Reena - Preparing for Prom

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I'm just a couple weeks away from my due date and I'm just honestly just over the moon that I am finished with my exams. Becuase of my condition, I was given the option of doing the exams sooner than anyone else, I just had to sign a binding agreement that I would not tell anyone about it. Of course, the only person that knows is Reed and his parents, and no one else. Reed also understands and isn't bothering me about it either, the only assistance I'm giving him is helping him with studying which is turning out to be easier than I thought, well sometimes. Reed knows what he's doing but he gets distracted and would rather rub my feet and lie with me, rather than study.

"Babe, you need to study." Reed is on the couch massaging my feet, not paying attention to anything I'm saying with regards to school.

"I am studying." He starts using his thumb and I take a very deep breath and try not to get too relaxed.

"Look," I slap his hand away and throw a notepad at him. "I'm serious."

He pouts at me before finally deciding to take all of this seriously. "I only have two exams left, and they're good. I'm honestly good."

"You sure?" I say eyeing him strongly and he nods and smiles.

"Graduation is on the 17th by the way." He gives me a wink and I look down at my bulging belly and give it a poke. 

"Stay in there." He grabs my hand and places his there. "Do whatever you want baby girl."

I laugh.

"Oh, and Prom is next week."

I laugh and get up from the couch and walk into the kitchen, to get a glass of fruit juice. "I ain't have a dress, plus I'm pregnant." 

"Well, you should get ready, mom is taking you out to get a dress."

I spin on him, coughing in the moment as the juice stops at my throat. "What?"

"My mom is taking you out to get a dress."


"Yes, so get ready." His phone chirps and he walks up to me to show me the text his mom sent. "See, go."

He finally takes the empty cup from me and slaps me on my ass. "Go." 

I roll my eyes and make my way up the stairs, very slowly. When I get to the room, I start undressing and get into the shower. I wash my hair and when I finally get out, Reed is in the room on his laptop. 

"Mom's downstairs, waiting."

I sigh and sit on the bed, taking a breather. "I just need a minute."

I lie down and he comes over, a concerned look on his face. "You okay?"

"Your child is sitting on my kidney." I take a shaky breath and rub my side. "She's still turning I guess."

He keeps staring, and I give him a small smile as I get up. "I'm fine. Help me get dressed."

He throws me his big shirt and some tights, while I try to put on my underwear. "I've ruined all your shirts."

"I wouldn't have it any other way." He kisses me and throws me a bra, I toss it back. 

"Later." I move to the door and he gets up, "You know I'm seeing you through the door." 

I smile and hold out my hand, he helps me down the stairs where his mom is waiting.

"Reena, you ready?"

I look down at what I'm wearing, "As ready as I'll ever be."

She takes a hold of my hand, "As long as you're comfortable." I give her a warm smile. 

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