Reena - Fork in the road.

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Isla is back and she's never looked better. Her hair is longer, and even though I thought it couldn't get blacker, it's jet black now. She just looks great, while I just look fat.

She has always been one of the most beautiful people in the school, and while her attitude was not the best, everyone tolerated her. Hell, some even wanted to be like her. And then she was with Reed, and then her whack attitude did not seem so bad. Reed always caused the best to show in people, around him she was less evil.

Now that she doesn't have him around, I'm afraid there won't be anyone or anything to keep her bad side in check, and with Amilda and Alyssa, I know things are only going to get worse. It's been three days since she came back and tried reclaiming Max, even though she broke up with him.

When I saw her, I literally felt my heart stop because at that moment I knew I could lose Max. After all, she's the girl he loved for years and still does, maybe not the same way before they broke up but I know he still does. You can't just forget about someone you've loved after loving them for a long time.

I never thought he would ever choose me, I always thought if he had to decide then it would be her, and I was surprised when he shut her down for me. I'm still surprised, but in the back of my head, there is something telling me that he only did it because of the baby. Like, me carrying his child was the major factor. I wish I could say for sure he loves me completely but every time I think about it, I can't bring myself to believe it, and especially now she's back, I feel even more uncertain about him staying with me.

Today, I have an appointment to see how the baby is developing and while I'm excited to see, I'm also nervous. After all, that's happened in the past months I'm really hoping none of it has affected the baby. I need her to be okay.

After school, Reed waits for me by my class and even its finished he comes in and takes my bag. When he moves to the door and notices that I still haven't moved, he comes back and sits in front of me with a furrowed brow.

"Hey, what wrong" he runs his hands through my hair and holds my chin up, and looks me in my eyes.

"Reena. She's fine." I shake my head and bite my lips.

"You don't know." A tear escapes and I wipe it away.

"Babe, please. She'll be okay." When I look up and give him a small smile, he gives me a kiss on my forehead and pulls me up. "Let's go."

As we walk towards the exit I notice Alyssa and Amilda waiting by Reed's car. When they see us approaching, they smile and start whispering.

I take a tiring sigh and slow my pace. "I can't do this today."

Reed stops and looks at me, "Stay here."

When he goes to them, their stares move to me and they begin to grin. From where I'm standing I can't tell what they're saying and I'm not at all interested either. I just wish they would leave so I can sit, I'm getting tired just standing here plus my feet hurt.

It doesn't take long though because the next few minutes they leave and I move to the car.

"Do I even want to know?" I ask once I'm seated in the car.

"Isla, she still wants to talk." He comes in and sits for a few minutes, then he starts the car and starts to reverse. Once we're on the road, he takes my hand and squeezes it. "I know you're getting tired of this but please, believe me, I only want you."

When I don't say anything he stops the car and shuts it off. "Reena, I'm serious."

I take a deep breath and look down at my round belly. "It's not that I don't know that, but at the same time, I know you have feelings for her, and well...." I sweep my hair back and rub my temples. "I don't blame you for that because I know she was the one and that's why I can't help but think you'd choose her over me."

He pulls me over and hugs me, then he restarts the engine and continues to drive. "I would not choose her over you. She's my past, you," he looks over at me for a quick second and smiles. "You're my present and future."

I return the smile and hold his hand, then place it on my belly.

"Forever," I say and he rubs my belly as he comes to a stoplight.

"Even when you're tired of me?" I say with a sad laugh and he places my hand on his. "I'll never be tired of you."

"Mhmm," I mumble with a smile.

"So what did the principal want to talk to you about?" He looks over at me and places his hand on my thigh.

"Well, the obvious. I'm pregnant." I shrug and look down, "I could see he was kind of disappointed about it. He was saying how he still has high hopes for me and wants me to get through my final year with as much ease as possible."


"Yeah, he offered me help. Asked me if I needed any tutors, extra time with my assignments, you know stuff like that."

Reed gives me this incredulous look, "Really? Who knew he'd be so cool about it."

"I know right," I say and laugh a little because I thought he was going to be a lot harsher. What a surprise.

"So who's going to be your tutor?"

I give him this sideways look and he smiles, "You know if I wanted help you'd be the first and last to know. I'm fine. My grades are great and I'm great."

He begins revving the car, "That's what I like to hear."

Before the light changes, he kisses me and I kiss him back.


Happy Reading.

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