Reed Max - Only One on my Mind

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Note: Picture above is Reed Max!! Hope you like it.

: )


I've called Reena nine times and I know for a fact she's avoiding me, especially since she hasn't been at school after we that night and that was last week. It's Wednesday and I'm losing my mind. I grind my teeth from the anger and frustration because I know why, it's obvious she regrets what happened. She probably blames herself for what happened and hates how I acted during her moment of weakness. I just know I shouldn't have gone through with it but I couldn't help myself.

"Shit!" I growl and slam the car door as I sit and start the engine. I wipe my face with my hands and drop back into the seat. I just I shouldn't have slept with her but I did anyways and just what I was afraid of happening, has happened.

What I should do now is drive to her house and explain to her that I do care for her, after all, I have for quite some time. But what I don't want to do is show up and make her feel even more uncomfortable, causing an even greater divide between us.

I sigh once more and try to stop my brain from overthinking. It's not like we're together, even if I wish we were.


I should be at training but I can't because the only thing on my mind is Reena and I can't stop thinking about her. I open my phone once more and hit redial but end the  when I see Sheldon approaching. He has a worried look on his face which I don't blame him for, me ditching training is unheard of.

"Yow." He says coming to the window.

I nod and he frowns. "You wanna tell me what's up or I'm just to assume?"

"Assume what?" I simply say and he narrows his eyes at me.

"Man something's up. You ain't acting right. We're friends, you can tell me."

Can I? I ask myself and I quickly hear a resounding yes in my brain. Sheldon has been my friend way before anyone even knew who I was.

Shutting the engine off, I open the door and exit. Leaning against the hood of the car, I scratch my head and try to figure out where to start. I decide then and there I shouldn't tell him about me and Reena having sex. That's between us.

"Reena Waters," I say and his eyes widen, then he grins.

"So it's about a girl. What she do man?"

"Nothing. You know I like her and well she likes me too but she thinks I'm like that jerk, Riley."



"So what you gonna do about it?"

I sigh. "I've been trying to call her but she isn't answering. And I don't know but, I just can't shake this feeling that something's wrong."

"Man c'mon, she just needs some time. Maybe she's all cooped up thinking if she should give you a chance or not. You know how girls love to think."

I do know, but I still can't shake the feeling. I need to see her.

"Okay," Sheldon says with a resounding sigh. "Let's go see her then."

"I don't think that's right, she might think I'm being pushy."

He looks at me, like really looks at me and grins even harder. "Shit. You really like her."

I don't say anything I just look down at the phone in my hand. Sheldon grips my shoulder and I look up at him.

"Call her then man. You're driving me crazy." He shakes his head and lets me go.

I dial her number and put the phone to my ear. It keeps ringing and just when I think it's going to go to voicemail again I hear a voice.

"Hello, Reena?" Sheldon gives me a thumbs up and I smile, relieved. "Reena" I repeat and the sound on the other end causes me smile to fade away. Someone's crying and the way how their voice sounds makes me know something in fact is wrong. My heart immediately sinks further when I can make out what the person is saying.

"Please. Reena baby. Please get up! Oh my God, my baby! Reena!" The talking stops with a scream followed by the phone going dead.

When I finally do look up from the blank screen, Sheldon's eyes are on me and they're as wide as mine. He runs to the other side while I climb in and start the car, then we're off speeding to Reena's house. My feet don't come off the gas the entire time. Sheldon is beside me telling me to slow down but I can't.

"Shit!" I know I should've gone. I knew something was wrong. Fear grips me and I know I'll never forgive myself if something happened to her.

I try my best to not think what could be wrong because I'm already on the edge of losing my mind and I need to keep focus, no matter how hard it is.

When I see Reena's house coming up, I breathe a sigh of relief as my heart slows it's lurching against my chest. I look up to the doorway and that's when I see a man walking suspiciously from the house. It sets me right back on edge. He walks up to his car but before he gets in his car, he turns to look at us then quickly gets in and speeds off. I and Sheldon look at each other the same time. I bring the car to a halt and I fly from the seat and race up to the door. I swing them both open, shouting Reena's name.

I hear a voice and I run to where it's coming from.

My knees go weak at the scene before me.

Reena is lying on the floor in front of the stairs. There's flooding pooling from the back of her head and some running down her nose. The woman who I suspect is her mother is crouched over her crying her eyes out. I land on my knees next to her and when Ms. Waters turns to look at me I see that her face is badly bruised.

"She's not waking up." Is all she says then begins to sob.

I don't even wait a second before I pick Reena up and rush out the door, passing Sheldon whose eyes are as big as light bulbs. "What the hell man, is she okay?"

"Drive!" I shout at him getting in the back. He jumps in and we're off to the hospital.

The entire drive I keep telling Reena to hold on and that it's going to be okay. When I lift her head off my arm I notice the blood and it's soaked into my shirt and pants, and that's when the tears come.

"Oh God," I say as we continue driving. "Please be okay, please be okay." I whisper under my breath.

Sheldon is saying something to me but I can't hear. I can't hear anything because all I can see is the events of last week. Her smile, her bright eyes.

The car comes to a stop and Sheldon comes around, he takes her from me and I'm shaking as we burst into the emergency room of the hospital. Sheldon screams for help and a nurse comes running to us with a gurney.

Sheldon places her on it and another three nurses come forward. They begin flashing lights in her eyes and just when I think I can't take it anymore, I watch as they begin administering CPR. My knees go weak and I drop to the floor as they wheel her off.

Sheldon drops beside me and holds me but it does nothing to comfort me. Nothing at all because it's not his warmth I want to feel next to mine, it's Reena and I don't know if I ever will.

Thank you for reading!!!

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