New Me |-/ Tyler, Josh, Debby and Jenna

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A/N- I took that fireworks picture last year at my towns spirit week and it was super pretty. I just wanted to let you know.

"10...9...8...7...6...5...4...3...2...1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!" We all cheered as everyone around me kissed their partners. I looked to my right and saw Tyler and Jenna kissing passionately and to my left I watched Debby and Josh do the same. Once they realized I was standing there sipping my glass of champagne Debby gave me a hug.

"Happy new year Y/N," she smiled as Tyler picked me up from behind and spun me around.

"Just because you're single doesn't mean you can't have fun on New Years," he said kissing my cheek.

"What's everyone's resolutions for the year?" Jenna asked excitedly. "Because me and my best friend Y/N are gonna start working out together."

"I ne-" Jenna put her finger over my lips.

"You'll thank me when the guys are crawling all over your bikini body this summer," Jenna laughed putting her arm around me.

"Well, that may interfere with my resolution," I sighed looking down at my feet. "I want to be my true authentic self this year. I want to stop thinking about how people might react. It's who I am and I want to embrace it," I said triumphantly.

"Okay, I'm lost," Josh murmured.

"I'm gay," I mumbled.

"I fucking knew it the day you cut your hair," Tyler laughed. "Nobody is surprised we just wanted to wait until you were ready before we said anything."

"We still love you all the same," Debby smiled giving me another hug. "You are still you."

"Just promise not to vomit rainbows all over the house," Josh laughed as he brought me in for a hug.

"I'm not a fucking snapchat filter dumbass," I giggled wrapping my arms around him.

"Do you really think we would let you be so close to the boys if we thought you were straight?" Jenna asked.

"Very true," I giggled.

"Now lets find you a girlfriend," Jenna laughed. "Trip to the gay club anyone?"

"No, I think I'm good for now guys," I chuckled as we all sat on the couch. I was squished between tyler and josh like always.

"New year, new me," I mumbled.

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