Holding On To You |-/ Tyler

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I crowd of girls hands surrounded mine. Tyler's hand was reaching out to grab a hand for Holding On To You. He looked around until his eyes landed on me. He nodded at me and I screamed a little inside he searched for my hand and he knew he found it when I bit my lip slightly. I was holding hands with my idol.

I sang along with every word to the song. He looked at the crowd but always turned back to look at me. He smiled at me and pulled me towards him. People could notice him dragging me closer and they moved out of the way. "And I'll be holding onto you," he sang while making eye contact with me. The security guards helped him from the crowd and he said something to the guard. The guard gestured for me to come closer so I pushed through the screaming girls to get to the front.

"Tyler has requested to let you go backstage he wants to see you, I'll help you out of the pit and another guard will meet you side stage." The guard helped me out of the pit and gestured what way I should go.

Tyler had his eye on me the whole time. He kept singing but glanced over every few seconds. A guard approached me with a smile. "Are you guys even allowed to smile?" I laughed as the guard chuckled and rolled his eyes at me.

"Tyler wants to talk to you after the show you can watch the show from side stage over there. Just dint break anything or bring any attention to yourself," the security guard smiled as I felt a tap on my shoulder. I twirled around and there he was.

Tyler Joseph.

"Hey, Y/N right?" He asked me.

"Yeah, wait how do you know my name?"

"No reason," Tyler nervously laughed as he scratched the back of his neck.

"Can I have a hug?" He spread his arms out and I fell into them. He was sweaty and warm. But I liked it. I felt safe.

"Stay here alright? I'll talk to you later." He ran back on stage for the next song and the crowd erupted in screaming. I felt something in my back pocket and I pulled out a crumpled up piece of ripped lined paper. I opened it up to see Tyler's handwriting.

I watch your YouTube channel a lot and it feels kinda weird saying this but I love you. And I want to get to know you and maybe go on a date sometime.


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