chapert 4

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As I entered the room everyone greeted me. I felt blessed to have such wonderful friends.

"Omg I missed you so much!!" Selena said

"It seems like it has been forever!" Jennifer said

"I know I miss you guys so much!!" I said

"Ya considering you never check your DM's on Instagram." Ashley said

"I don't because so many people text me. You guys now how it is with the fans and stuff." I said

They all nodded there heads in agreement. As we all sat down I turned towards Madi who was sitting on the other side of the room. She looked pretty she was a little bit to skinny, bright Blonde hair that is strait and long, looked like she had a fake tan.

"Hi nice to meet you I am Vanessa, I have been friends with Justin since sixth grade." I said

"Ya he has told me so much about you and how you left him for your dream and not considering him one bit." Madi said

Ya I could tell we aren't ganna get along. Selena gave a look and whispered 'can I beat her now'. 'No' I whispered back.

"So how long have you and Justin been dating" I said trying to start a conversation.

"About a month. We meet at a club." Madi said

"O wow when you meet a girl at a club you know the relationship is ganna last forever." Jennifer said

I started laughing a little then everyone else did to. The boys, my family, and Justin's then came  in.

"What ya'll laughing about" Chaz said trying to act girly

"O nothing just girl stuff" Emily said

"Ok" my mom said

We all took a seat and talked to one another.  Turned out a lot has happened since I was gone. As it turned dark Justin, his family, and Madi left. Then Ryan and Chaz. Which left me and my girls. We were having a sleepover  I love when we have sleepover's you never know what will happen.

After the movie we watched ended we all got our PJ's on and went in my room.

"So wanna play truth or Dare" Ashley said

"Sure" all of us said

"Truth or Dare... Selena" I said

"Truth" she said

"Who do you have a crush on?" I said

"Ummm... The Weekend" she said

"Awwww" we All said which caused her to blush bright red.

"Truth or Dare.... Jennifer" Selena said

"Dare" she said

"I dare you to.... Drink this water" Selena said pointing to a water by my dresser.

"Omg that has been there for over 2 years" I said laughing

Jen took a few sips and throw it away. After we played truth or dare we went down stairs and searched the kitchen for food. I swear my friends eat the weirdest stuff like Pickle juice in Popcorn. After we ate some food we all went and brush our teeth and took off our make up. Then we went down stair and put on the Titanic and then Dirty Dancing. I love those movies my favorite classics. By the time we were done watching our movies it was 2:00 in the morning!! So we headed up to bed. Ashely slept with me, Jen and Sel slept in the guest room. And we left Emily down stairs cause she wouldn't wake up.😂

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