Chapter Twenty One.

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I was told he is dead. He's supposed to be dead how the hell is he in front of me? This isn't real? It can't be!

I know he's my farther I've see the photos and he doesn't look like he's aged a day since I was born. I look at him confused and shocked. He simply smiles and starts walking around me.

"You did grow up well, a fighter like your mother!" He stated I felt like his words were lies and it pained me for him to talk about her so casually.

"No, you're dead. This isn't real." I mumbled a laughter erupted from his throats and I stared at him confused. "Oh, my child I never died" he said in between laughs.

"What?" I shouted trying to stand my ground and not act scared.

"When demons came to kill me and your mother they didn't actually come to kill us." He said walking around me in circles "they came to kill you and your mother" I looked at him confused "because I said to..."

What. My farther tried to kill me!

"You killed her." I whispered in shock. How could he do that! "It was her or me and I wasn't ready to die" he stated.

I know the devils is supposed to be evil but I felt sick thinking about the betrayal. She trusted him and he killed her so he could stay evil. But how am I alive if he tried to kill me too.

"Your mother put a curse on you which saved you, you can't die, she cursed you to walk the earth until the end of time." He smiled and stopped walking and stood face to face with me.

I can't die?

"Join me my darling you were always born to rule, right next me. Join me in hell kora we could rule together we could kill together!" He smiled. I couldn't focus on the words.

I can't die.

I cant die...

"We could be strong and we could be a family-" he shouted

one word snapped me out of my thoughts and i felt nothing but pure rage and anger boil inside of me...

"A family! How dare you even say that word! No, we can never be a family, you made that decision when you tried to kill me and you killed my mother! You're better off dead." I spat at him and his smile dropped from his smug face.

"You may not be able to die child but I can hurt you... choose your words carefully" he said moving his hand behind him and I'm assuming he's grabbing a weapon. I smiled and simply pulled out a small black demonic blade out of my back pocket and a normal throwing knife out of my other pocket.

He pulled two long sword like blades out and twirled the around in his hands. He smiled and walked forward and I could hear the blades cutting through the thick heavy air.

"Come on girl fight you Dad!" He smiled lunging forward with a blade I took a step back and span to the left dogging the blades. But the more I dogged the more it fueled his attacks.

I tried to calm myself and catch my breath but the second I stopped moving he immediately locked his eyes with mine and started sprinting towards me. So, fast that I nearly missed seeing him.

My body seemed to react on its own, without conscious thought. I simply slid to his right, opposite to the direction he had been sprinting towards me. He stumbled past me and I managed to cut him, but it was not with the demonic blade. He stopped and whipped the small cut that was on his left cheek.

He simply laughed and started running at me again. My vision blurred as the battle resumed. He spun cutting my arm slightly, I tried to let the pain get to me as I continued dodging and diving out of the way.

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