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non-texting chapter; the date; fINALLY

jungkook starts to sweat as he brushes his hair down and smooths out the tips of his brown and pink locks.

he tries to calm himself down as he takes one last look in the mirror.

he's wearing an oversized, pastel blue jumper and white skinny jeans. he finishes off his outfit by grabbing a pair of white converse trainers and slipping them on his foot.

as he's about to walk out his room, he remembers to grab his phone off his drawer. as he reaches to get it, he spots a white and blue flower crown.

he bites his lip nervously as his hands ghost over the top of the flower crown.

jungkook loves flower crowns, he wears them almost everywhere, everyday; but today was different. he was meeting park jimin, the guy he has a huge crush on. what if jimin judges him?

he sighs and decides to just take the risk, grabbing the crown and neatly placing it on top of his head. (a/n; sorry not sorry his outfit is aesthetic).

he flashes a quick smile and takes a photo of himself, posting it on snapchat, the caption being 'date <3'.

jungkook puts away his phone in his pocket, but realisation dawns on him. he's almost late.

he rushes out the door, locking it, and sprints to his car.

he lets out a sigh of relief when he checks the time; 2:45. the date was still in 30 minutes, and the drive to the coffee shop is about 15 minutes.

he starts to make his way to the shop, smiling the whole way.


jungkook arrives at the shop at 3:05. ten minutes early. he clambers out of his car.

he walks in with a proud smirk on his face, he's early, so he could tease jimin about being late.

his smile soon faltered as he saw someone, reflecting the same smirk as him.

jimin was already there.

jungkooks cheeks started to burn up, he thought he was early.

jimin was wearing an oversized white t-shirt and black, tight, leather trousers. (im british so i don't say pants <3)

jungkook was staring openly at jimin, he looked amazing.

the cute jimin he saw before was completely gone.

he realises jimin is staring at him also, a face of slight shock. his eyes widen and the corners of lip turns up as he locks eyes with jungkook.

jimin takes a few steps forward until he's looking up at junkook, the smirk still planted on his face.

"you're more adorable in real life, kookie" jimins voice was raspy and cute at the same time and it was driving jungkook crazy.

jungkook was still in awe as he stared at the shorter in pure adoration.

"you look hot jimin..." he blurts out, unwillingly.

his eyes widen and jimin walks closer to him. "that just slipped out, right jungkookie?" he whispers, teasingly.

jungkook thinks of a comeback and smirks as he replies "maybe, but you're shorter than i thought"

jimins eyes widen as he grabs jungkook by the back of his neck, hands gently pushing the latter forward until their lips were almost touching, breath fanning eachothers mouths.

he stares into jungkooks brown doe eyes and smiles sweetly at him.

"are you saying that because you're shy too say anything else?"

"n-no... of course not"

jimin pecks jungkooks lips and grabs his hand, bringing him up to their table, leaving jungkook a blushing mess with a shy smile on his face.


after hours of flirting, blushing, talking and joking, the two boys were exhausted.

jungkook laid on his bed and shut his eyes, not bothering to change.

today was pretty amazing, he met his crush, jimin, who pecked him on the lips, they were flirting all day, and they may or may not have had a few hugs here and there.

jungkook clutched his pillow to his rapidly beating heart and shut his eyes, smiling, as he falls into a deep slumber.


i want them to fuck. :)

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