The Queen

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It's been 3 years since I crashed here. I haven't found a way off. But I know I'm not in danger. Kong protects us.

I live in the village with the others. Hank found me. Hank Marlow. He said Kong brought me to the village. The people that live there are the Iwi.. They don't talk much, not that I'm complaining. Hank is good enough company to have. As for the King... Sorry, as for Kong. Well I've seen him my fair share of times. We get along to a certain degree. We don't wanna kill each other and we both know that the other one won't try anything.

I'm Victoria Godwin. I went missing 3 years ago but nobody would be able to find me even if they tried. It's impossible to find this place, it practically doesn't exist. Anyone who finds it doesn't usually get past the storm clouds. They were hell when I first got here. Oh! Let me share that little story!

I was 24, just found my working place as a kind of mercenary. The skills I learnt from that helped me when I first got here. We were on a voyage searching for any possibility of new species around the globe. My ship fell out of course. The storm engulfed our tiny ship and I thought we didn't have a chance. I've never come across any of the other crew members... A few were family. My parents. I had had a boyfriend when I was a few years younger but when the war was happening he left and never came back. He was in the military and there was an emergency threat, something about radiation, I'm not sure.

I don't remember us losing control of the ship. I just remember waking up to the Iwi staring at me. They scared me half to death. Marlow told me everything he knew. He saw me on the beach but ran as Kong was doing some sort of patrol. Probably looking for those lizard things. Well apparently he saw me laying there and picked me up and set me down at the gate of the Iwi's village and that they were staring at me wondering why their God brought me. I was treated like royalty until I objected it. It wasn't right for me to be treated like that with people who don't owe me anything. So I started helping out where I could.

The first time I actually saw Kong I wasn't scared. I was fascinated to say the least. He was truly one of the best creations on Earth. Though he was terrifying sometimes, it was only when he was protecting his island. I was on a cliff overlooking the entire island when he saw me. Growled at me but I stood my ground. I looked in his eyes before reaching out and touching his nose. Patting it with my hand. He eventually picked me up with one of his large hands and took me back to the village. The Iwi opened the gates and rushed out. Bowing at him, or at least, I thought it was him. When I got back inside they had made beautiful clothes for me. I tried giving a few to the other women but they wouldn't have it. I was then sat down in the village leaders chair as a crown was placed soon my head. I remember laughing at Hank's words.

'They think you're a queen. Because all queens wash up on the shore apparently.'

I smile at the memories. In their drawings they use their little English to spell 'Queen' when I'm present in them. Though, I wish they wouldn't. Despite having an amazing time here. I just want to go home. I doubt there is one for me to go back to at this point.

I'm sitting at the top of the wall to the village, where I sit every night. I climb up to watch the gorgeous colours of the sky. I wish I had my camera. Unfortunately it was lost at sea with the rest of my belongings. I hear a whistle and look down. Hank motions me to come down and I join him back on ground level.

"Make sure to be ready for tomorrow." He says as we walk around.

"What's happening tomorrow?" I ask him in confusion.

"People are coming tomorrow." I look at him in shock of his words.

"How can you be sure?"

"They've predicted it. So just, look less... Scary. More like a Queen." He motions to my tattered jeans and tank top, gun and knife attached.

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