know what will make you feel better." He grabbed my arm but I wouldn't budge.

"I don't wanna go!" I grunted getting odd stares from elder people.

"Come or i'll embaress the crap out of you." He said.

I grunted a "Jerk." But still wouldn't move.

"Fine you asked for it." He said and picked me up bridal style.

"Urgh!" I yelled trying to get away.

"Fine i'll just make it easier for me." He said and threw me over his shoulder.

"Drop everything now. Meet me in the pouring rain. Kiss me on tbe sidewalk. Take away the pain... 'Cause I see... Sparks fly... Everytime.., you smile.." She sang in a slow and soft voice.

It was pouring outside and npt even 20 minutes passed. I'm still on Damon's shoulder getting a laugh and weird stares. I just rolled my eyes.

"You know Damon, this is considered kidnapping."

"So." I grunted. And was put down.

"Finally where are w-" I tried saying but was cut off by explosions.

"Fireworks?" I asked. He nodded. We sat on the ground. Well I was laying down.

While I watched the fireworks its like all of my problems just washed away. A heart firework came out and I looked adound seeing everyone but Damon and I cuddling. Then I looked at Damon who was also looking around. I got a glance of his eyes and saw.... Hurt, saddness, and jealousy? No. It couldn't be. Was it? I sighed.

Damon laid down next to me. I tensed but relaxed. Why was I being so stupid about this whole mate thing? Yes he rejected me but now he wants me back and I wont let him in. What good does that cause? Pain? Sadness? Jealousy? Not only to me but to Damon also.

I got laid on my side so that I was now facing Damon. I sighed and continued staring at each one of his features. I then looked around and noticed that Damon was the hottest guy I knew. I turned back to face the sky. Damon put his hands behind his head which mostly filled in the space between us. And yes I am watching his every move.

Without thinkin I laid my head on his chest and snuggle into him. I felt the sparks come and I knew this is where I belonged. This man is the only man who can make me the happiest at my worse. I know that this man is the only man in the world that gives me feelings another man can never make me feel. And most of all-the best thing is that I know I am the only woman in the world that gives him this feeling. Heartbeat increases, sweat forms on his palms and forehead, his eyes sparkle and show happiness.

"Lexi?" Damon asked.

"Damon?" I replied.

"I know I don't have a right to ask but.. Will you go on a date with me?"

Damon's P.O.V*

She laid her head on my chest. My heartbeat increased and got stuck in my throat, my palms and forehead got sweaty and joy filled in every spot of darkness in me. I knew this is where she belomged along did I. Holding her in my arms. I knew I was the only one in the world that can make her feel like this. The sparks and the tingles. I knew that no one can make her as happy as I can. And what tops all of that is that I kmow its exactly the same thing for her.

"Lexi?" I asked.

"Damon?" She replied.

"I know I don't have a right to ask but.. Will you go out with me?"

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