chapter 21

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                   Justin's POV

The Past week I have been leaving early to go to the studio and I have been working on my album but also going to clubs after. Yes I have slept with a few girls I feel really bad for not telling Vanessa but I slept with this one girl and I think I am falling for her. Her name is Sandra. She is super sweet and I just am falling for her all together. I just don't know how to tell Vanessa I feel so bad I don't know what I am gonna do! I hate myself for cheating on her but I really love Sandra. And Sandra doesn't know about Vanessa. I have been sneaking her in the house late at night and tonight I will probably do it again I just don't wanna get caught. I feel bad but Vanessa has to know sooner or later.....

                Vanessa's POV

I grabbed my phone and but baby Simon on my leg. He is so fucking adorable!! I called Emily and asked her to come over she has been wanting to meet Liam and his baby for a while.

"Hey u busy?" I asked

"Nah why?" Emily asked

"Wanna come over to Liam's house and help me babysit Simon?" I asked

"OMG YES BE THERE IN FIVE!!!" she shouted which made my ear hurt.

*five minutes later*

"Hey come on in." I said

"Ok, aww is that him?" Emily asked

"No I just gave birth to a child, of course it's his!!" I said laughing

We both went into the kitchen and grabbed some food. Emily ate some blueberry's while I feed Simon his food. He mostly spit it all over me. After that I took Simon into the living room and played with him a bit then turned on the TV for him.

Me and Emily sat and talked I told her about the whole Justin deal she said she doesn't really talk to him that much and that she felt supper bad. I asked her how things were with her and Niall apparently there just freinds and she is dating Harry know. I felt happy for her. I probably don't have a boyfriend anymore. It is just so frustrating! And it makes me super depressed, and angry, sad, and so many other stuff I just feel like a wreck. I decided to call Justin. I aksed Emily to keep a eye on Simon and I went outside and called Justin.

"Hello?" I asked

In the back I heard someone moaning 'Justin' in the back. I was basically balling my eyes out then I shouted.

"FUCK U ASSHOLE!!" really mad then I heard his voice.

"Vanessa??" He said

"FUCK U GET YOUR STUFF OUT OF MY HOUSE AND LIVE AT YOUR WHORES HOUSE!!" I shouted then hung up and threw my phone it hit my car. I went to check it out there was a little dent I stared at my car for a while thinking...... I grabbed my keys and told Emily I was going to the store. I went inside my car and drove away to a gas station.

I parked my car and went outside and went into the store.

"Hello how may I help u today?" A big guy asked

"Yeah  can I have a pack of cools?" I asked (cools is cigarettes)

He gave me them and I paid and went into my car. I carefully unwrapped the plastic and crumbled it up and threw it out the window. I made up my mind I have to start again. I used to smoke when I was going through something bad or was really depressed. I haven't smoked for five year but I am broke again... I pulled out a cigarette and pulled out my lighter I lit it up and slowly inhaled it. I blew it out and had coughing attach. After my coughing died down I took another deep breath in.

I am so pissed at Justin. I can't believe Vanessa started smoking again I feel so bad for her. Hopefully Justin will Learn his mistake.

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