Reed - Home for the Holidays

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The minute I drive up to the house, dad comes out holding Claire. I look across at Reena and she's staring at them, with a beaming smile on her face. She quickly takes off her seat belt and is out the car on her way to our daughter. When she reaches up to them my dad hands Claire to her and she starts kissing her cheeks.

I finally kill the engine and exit the car, Sheldon is ahead of me and when my dad sees him, they exchange a warm embrace. Sheldon has always looked up to my dad and in a way, sees him as his father figure, Sheldon likes to say my dad's like the uncle he never had.

Dad gives me a long hug too and when he lets go, I turn to Reena and Claire, who stretches her arms out for me. I give Reena a cocky grin and she rolls her eyes.

"You would think that he's the one that carried her for nine long months."

I laugh, and my dad gives me a wide grin. "She's a daddy's girl, get used to it."

She rolls her eyes again, and passes my dad to go inside the house.

"Can I hold my goddaughter now?" Sheldon says with outstretched arms and I give her to him.

"Hey there Claire-bear."

I furrow my brows, "Claire-bear?" I ask and he shrugs.

"It fits." Claire starts to giggle and he smiles, "See, she likes it."

My dad stares at us for a long second and I can see that he's deep in thought, finally he says, "I use to call Claire that too, whenever she was mad at me." He gives us a warm smile and heads into the house.

"Look I didn't know..." Sheldon looks at me apologetically but I tell him its fine, because I didn't know either.

"I think he's fine with us bringing her up, especially when it leads to happy memories."

"You sure 'bout that?" Sheldon asks and I nod.

When Reena decided on naming our daughter Claire, I didn't know how he would've reacted, but when she told him, he was fine. He was the one that named us after all, so the name meant something to him. Mom also told us that he's always with her, in fact, he has been spending less time in the office to be with her. Something mom has no problem with because he's been happier. He loves taking care of her and she means everything to him.

"When we get inside the aroma sends me straight to the kitchen where my mom and Reena are busy talking and by the sink, when she sees me her eyes light up and she makes her way over and gives me a hug.

"You've lost weight."

I immediately look to where Sheldon is standing and open my hands; he shakes his head and dips into his pocket where he places a $20 bill.

My mom slaps the back of my head and moves to Sheldon who she hugs as well.

"You guys made a bet, just like always."

She moves back to the sink and she and Reena continue their discussion.

I'm almost certain it's about school, that's all mom ever talks about. I always try to avoid that talk with her.

"Okay Dad, so who else is going to be here?"

After what happened last time, we definitely know who not to introduce, but I still want to know who is coming.

"Oh just a few people."

I give him a blank stare and he continues.

"Reed a lot of people want to see the baby."

"Fine, as long as it's not Elizabeth and her stupid kids." I look to where Reena is but she's still talking with my mom, and Sheldon is sitting in the couch watching cartoons with Claire.

Dad looks to them too, then he moves outside the room and I follow. "Look, I understand, after what they did, I would never allow them anywhere Reena or Claire. You know this."

"Okay, but what?"

My dad shakes his head, "But nothing son. They aren't coming and I made it absolutely clear that if anyone was going to come and make a repeat of what happened last year, then they were to stay at their homes."

I relax a little, and he smiles. "Lucas will be here soon, not sure about Summer, she's overseas after all."

"Yeah, she told me about that."

"This Christmas will be great; after all it's Claire's first Christmas, as well as you and Reena's first Christmas as parents."

I smile and nod and we start to make our way back to the kitchen, then he stops me. "Just so you know, I'm very proud of you. From the beginning you dealt with the whole thing as a man, you were there for Reena during it all and you treated her with love and respect. She's lucky to have a man like you."

I drop my head and try to control my emotions, when I finally look up I hug my dad. "It was easy because you've always been a great example. You and mom have taught me well and I don't know where I'd be if it wasn't for you guys."

My dad pats me on the shoulder and smiles, "It's good to know you appreciate our efforts. I know you'll be a great father to Claire."

"That's all I could be."

Reena head pops up and she looks at the both of us, "You guys having a moment?"

Dad looks at me then walks to the kitchen, "You guys okay?" She asks and I nod.

"Just a father son moment."

She smiles and hugs me, "I love that the most about you guys. The bond you two have, it's really something special."

"It is. He's more than my father, he's also my best friend. Don't let Sheldon know though."

She laughs, "Trust me, I won't." We embrace and she drops her head to the side, "So, you wanna go upstairs and take a shower?"

"We could wait -" I stops when I catch the look on her face, and I grin.

"You better not be thinking what I think you're thinking."

She gives me a smirk, "And what is that Mr. Max?"

She runs her finger across my lip, her eyes never leaving mine and bites her lip, "We really shouldn't. Your family could show up at any moment."

"Well, I guess we should make use of the time we have now."

And just like that, she pulls me up to my room.


Sorry about the late update, I just finished exams. Thanks for remaining ever so patient with me.

I hope you guys like this.

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