Columbus :..: Josh

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Josh's POV

"Hello?" I answered my phone.

"Hi, it's Mark. I found this girl on YouTube who has been covering a lot of twenty one pilots songs with her two friends and I think it's really cool. I think you should watch a few of their covers. I can get a hold of them and invite them to a concert or something like that," Mark explained.

"What's her name?" I asked.

"the lead singers name is Y/N and there is Y/F/N and Y/F/N too. They are really good I just texted you the link to their screen cover."

"Okay, thanks a lot Mark I'll be sure to check her out after I finish this taco," I chuckled, "see ya." I ate the last few bites of my taco and opened the text from mark. Mark never talks about covers he sees. He usually tells Tyler about them because Tyler writes the songs and has more of an emotional connection to he music, if that makes sense. I was about to assume there is a bomb ass drummer but when the video popped up there were three girls. one had a Cajon, one had a piano and Y/N was holding a ukulele in her hand with a microphone in front of her. She was performing at a high school. I'm assuming her school because you could hear the chatting of everyone behind the camera as they tuned everything up and plugged their amps in and they had a mural of the school logo in the back.

Then I heard this voice that I can't describe. It was mesmerizing, once her mouth opened everyone fell silent in the room and you could hear her voice carry throughout her whole school. She looks out in the crowd and every second her voice grows stronger and more passionate She was definitely trying to prove something here. She was gorgeous as well. Her eyes shown though the nerdy glasses on her face. She loved it up there just like I do. I need to meet this girl. We share the same love for making music and she deserves a big break. She was incredible.

"Mark? I need you to get Y/N and her band to the basement show. Backstage passes as well."

Your POV

"H-Hello?" I stuttered into the phone.

"Hey this is Mark Eshleman, I'm calling you on behalf of Joshua Dun. Josh would like to invite you and your band to the basement show on Tour de Columbus so he can meet you. He is absolutely in love with your covers." Mark explained cheerfully into the phone.

"Really? Is this a joke? Seriously who's calling because this can't be legit." I said into the phone a little annoyed.

"No this is Mark, if you want me too I can get Josh Dun to call you because he would gladly talk to you about your music."

"Sounds like a fair deal. If this is legit, give josh my number and tell him to call me." I chuckled.

"I will get right on that, thank you for your time," and he hung up.

"Now we wait," I mumble to myself as I opened up Instagram. I go to my notifications and see something I never thought would happen.

@ Joshuadun is now following you

"What... WHAT?!?" I yelled in my room as I threw my ukulele on my bed and ran downstairs.

"Ring. Ring. Ring." I picked up my house phone to hear Y/F/N screaming and crying on the other end.


"He followed me too, calm down you're not a special snowflake," I said sarcastically, "Hold on my cell is ringing I'll keep you on here."


"Hey is this Y/N?"

"Yuppers who are you?"

"Josh Dun."


"I wish I was. Anyway I want to personally invite you and your band mates to the basement Tour de Columbus show with backstage passes so I can meet you three. So are you down?"

"Of course, thank you so much sir, I mean Mr. Dun, I mean Sir, I MEAN JOSH HOLY FUCKING CHRIST IM SORRY I JUST LIVE YOU A LOT."

"I understand, it's cute though." Josh Dun just called me CUTE.

"By the way I'm out of high school I am an adult we just play there for events and they pay us." I made clear so he knows HE CAN DATE ME I KNOW IM GROSS BUT MAKING IT AN OPTION.

(Wtf am I writing)

And then they went to the show and Josh and I made the secks. And we lived happily ever after.

I'm sorry I gave up I just don't have inspiration to write. I wanna start a book inspired by my gf because I'm cheesy as fuck. But yeah k bye

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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